Cheapest Guitars: Species, Selection Tips, and Owner Reviews

The eternal problem of choice for beginner guitarists is the purchase of a musical instrument - cheapness fights quality, and the latter does not always win. It is likely that the cheapest guitar will be defective. What tool to choose for a person who wants to learn how to play, but does not have a large sum?

Materials for manufacturing budget tools

cheapest guitars

The cheapest guitars are made of simple wood - alder, maple, linden and low-quality spruce. The producer, using the listed breeds, can significantly save on raw materials. It is logical that in this price category there are no guitars made of solid wood. In order to save, manufacturers resort to the use of veneer and laminate; The body of electric guitars is created from pressed plywood chips. The sound of such instruments differs from the more expensive and high-quality ones, but this is quite enough for a beginner. Therefore, when choosing the cheapest guitar, they pay attention to build quality, and not to sound quality - in any case, it will diverge from the ideal.

How to choose a quality guitar?

cheapest acoustic guitar

During the initial inspection of a musical instrument, the strength of the assembly of the body and joints with the bar is checked. On the surface of the guitar should not be chipped, scratched, traces of cracked paint or swollen varnish. The neck should be even, the strings should not lie on it and rattle. The pegs should rotate easily in both directions.

Do not forget about electric guitars. The cheapest guitars are equipped with a lever tremolo system, which should act in order to tune and pull up, but this is not always the case. Its use can completely upset the instrument. It’s not worth saving on an electric guitar - it’s better to take it if you have a sufficient amount or with a one-way tremolo.

Well-known manufacturers

The lower the price segment, the more brands are present in it. The market for cheap guitars is full of manufacturers who copy not only famous brands, but also each other. Which of them should you pay attention to when choosing the cheapest guitar for beginners?

The Flight brand has established itself as one of the best manufacturers of electric guitars, like Phil pro, Ashtone. In the more expensive segment, Epiphone, Cort, Fender Squer, Magna stand out. Among the cheapest classic guitars, you should pay attention to high-quality and affordable Colombo, Martinez, Prado, Hohner. Good acoustic guitars with metal strings are produced by Hohner, Colombo, Prado, Cort.

Varieties of guitars

the cheapest guitar in the world

Guitars are classified into three types:

  • acoustic;
  • classic
  • electric guitars.

The difference between electrics and acoustics does not raise questions among beginners, unlike the difference between the first two. The first thing that catches your eye is the differences in the cases: with classical guitars they are smaller and rounder.

The strings on the classical guitar are only nylon - they are softer and not so badly injure the fingertips of novice musicians. Unlike acoustics, the classics neck is shorter and wider, which simplifies the learning process. In sum, the listed factors give a completely different tone of sound and, accordingly, the purpose.

When choosing the cheapest but good guitar, beginners should focus on the above information. However, the above list is incomplete: seven-, ten- and twelve-stringed guitars, as well as four-stringed ukuleles are distinguished.

The life of a budget guitar

cheapest classic guitars

Various factors influence the duration of a musical instrument:

  • quality of materials;
  • storage conditions: temperature and humidity;
  • frequency of playing the guitar.

The average life of cheap guitars varies from a year to five years. In reviews on the same Hohner HC-06, for example, a period of up to ten years is indicated. The main problems are the poor quality of gluing the case, which can lead to breakage of the neck or peeling of the lower nut. The upper bars on the cheapest acoustic guitars wear out over time, but are easy to replace. The ring mechanism also changes when a failure occurs.

Wrong or incompletely dried wood of the case can lead to more serious consequences - the neck can "lead". A crumpled guitar starts to fake even with perfect tuning, the strings on it are badly clamped and rattle. Correct the situation will only help contact the service center.

Should I buy a cheap tool?

cheapest guitar for beginners

The disadvantages of the cheapest guitars in the world are not as terrible as it seems at first glance. Buying a tool is best in a good store where consultants will help with the choice. It is advisable that sellers know how to play the guitar and can check its quality and tune. For a novice musician, a cheap instrument is an ideal option that allows you to familiarize yourself with it and learn the basics of the game.

What to look for when choosing?

When buying a guitar, it is advisable to follow a few tips:

  1. Check out the market for musical instruments - don't buy a guitar at random. Study articles, forums on the Internet, reviews of guitar owners, choose a few manufacturers that have proven themselves well.
  2. It is advisable to visit the store with the support of a familiar musician - he will be able to evaluate the quality of the instrument. With a similar request, you can contact the seller-consultant.
  3. The selected guitar must be checked for external defects - chips, scratches, bloating paint and varnish.
  4. It is worth asking about the availability of service and a warranty card.

What is the difference between a cheap guitar and an expensive one?

cheapest but good guitars

The main difference between guitars of different price categories lies in the materials of manufacture. Cheap tools, as a rule, are made of laminate, the middle level is complex: the upper deck is made of solid wood, the rear deck and the shell are made of laminate. Costly models are made from solid wood. Solid wood is preferable because it provides high-quality and accurate sound that improves over time. The disadvantage of solid wood is its exactingness to storage conditions and its susceptibility to changes in temperature and humidity.

The advantage of laminate flooring and, accordingly, of the cheapest bass guitars, acoustic and classical guitars is its resistance to external factors and the absence of the need for careful care. The sound quality of a well-assembled laminated guitar is average, but it does not improve over time. Such models are ideal for beginners, since they do not require special knowledge of care and maintenance.

Build quality is another difference between expensive and cheap guitars. Traces of glue, drips of varnish, cracks, crevices or chips that can lead to breakdowns and deformations are often visible on the body of budget tools. Low-quality assembly affects the durability of the guitar: branded expensive tools do not have such errors and last much longer.

cheap acoustic guitar

Factory purchased musical instruments after purchase require manual refinement - for example, adjusting the anchor rod or filing frets. The amount of additional work depends on the cost of the guitar. In many stores, the tool selected by the buyer is brought into proper condition - tuning is carried out, the necessary accessories are selected, and further free maintenance is provided.

The main difference between an expensive guitar and a cheap one remains sounding. It directly depends on the material of manufacture of the case and at first training does not have much significance, since the beginner needs to put the equipment. Therefore, for training, it is recommended to purchase budget models of tools. As you gain experience and playing skills, musicians are advised to buy better and more expensive guitars, taking into account preferences in convenience, sound, shape and other nuances.

When choosing a guitar for a novice musician, you should not dwell on expensive models - the difference in sound will be noticeable only with the experience of the game. However, saving too much is not worth it: too cheap a tool can turn out to be poor-quality and ruin the whole impression.

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