Toxoplasmosis: symptoms in children. Diagnosis and treatment of toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is a contagious disease that is caused by intracellular parasites. The transmission path of parasites is alimentary. It affects the nervous system, skeletal muscles, myocardium, liver and spleen. There is a congenital and acquired toxoplasmosis. Symptoms in children depend on the degree of damage to the body and the ability of the immune system to withstand the disease. The disease has a tendency to become chronic. This article talks about toxoplasmosis in children. Symptoms, causes and diagnosis of the disease are also detailed in the relevant sections of the material.

toxoplasmosis symptoms in children


Toxoplasmosis belongs to the group of diseases that have a natural foci, and is characterized by a fairly wide range of hosts. Wild animals β€” rats, hares, monkeys, and also domestic animals β€” cats, dogs, and cows β€” become ill with toxoplasmosis. Due to the very close contact of these animals with humans, humans become infected. Also, infection occurs through dirty hands. Toxoplasmosis (symptoms in children are described in detail below) is often transmitted to children with animal meat and with chicken eggs.

The causes of the disease

The causative agent of the disease is the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite has dimensions of about 5x3 microns, and in shape resembles an orange slice, one edge of which is sharpened more than the other. Toxoplasma reproduces asexually in various tissues of the host - the liver, placenta, central nervous system. Due to immature immunity, children in the womb are unable to withstand such a dangerous parasite as toxoplasmosis. Symptoms in children infected from the mother during pregnancy do not manifest themselves in a way that is visible to the mother. It is believed that if the disease is in an active stage in the mother, then the child is sick.

symptoms of toxoplasmosis in children

The main sources of infection

Toxoplasma oocysts are found in the ground, children's sandbox, cat's toilet, as well as in meat and eggs that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment.

Very often, children become infected from domestic cats and dogs, after eating poorly cooked meat and from infected animals.

Congenital Toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is divided into two types: congenital and acquired. A congenital variant of the disease is transmitted to the baby in the womb. This situation is very dangerous for the baby's health. So, the transmission of the disease in early pregnancy almost always leads to spontaneous abortion. In the case when infection occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus often receives irreversible damage to the central nervous system. In such cases, doctors send the pregnant woman for a preterm birth. Pregnancy can be relatively favorable in cases when toxoplasmosis in children was detected in the third trimester. Symptoms of the disease in this case can be identified only at the birth of the baby. Manifestations are possible in the mother, however, they cannot always be differentiated from the common cold, since in adults this disease proceeds quite softly and imperceptibly. Detection of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women usually occurs by chance, during the delivery of routine tests. Symptoms of toxoplasmosis in children can be noticed only after birth. Children infected in utero in the third trimester of pregnancy have a fairly high chance of recovery without critical complications.

toxoplasmosis in children, symptoms, causes and diagnosis

Acquired Toxoplasmosis

This type of disease is much less dangerous for the child and in most cases can be successfully treated or regresses independently. Without treatment, the disease can also become chronic. Young children with toxoplasmosis can tolerate this disease in acute and chronic forms. The second is diagnosed less often, as it often proceeds without clinically pronounced symptoms. The acute form of the disease is difficult, but successfully treatable.

Diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis

Doctors try to cover in detail the problem of infecting children with a disease such as toxoplasmosis. Symptoms, analysis, treatment in children are described in detail in popular science articles and magazines for mothers. However, due to the fact that the disease most often proceeds without pronounced clinical signs, mothers do not notice its onset and mistakenly take the symptoms of toxoplasmosis in the acute period as ARVI.

To diagnose the disease, a serological blood test is performed to determine the antibodies to the pathogen. An auxiliary role in the diagnosis can be provided by examination of the fundus, assessment of ECG and EEG, X-ray of the skull, as well as the study of affected muscles.

toxoplasmosis in children disease symptoms

Symptoms of Toxoplasmosis

The incubation period after ingestion of toxoplasma lasts from 2 days to 3 weeks, but can be extended to several months. The duration of this period depends on the activity of toxoplasma, the state of immunity of the child and the massiveness of the infection.

Toxoplasmosis in children symptoms (treatment, causes of occurrence are described in detail in this article) in the acute period has the following:

  • a sharp increase in temperature to + 38C;
  • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
  • weakness, headache and drowsiness of the child;
  • chills, muscle pain, joint pain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • generalized maculopapular rash on the surface of the skin;
  • swollen lymph nodes throughout the body;
  • violation of the eyes - can be expressed by clouding of the lens or squint.

All these manifestations of the disease indicate that a large number of parasites have entered the child’s body, and children's immunity is not able to cope with the pathogen. In this situation, the child requires immediate treatment.

toxoplasmosis in children symptoms treatment causes

Toxoplasmosis in children, symptoms, types of this disease are very similar to the manifestations of many diseases known to mothers - SARS, flu. Therefore, for any alarming symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis in children, proceeding in a chronic form, may not manifest themselves at all, however, parents should be alert to the situation when the child periodically experiences mild symptoms listed above.

Disease prevention

Toxoplasmosis symptoms in children are mild, a child without health consequences can live with the disease all his life. However, not every organism is able to withstand the pathogen in due measure, so parents should take care of preventing the disease and protecting the child from infection.

toxoplasmosis symptoms analysis treatment in children

Preventive measures should be as follows:

  1. Pets should be checked periodically for toxoplasmosis.
  2. If there are sick animals in the house, the child's communication with them should be limited to the maximum extent possible. In particular, the child should not have access to the cat's toilet, and cats should sleep only in strictly designated places.
  3. Meat and egg products must be thoroughly cooked.
  4. Children's play areas should be kept clean.
  5. The child must observe the rules of personal hygiene - wash hands before eating and after walking, eat carefully peeled fruits and vegetables.
  6. Pregnant women must be tested for the determination of antibodies to toxoplasma, and newborns should be checked at birth. Seronegative diagnostic methods should be repeated in every trimester of pregnancy.
  7. During pregnancy, a woman should limit contact with animals and be careful about the choice of products.

toxoplasmosis in children symptoms types

Toxoplasmosis treatment

The treatment of the disease is prescribed by an infectious disease doctor or therapist and is carried out under their control. During treatment, indicators of the hematopoietic function of the body, liver tests and indicators of kidney function are strictly controlled.

A set of anti-Toxoplasma drugs usually includes hormone therapy (glucocorticoids), the removal of allergic manifestations with antihistamines. Stimulators of the blood-forming function of the body, sedatives, and vitamin complexes are also used.

Children who have had acute toxoplasmosis, as well as those who have a chronic disease, are regularly examined by a neurologist, optometrist and infectious disease specialist for reinfection and manifestations of complications.

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