Tofu Cheese

Progress does not stand still, and thanks to it, mankind has learned to cook unique food products. One of these novelties is Tofu cheese. If you thought it was made from cow's milk, then you are deeply mistaken. Yes, milk is used for the manufacture, but only soy.

There are many recipes that use Tofu cheese, but few people know how to cook it. Of course, the easiest way is to go to the store, buy ready-made cheese - that’s all. But, you see, the cheese cooked at home is completely different, much tastier and healthier.

So, consider the recipe for its preparation.

In order to get Tofu cheese, recipes recommend using soybeans. They, of course, are rare, but you can still find them.

  1. We take 500 grams of soybeans, remove damaged copies, rinse thoroughly in warm water and soak for a day. Water needs to be changed a couple of times. To prevent the beans from having a distinct flavor of grass, you can add soda to the water (a teaspoon is enough).
  2. We wash the already swollen soybeans again, then scroll through the meat grinder a couple of times, while making sure that there is a grid with small holes on it.
  3. Pour the crushed beans again with water, it should be at room temperature (one and a half liters of water per 500 grams of beans). Mix everything well and leave it alone for three hours.
  4. Then we filter the mixture through a cloth or sieve, we get "soy" milk. With the remaining oil cake we carry out the same procedure: pass through a meat grinder twice, soak, filter. As a result, you can get about 3 liters of milk.
  5. Milk is ready, now you can cook Tofu cheese. We heat the "soy" milk, bring to a boil and let it boil for about 5 minutes. Thus, the smell of grass disappears. Next, we prepare the coagulant - this is a solution with which you can get "bean" cottage cheese. To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of citric acid in 50 ml of cold water.
  6. Then we pour half of the solution into the milk, it should curl. If not all milk is curled, pour the remaining half of the solution. The resulting cottage cheese is thrown back on a sieve, in which you first need to spread a two-layer gauze. We cover the curd with the edges of gauze and put some load on a plate on top. We are waiting for all the serum to drain. Then we leave the cooled Tofu cheese in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then we take the mold out of the refrigerator, remove the cheesecloth and cut the cheese. He has almost no taste, so it is combined with any dish, sour, salty or sweet.

That's all, the famous "Tofu" is ready, you can enjoy its taste and prepare delicious dishes from it.

It should be noted the useful properties of this amazing cheese that came to us from China. For people who monitor their figure and weight, it is ideal, because it has a large amount of calcium, vitamins, while it is low-calorie and does not contain cholesterol. “Tofu” may well become a substitute for meat, because it contains almost the same set of amino acids.

Many nutritionists recommend including it in the diet of people suffering from gastritis, overweight, diabetes, as well as athletes who need to build muscle.

Recall that soy cheese does not have its own smell and taste, so the taste of the dish depends on what spices you will use. It is ideal for preparing main courses and desserts. It is stored in the refrigerator for up to one week if the packaging is opened. If you yourself have prepared it, you need to store it in water or in the freezer. It is perfectly stored in brine, it does not matter whether it is sweet or salty.

Well, now you know how to cook “Tofu”, you can safely proceed to the process itself. Good luck to you!

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