Cold mustard tomatoes. Salting of tomato and mustard: recipe

Everyone knows that tomatoes are nutritious and very healthy vegetables, in which there is much of what the human body needs: minerals, vitamins. It is advisable to use them all year round. But how to do it? Thanks to the preservation and salting of vegetables for the winter. In the cold winter season, salted tomatoes are no less popular than in the summer - fresh. Therefore, everyone will be interested to know how you can cook tomatoes with mustard in a cold way.

Recipe number 1

With what pleasure you will eat salted tomatoes made in accordance with this recipe in winter, probably the simplest one as well. Necessary ingredients: ten liters of cold water, boiled or purified, two glasses of granulated sugar, a glass of salt, half a liter of 9% vinegar, 15 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, a tablespoon of dry mustard in a three-liter jar, tomatoes, horseradish, bitter pepper, garlic, dill .

cold mustard tomatoes
Now cook the mustard tomatoes in the cold way. Dissolve salt, aspirin and sugar in ten liters of cold water, add vinegar and mix well until all ingredients are completely dissolved. We lay out washed and dried tomatoes in banks of three liters, alternating with different spices. On the top layer we put a spoon, a tablespoon, dry mustard and pour in a solution. We drop the nylon covers for a minute in hot water and close our cans with them. Salted tomatoes with mustard are ready. We put them in a cool place for storage and after two months you can eat.

Recipe number 2

For those who do not want to part with tasty and juicy tomatoes in the winter, the following recipe is useful. Using it, you will cheer yourself up on a late frosty evening, diversifying your winter dishes. And replenish the body with useful substances, the supply of which is slightly depleted. You will need small or medium fruits that ripen in the middle of summer - in July. Cooking mustard tomatoes for the winter. First of all, they need to be sorted, spoiled, wrinkled, beaten - removed, since they are not suitable for pickling. In this way, Russia is traditionally salted in barrels or jars. So carefully rinse the tomatoes and put them in the selected container.

cold mustard tomatoes
Now we begin to prepare the brine. A 9-10% solution is best for our red vegetables. Pour them containers with tomatoes, add spices. Do not forget what seasonings it is customary to put in tomatoes to Russia. These are cherry or currant leaves, horseradish, dill, black pepper, peas, bay leaf. For flavor and spice, add a few cloves of garlic. Of course, do not forget about mustard. Do not close the lids, leave for ten days at room temperature. The liquid level during this time will decrease, fermentation will occur. Then we roll up the jars and send them to the basement or cellar. Cold mustard tomatoes are ready for wintering.

Recipe number 3, a little discussion

Why is the cold method popular? But because with it, ready-made vegetables have a natural look, do not grow moldy, remain intact and without wrinkles. And the brine will be almost completely transparent, except that a little, due to particles of microflora, may become cloudy. Before, by the way, tomatoes in jars of mustard were not cooked. These are all fantasies of our hostesses. There are different ways to cook pickle and add mustard. The main ones are cold and hot canning. The second option does not differ much from the traditional pickling of tomatoes , but the first is a simple and original way to try pickled tomatoes with mustard. The cold pickling option, as already mentioned, is more profitable in that you can use even very ripe vegetables, they will not burst and will retain their presentable appearance. Below is another recipe for how to cook mustard tomatoes in a cold way.

Ingredients and Preparatory Phase

We need: tomatoes - 2.5 kg, water - one and a half liters, salt - one and a half tablespoons, granulated sugar - three tablespoons, pepper - ten peas, cloves - 5 pieces, bay leaf - four pieces, mustard powder - a teaspoon each desire - basil, dill, sheets of horseradish, cherries and currants. It is recommended to sterilize the prepared jars and lids in advance, since the cold brine will be poured into the same cold preservation.

pickled tomatoes with mustard
This can be done in two ways - a couple, as our grandmothers did, or the most modern. I wash the jars well and put them wet for 7-10 minutes in the microwave or for 10 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 130-150 degrees. Keep in mind that metal covers cannot be sterilized in this way. Rubber gaskets on the rims will melt in the oven, and in the microwave they will spark and damage the device. Therefore, we use the old method - boil them for 10 minutes in water.


We remove the tail from the selected tomatoes and wash it well. We put it in a jar, mixing with spices: dill, leaves of cherry, currant and others. You can add hot peppers or garlic if your family likes hot peppers, but look, don't go too far. With hot salting, tomatoes would have to be poured several times with cooked hot marinade and add a spoonful of mustard at the very end. We are preparing tomatoes with mustard in a cold way, so we do the following. In boiling water, add sugar and salt, a bay leaf and peppercorns.

mustard tomatoes for the winter
Mix, bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool completely. Then pour the mustard, dissolve. The marinade should lighten, then we fill them with cans and roll up the lids. Which, in principle, can be loved, both tin and polyethylene. Store cans in a dark, cool place.

Recipe number 4: pickled tomatoes with mustard. General directions

How many vegetables do you need? About three kilograms of “cream”, just as much fits in two cans of three liters. Also prepare for salting the so-called “broom,” which grandmothers sell in the markets. It includes branches of currants, cherries, dill, fennel and horseradish leaves. We choose the “cream”, they are most used to it, they contain more dry matter and are intended specifically for canning. Make sure that there is no white core inside the tomato. This cannot be allowed. Inside the tomato should only be uniformly red.

Cooking pickled tomatoes

We wash the tomatoes with cold water, cut off the tails. Thoroughly wash the “broom”, cut with a regular knife into pieces the length of a match, mix to make the composition homogeneous. And now we cook pickled tomatoes with mustard. We lay half of the “broom” on the bottom of the cans, throw in the bay leaf - two each, black pepper - ten peas, cloves - two buds, allspice - three peas. We make a saline solution, about 60 grams of salt are needed for each of the cans.

pickling tomato with mustard
Dissolve 120 grams of it in half a liter of boiling water. Do not try to use iodized salt, take the most common - large rock. Evenly, directly on the spices and “broom” pour the hot solution. Now we lay out the tomatoes, we do it without much zeal. Also, at the same time as tomatoes, we send garlic cloves to the jars without peeling them. Above is the remaining “broom”. Top up with cold water and close the capron lid. We shake the jar a bit, turn it upside down, back - so that the salt is dispersed everywhere.

Final stage

We put our cans of tomatoes on the windowsill, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on them. Leave it for three days. The brine during this time will begin to roam.

tomatoes in jars with mustard
We put it in the refrigerator and do not touch it for two weeks, let the tomatoes sour themselves. If you have a basement, then put it there, if it gets colder outside, then go to the balcony. Two weeks later, pickling tomato with mustard is completed. You can open one jar and take a sample. In the case when everything is done correctly, a real masterpiece should turn out. Enjoy your meal!

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