Acting for children: course program

Nowadays, being a popular actor is fashionable and prestigious. But children are not only therefore striving to become them. Their soul is open to everything new, due to age it is flexible and supple. Theater for children is a game in which they can try on new roles, realize the dream of becoming someone else, at least on stage. Therefore, theater clubs in schools are very popular, and in big cities, kids and teenagers have the opportunity to attend acting classes, improving their skills and gaining new knowledge.

acting for children

Than useful

In the learning process, children learn not only to play, they get the skills the actor needs. Experienced teachers help to open up, stop being constrained, clamped, overcome shyness. Acting for children is a compulsory development of speech, the ability to restrain emotions, coordinate movements, and develop communication skills. A diverse repertoire develops intelligence, broadens the horizons of a child.

An acting or theater studio for children helps the harmonious development of their personality. Acting skills for children are taught by experienced teachers. In the learning process, various exercises are used, during which the child not only learns to speak, but also gets the skills to interact with other characters on the stage. This experience will be needed in real life, when you have to communicate with other people. Acting skills will also be useful for those children who are not going to become artists, but attend classes in order to develop their oratorical abilities and stop being afraid of the public.

theater studio for children

Who will suit

In each child, talent wakes up individually. Someone from kindergarten likes to speak to the public, takes part in the productions of the musical director. Others mature later, seeing the experience of their comrades or thinking about the future profession. Nevertheless, there are acting classes that children of any age can attend. Parents should encourage their child's interests of this kind. After all, such activities are fun, interesting and just great. Since acting classes are in great demand, in Moscow there are several places where children are taught.

School "CinemaChild"

Here children are taught to be liberated, confident. The school has its own acting base, in which the child enters automatically after completing this course. After the training, the children are not afraid of the camera, successfully participate in auditions and get roles in television series, films or commercials. Classes with children are conducted by actors with specialized education and experience in television filming. Among them are Natalya Rusinova, the host of the program Jump-Skok Team on the Karusel channel, and Sergei Druzyak, who is familiar to the children of Kalyak-Malyak from the same channel. The program of classes includes acting, vocals, speech development. In addition, children are shown how to work with the script. They will learn what dramaturgy is, the role picture, the emotional state of the characters, how they work on the set. In addition, famous filmmakers conduct master classes at the film school. Acting for children can be taught here on an individual program.

acting courses

Theater Studio for Children "Reflection"

She does not set herself global tasks. She invites children to her classes precisely in order to improve communication and self-presentation skills, revealing the creative potential of the child. The studio program consists of three stages. First, children learn acting. At the end of the first, reporting concerts are held. At the second stage, the development of dialogues, stage pauses and actions begins. At the third, children are invited to get acquainted with the work of playwrights and poets. They are taught to improvise, to work with objects on stage. As a result, children take part in a full-fledged performance. Further, the study of literary genres continues. Passing all stages means that acting skills for children have been fully mastered . Moscow offers other options for classes.

Children's Professional Studio "Actor"

The program consists of basic and additional classes. Trainings are held in the following areas: acting, stage movements and speech, casting techniques, vocals and dances, teaching the movie technique. Additionally, theories of cinema and theater, the work of a journalist, and voice acting are studied. Practical classes are conducted with directors, make-up artists, master classes by famous actors. Children visit museums and theaters as part of their overall development.

acting classes

Theater Studio "EyeAlmaz"

The learning process takes place in groups divided by the age of children from 5 to 18 years. The program includes acting, staging, improvisation. In addition, classes in choreography, music. The acting skills obtained here, for children means the opportunity to participate in performances, as well as various public events, concerts in Moscow.

Higher school of acting "Galatea"

Both children and adults can study here. Depending on age, a training program is also offered. The nursery consists of three stages. The first is the development of plastics, proper breathing, articulation. Children learn professional concepts. New to them is the ability to use their emotions and feelings to create an acting sketch. This stage lasts one year. At the end of this period, children already master the acting skills, reveal their talent. The second year is the beginning of the second stage of training. Here the emphasis is on staging a professional performance. For this, children learn more deeply about the ways of acting on the stage and acquire improvisation skills. At the end of the third stage, they are able to independently work on the role and with the text, are able to speak on different stages.

acting for children moscow

If it is not possible to take the child to special acting courses, you can improve his skills at home. To encourage his desire for theatrical activities, to stage performances, at least for family members. This will undoubtedly positively affect the communicative, oratory qualities of the child, help to communicate in a team and not be shy about public speaking.

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