Laser treatment of tonsillitis cannot be carried out in each case. This procedure has certain indications and contraindications that impede the use of this technique.
Thus, the disadvantages and advantages of treating chronic tonsillitis with a laser determine the possibility of its use. The main feature of therapy is a small traumatic effect and painlessness.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
In some cases, it is not possible to eliminate chronic tonsillitis with the help of medications. The physiotherapeutic effect in the treatment of various forms of tonsillitis involves the effect on the mucous lining mechanically, by radiation or by physical fields. The main goal of laser tonsillitis treatment is to stop the inflammation process. The use of such non-drug methods of therapy contributes to the activation of recovery processes in the human body in a natural way.
Learn more about the treatment of tonsillitis with a laser below.
Angina affects the tonsils in the throat and develops under the influence of two factors. The most important is the first, which consists in disrupting the activity of the immune system. The second - bacteria that begin enhanced reproduction, poison the body with toxins, destroy cells that form the tonsils.
If a person has strong immunity, then the body copes with bacteria, the pathology passes quickly. If the protection is weakened, then the process of inflammation becomes chronic, tonsillitis develops. In this case, therapies for chronic tonsillitis become incredibly relevant.
Specialists distinguish several stages of the development of pathology.
The first stage is called compensated, characterized by the development in the tonsils of signs of the inflammation process. It is rather difficult to distinguish the characteristic symptoms of pathology at this stage - it is possible to differentiate tonsillitis from angina solely by frequent exacerbations of the disease.
Subcompensated - the second stage, characterized by the following symptoms:
- Noticeable is the increase in cervical lymph nodes.
- The patient has complaints of pain in the heart, a disturbed heart rhythm.
- For a long period, a depressive state persists, a person quickly gets tired, his performance decreases markedly.
- Body temperature rises to 37 degrees, has a persistent character, can be accompanied by soreness in the joints of the legs, arms, aching in the bones.
- An increase in the size of the tonsils is noted, they swell, cause pain to the patient.
Decompensated - the third stage, which is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:
- The temperature is steadily elevated.
- Objective indicators of cardiac activity reflect a pathological condition.
- Soreness in the joints and heart becomes permanent.
- An exacerbation of concomitant chronic pathologies is observed.
- In the gaps of the tonsils, purulent plugs of a curdled consistency are formed, which are difficult to separate.
- The patient has a fusion of the palatine arches and tonsils, chronic nasal congestion joins.
In addition, tonsillitis is classified as toxic-allergic and simple. Simple tonsillitis in its clinical symptoms resembles ordinary tonsillitis. Toxic-allergic tonsillitis is characterized by the appearance of curd jams and general intoxication of the body.
How is laser tonsillitis treated?
Apparatus for laser exposure can have various purposes. For the treatment of tonsils, coherent radiation is used, which has a certain intensity and spectrum. They carry out the impact with the help of a special nozzle, allowing you to bring the beam directly to the affected area on the tonsil.
The treatment of chronic tonsillitis with a laser has certain specifics. The main points are as follows:
- The laser effect on the tonsils is carried out using a neon-helium emitter.
- The procedure should be repeated twice a year.
- In accordance with the methodology, the radiation power should be approximately 100 MW.
- Each procedure takes an average of four minutes.
- Repeat exposure should be 10 times.
- To irradiate tonsil lacunae, a pulsed-type semiconductor laser is used; its working medium is gallium arsenide.
Otolaryngologists do not recommend treating chronic tonsillitis with a laser for too long. This is due to too strong effects on the tissue.
Doctors have developed special instructions. The main advantage of this therapy is the rapid appearance of a therapeutic effect. Reviews of the treatment of chronic tonsillitis with a laser confirm this.
Therapy Goals
The main goals of therapy are as follows:
- Cleansing tonsil lacunae, removing purulent contents of a curdled character from them.
- Stimulation of regenerative processes in damaged tissues.
- Blocking inflammatory processes.
- Disinfection of the mucous lining.
Complex physiotherapy
In some cases, it is not possible to obtain the effect by only such exposure. Treatment laser tonsillitis must first be agreed with a doctor, who can add a number of other recreational activities. In parallel with therapy, it is often used:
- Equipment with which the tonsils are exposed to a magnetic field.
- The introduction of drugs into the tonsils using electrophoresis.
- The device is a tube-quartz, which affects the tonsils with ultraviolet light.
- The device "Vitafon" for vibrational acoustic exposure.
- Devices capable of generating ultrasound.
- Medicines that enhance the functionality of the immune system.
- Antiallergic drugs that help eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes.
- Purification of tonsil lacunae and their surface from plaque resulting from the process of inflammation, microorganisms, pus by gargling with antiseptic solutions.
Complex conservative therapy of chronic forms of tonsillitis allows us to draw some conclusions:
- Treatment, combining the effects of laser, magnetic field, ultrasound, can improve the condition of the tonsils and the health of the patient as a whole in a fairly short time. However, physiotherapeutic treatment does not exclude the use of medications.
- Obligatory procedures in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in adults with a laser are lavage of the throat, tonsils, their gaps. Rinses allow you to remove the resulting corks of a cheesy character, which is the key to successful laser treatment. The main task of the otolaryngologist is not the choice of a specific method of therapy, but the finding of the most effective combination of several techniques. Improvement of tonsils (debridement) involves long courses of therapy, a change in methods of exposure in order to increase effectiveness.
- The laser method is a fairly new way to treat chronic inflammatory processes in the tonsils. The experience of using this technique proves that laser exposure guarantees a reduction in inflammation and swelling, helps to stop the formation of purulent plugs in the gaps, and increases immunity.
It is worth emphasizing that physiotherapy allows you to get a positive effect only if it is combined with taking various medications.
The name of the treatment of chronic tonsillitis with a laser is interesting to many. This procedure is tonsillectomy.
Laser removal of tonsils
Laser therapy of chronic tonsillitis can be not only conservative, but also operational. The main difference between tonsillectomy by this method and conventional surgery is bloodlessness. However, not every laser can be used for this purpose - it must have a specific device.
Indications for laser tonsil removal
Therapy of chronic forms of tonsillitis with the help of a laser can consist not only in irradiation, but also constitute an operation. Experts are trying to treat tonsillitis with conservative methods, since resection of the tonsils leads to a significant weakening of the immune system. In some cases, the harm from the development of chronic tonsillitis significantly exceeds the probable risks after tonsil resection.
The main indications for tonsillectomy:
- A strong increase in the size of the lymph nodes.
- Disorders that affect the nervous system.
- The development of repeated sore throats more often than once every couple of months.
- Lack of improvement, even with ongoing treatment.
- The presence of allergic reactions to the use of antibacterial therapy.
- Severe exacerbations of tonsillitis.
- The development of complications affecting vital organs.
- Sepsis (blood poisoning), the cause of which lies in ulcers in the glands.
- Violation of the properties of blood, the development of thrombotic phenomena in the jugular vein.
These conditions are necessary and sufficient for the otolaryngologist to decide on the need to remove tonsils.
Contraindications to laser gland removal
In some cases, the patient has causes that prevent laser therapy of tonsillitis and tonsillectomy:
- Destructive lesions of the eye retina.
- Menstruation.
- Pregnancy.
- Congenital bleeding disorders.
- Tuberculosis in an open form.
- Decompensated stage of diabetes.
Laser tonsillectomy technique
Complete removal of the tonsils is possible only by surgery. With laser tonsillectomy, only part of the tonsils can be removed.
The laser removal procedure takes about 20 minutes. The algorithm of actions is as follows:
- The patient is seated in a special operating chair.
- He is injected with drugs for local anesthesia.
- The doctor checks the onset of anesthesia.
- An instrument having a special shape and emitting directional light is brought to the tonsils.
- Repeated processing of the surface of the glands, each exposure takes 10-15 seconds.
The following types of laser can be used to treat chronic tonsillitis in adults with a laser:
- Carbon laser.
- Coblator (cobalt tonsillectomy is performed using a cold plasma apparatus).
- Holmium laser.
- Fiber optic laser.
Laser removal of tonsils involves the use of various techniques that depend on the laser apparatus used for tonsillectomy.
Rehabilitation after tonsillectomy
After any (instrumental or laser) tonsillectomy, there is a postoperative period in which the patient will have to overcome the effects of tonsillitis.
To speed up the regeneration processes after laser removal of the tonsils, experts recommend:
- Enhanced Vitamin Therapy.
- Gargling with calendula, sage, and chamomile decoctions.
- Gargling with soda, saline and iodine.
- Gargling with Miramistin, which can stimulate immune processes.
- Often combine the treatment of chronic tonsillitis with a laser and injections of "Bicillin", which is distinguished by antibacterial and bactericidal effects, "Amoxicillin" and other antibiotics.
Rehabilitation measures help speed recovery. It is worth noting that the complete removal of the tonsils leads to a weakening of immunity. Since only part of the tonsils is removed during laser tonsillectomy, only a partial weakening of the immune system occurs, which is undoubtedly the advantage of this method.
Laser tonsillitis treatment reviews
Patients talk about the procedure for laser tonsillectomy as an effective, bloodless, almost painless and quite affordable way to treat chronic forms of tonsillitis, which causes a lot of suffering and significantly affects the quality of human life. Currently, the procedure is widespread due to its merits.
We examined laser treatment of tonsillitis in adults and children.