Pumpkin Garnish: World Recipes

For some reason, most people ignore pumpkin dishes. In extreme cases, sweets are prepared from vegetables - baked with sugar, candied fruit, baked rolls and muffins. Even the simplest dish - pumpkin porridge - is prepared only for young children. And they do not take into account at all that a garnish made of pumpkin can be very tasty and harmonizes well with fish and meat. Try to cook it - see for yourself.

pumpkin garnish

Swiss pumpkin garnish

It is also good because it is very easy to prepare. One and a half kilograms of vegetable is taken, cut into small slices and dipped in salted boiling water for seven minutes. Cooking is not worth longer - the pieces are small and can, when boiled, turn into a suspicious kind of mashed potatoes. And if you make larger slices, the outer layer of the vegetable will soften, and inside it will remain moist. Then the garnish from the pumpkin is filtered off, slightly dried, poured with ghee (enough of a hundred grams of sticks for such a quantity of vegetable), sprinkled with pepper and hard grated cheese. Fast, tasty and healthy.

Greek pumpkin garnish

It takes longer to prepare, but worth the effort and attention. A gram of 700 vegetables is cut into cubes, and a large onion is cut into slices (not straws or cubes). All together is fried until golden in olive oil. A pound of ripe tomatoes are freed from the skins, cut and added to the pan. For about 15 minutes, all the vegetables are stewed in an uncovered dish. Shortly before removal, the garnish of pumpkin is flavored with sea salt, basil and pepper. You can eat!

pumpkin garnish recipe

Appetizer salad

Most people believe that the side dish should certainly be hot. Forgetting about such a wonderful invention of mankind as salads. But nutritionists strongly recommend combining them with meat. To prepare a side dish of pumpkin in this style, you must first prepare the marinade. For it, 600 ml of water, half a stack of sunflower oil, half a glass of apple or wine vinegar (strong, 6%), a couple of large spoons of salt and seven sugars are combined. Several cloves, three bay leaves, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and peppers - one chili and 10 pieces of allspice and peas are laid there. The marinade boils for five minutes; vegetables are poured into it: a pumpkin, diced, three sweet (preferably multi-colored) peppers - in strips and half rings of red or white onion. True, to get this salad you have to wait three days. But then the garnish from pumpkin to meat is supplemented with chopped garlic and dill, poured with vegetable oil and served with any dish. The highest pleasure!

pumpkin to meat side dish

Halloween stew in dark beer

It’s not important to cook a separate side dish of pumpkin. The recipe allows you to build and meat, and the addition to it, so to speak, in one bottle. For its embodiment, a pound of beef is chopped into cubes, salted, peppered and quickly fried in a thick-bottomed skillet. Butter is taken for this butter. Next are added half rings of two onions, after five minutes - a plate of five cloves of garlic. Then lavrushka (a couple of leaves), a teaspoon of sugar and a little cinnamon are laid. A bottle of dark beer is poured into a pre-prepared garnish of pumpkin, the container is covered and left for two hours to stew. At the end are added carrots, cut into circles, and leek rings. The final touch remains: after 10 minutes, a pumpkin is crushed, similar to beef - grams 700-800. After 20 minutes you can turn it off. In principle, such a dish can be eaten immediately. But it was experimentally established that this side dish from pumpkin to meat is tastier than the present, served the next day.

And keep in mind, the proposed recipes do not at all exhaust the list of options by which pumpkin garnish can be prepared! Again, no one forbids experimenting. One has only to start trying, and you will not stop - pumpkin dishes will be on your table regularly.

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