"Supirocin" (ointment): instructions for use, reviews

Today, various ointments and creams are used to treat various skin diseases. Each of these drugs has several advantages and disadvantages. Some drugs are combined, and their effect is due to the active components that make up their composition. "Supirocin" is an ointment that is used exclusively externally, it allows you to get rid of boils, eczema and some dermatitis.

supirocin ointment

Antibiotic in the composition

“Supirocin” is an ointment containing a component such as mupirocin. This substance is an antibiotic that Pseudomonas fluorescens microorganisms produce. Mupirocin is able to suppress bacterial protein synthesis. The substance achieves a similar effect by reversibly binding to the isoleucyl transport RNA synthetase. This helps to prevent the penetration of the harmful component into protein chains that have just begun to be built.

In small concentrations, this antibiotic is able to exert a bacteriostatic effect, in large quantities - bactericidal. But this is not all the properties of the component that contains “Supirocin” (ointment).

Due to its unique structure and specific mechanism of action, the substance does not show signs of cross-resistance in combination with other antibiotics. Also, the risk of resistant bacteria strains is small, if, of course, the drug is used correctly.

skin infections

Glucocorticosteroid ointment

Another active ingredient that contains the drug is betamethasone. This substance is a glucocorticosteroid. Thanks to this substance, “Supirocin” (ointment) has an antiproliferative, decongestant, anti-allergic and local anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the drug has a vasoconstrictor effect, unlike other creams, which also contain glucocorticosteroids. Due to the limited absorption of the ointment through the skin, the systemic effects are slightly pronounced.

When this drug is prescribed

Very often, the ointment is prescribed to cure some skin infections. The drug perfectly fights with:

  1. Atopic dermatitis.
  2. Diffuse neurodermatitis.
  3. Contact dermatitis.
  4. Urticaria.
  5. Exfoliative dermatitis.
  6. Eczema.
  7. Herpetiform dermatitis.
  8. Psoriasis
  9. Seborrheic dermatitis.
  10. Complicated bacterial secondary infections.

supirocin ointment reviews

Features of the drug

"Supirocin" is an ointment that is often used to treat skin ailments. The antibiotic included in the product is not able to penetrate into the deep layers of unaffected skin. If adsorption occurs through the damaged area, the substance is metabolized and turns into an inactive component - monic acid, which, in turn, is very quickly excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Betamethasone dipropionate is a lipophilic substance that easily penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin through the stratum corneum. In this case, the component does not undergo biotransformation. When applied to the skin in the area of ​​masonry, absorption increases. Also, a similar phenomenon is noted if you use "Supirocin" ointment, reviews of which are almost positive, in the affected areas of the epidermis, where the onset of the inflammatory process is noted. Absorption increases with frequent application of the drug to a significant surface of the skin. It is worth noting that in children, the absorption of betamethasone dipropionate proceeds several times faster than in adults.

supirocin ointment Price

"Supirocin B": instructions

According to reviews, apply the ointment to the affected areas of the skin should be a very thin layer. It is necessary to carry out a similar procedure up to 3 times during the day. The course of therapy can last from 5 to 14 days. In many respects, it depends on what skin infections bother the patient.

Experts recommend using the composition exclusively for the treatment of all affected areas of the skin, the area of ​​which is not more than 100 square centimeters. If, over the course of 3 to 5 days, the patient does not have any clinical effect, then a second examination is necessary.

Side effects

In some cases, “Supirocin” (ointment), the average price of which is from 220 to 450 rubles, can cause side effects, including:

  1. Prickly heat.
  2. Skin atrophy.
  3. Secondary infection
  4. Maceration of the skin.
  5. Contact allergic dermatitis.
  6. Hypopigmentation.
  7. Pericorneal dermatitis.
  8. Acne.
  9. Hypertrichosis.
  10. Folliculosis.
  11. Dry skin.
  12. Irritation.
  13. Itching and burning.

Supirocin B Instruction

Features of the drug

According to reviews, if the instructions for use are not followed, an overdose may occur. This is manifested by reversible inhibition of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system. There are cases of manifestations of Cushing's syndrome, glycosuria and hyperglycemia.

In some cases, you can not use "Supirocin" (ointment). Reviews of experts indicate that this drug is prohibited during lactation, as well as during pregnancy. The interaction of this drug with other medicines has not been identified.

When you can not use the drug

There are times when you cannot use "Supirocin" (ointment). Reviews of experts show that this drug should not be used for:

  1. Cutaneous manifestations of syphilis.
  2. Tuberculosis of the skin.
  3. Fungal, viral and bacterial skin diseases.
  4. Trophic ulcers, the appearance of which is associated with varicose veins.
  5. Sarcoma, xanthoma, hemangioma, melanoma, atheroma, nevus, skin cancer.
  6. Acne vulgaris.
  7. Post-vaccination reactions.

In addition, the use of the drug for the treatment of skin infections in children under 12 years of age is prohibited. Another contraindication is the individual intolerance to any component that is part of the Supirocin ointment.

In some cases, the drug should be taken with caution. Patients who suffer from cataracts, tuberculosis, glaucoma and diabetes mellitus, experts do not recommend applying the ointment to large areas of the skin.

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