The drug "Colofort": instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

An antispasmodic is a drug (including a plant-based one) that suppresses muscle cramps. Such drugs are often prescribed to eliminate discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, antispasmodics can be used for diseases of the urinary system.

colofort instructions for use

The most popular drug with these properties is the medicine "Colofort". Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues of the drug and its features will be described later.

Composition, form, packaging, description

What form is characteristic for the medicine "Colofort"? Instructions for use, patient reviews claim that this tool can be purchased in the form of lozenges. They are white in color, flat-cylindrical, beveled and at risk.

The active ingredients of this drug are affinity purified:

  • antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100;
  • antibodies to human TNF-alpha;
  • antibodies to histamine.

As additional components, this medicine includes lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, and MCC. It goes on sale in contour cells.

Drug characteristics

What is the medicine "Colofort"? Instructions for use (price, reviews are presented below) states that it is anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and antispasmodic.

Experts say that the main ingredients of this drug modify the ligand-receptor activity of endogen regulators with corresponding receptors (i.e. antibodies to TNF-alpha to TNF-alpha receptor, antibodies to S-100 protein to sigma-1 and serotonin receptors, antibodies to histamine - to H 4 histamine receptors localized in the digestive tract).

colofort instructions for use price reviews

The combination of three active ingredients allows you to comprehensively act on the peripheral and central links of functional intestinal disorders, including abdominal pain syndromes.

Antibodies to the S-100 protein have a wide range of psychotropic activity, including nootropic, anxiolytic, antiasthenic and antidepressant effects. This is manifested in the elimination of anxiety, internal tension and the normalization of a number of visceral functions, including the work of the large intestine. It should also be noted that this element does not have a sedative effect, does not cause withdrawal syndrome and addiction.

Antibodies to TNF-alpha have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They also normalize the balance of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Antibodies to histamine have decongestant, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Drug properties

What is remarkable about the Colofort drug? Instructions for use report that a combination of all of the above components contributes to the normalization of humoral and nervous regulation of bowel function, as well as a decrease in visceral hypersensitivity to receptors. In addition, this remedy restores impaired gastrointestinal motility, eliminates bloating and a feeling of fullness of the stomach and reduces the severity of pain syndromes.

colofort instructions for use price

The antispasmodic effect of this drug is manifested by a decrease in the tone of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, relaxation of smooth muscles, normalization of stool and a decrease in intraluminal pressure.

Indications for use of tablets

In what cases are Colofort resorption tablets prescribed? Instructions for use states that this tool is actively used in the treatment of IBS. In addition, it can be prescribed for general functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.


When should you not prescribe Colofort? The instruction for use claims that this tool is contraindicated only in the presence of hypersensitivity to the elements of the drug. The drug has no other prohibitions.

Colofort tablets: instructions for use

The price of the drug in question is about 400 rubles per 100 tablets.

The drug "Colofort" must be taken only inside. A single dosage of this medicine is 1 or 2 tablets twice a day. They should be kept in the mouth until dissolved.

Take the medication long before the meal. The course of therapy with such a medication is 1-3 months. If required, the treatment can be extended up to six months or repeated after 2 months.

colofort instructions for use reviews

In case of exacerbation of diseases, the frequency of taking the medicine is allowed to be increased up to 4 times a day for a period of one to two weeks.

Adverse reactions after taking the drug

What side effects can you encounter when using the drug "Colofort"? Instructions for use states that the medication in question is tolerated by patients very well. Only in rare cases can it cause hypersensitivity reactions.

Special recommendations for taking lozenges

The composition of the drug under consideration includes lactose, therefore, it should not be prescribed to people with galactose / glucose malabsorption syndrome , congenital galactosemia, as well as with congenital lactase deficiency.

This medication does not have any effect on the patient's ability to drive vehicles or dangerous mechanisms.

Analogues of the drug

The drug "Colofort" can be replaced by the following means: "Antiflat Lannacher", "Plantex", "Bobotik", "Bebinos", "Gascon Drop", "Disflatil", "Gastrocap", "Dietetel", "Meteospasmil", "Iberogast" , "Pepsan-R", "Sub simplex." Only a doctor should prescribe the listed medicines.

Consumer Reviews

Now you know the features of the drug "Colofort." Instructions for use, price, reviews about this medicine are presented in this article.

colofort instructions for use price reviews analogues

According to consumer reviews, the medication in question is highly effective for irritable bowel syndrome. After a course of treatment, the patient completely normalizes the stool, and all pain associated with this disease disappears.

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