In the article, we consider the instructions for use for the Euphorbium Compositum preparation. This is a comprehensive medication to eliminate the common cold of various etiologies.
This medicine is made in the form of a spray, drops and solution. The composition of the drug in equal volumes contains the following substances:
- Euphorbium;
- Luffa operculata;
- Pulsatilla pratensis;
- Mucosa nasalis suis;
- Hydrargyrum biiodatum;
- Hepar sulfuris;
- Sinusitis-Nosode.
As additional elements, the composition of this product includes benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, and purified water.
According to the instructions for the Euphorbium Compositum, the composition contains extracts of some poisonous plants, for example, milkweed resiniferous. This plant is used in the preparation of traditional medicine and has a bactericidal effect. Pasque flower meadow is appreciated for its anesthetic, antimicrobial and antispasmodic effects. Luffa laxative has many vitamins, folic acid and iron, is part of various drugs intended for the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is used for prolonged sinusitis, rhinitis, frontal sinusitis. The indicated elements of the medicinal product are diluted in a special way, while not only decimal dilutions are used, but also thousandths, hundredths, etc.
Pharmacological properties
As the instructions indicate, Euphorbium Composite has an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect, due to the presence of several components in it. The use of this medication has a special effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses, as a result of which the activity of the mucous membrane increases, metabolic processes normalize, swelling and dryness are eliminated, and breathing is facilitated. With therapy with homeopathic remedies, relief does not occur immediately. Sometimes this may take several weeks.
Indications for appointment
What else does the instruction for use with Euphorbium Composite tell us? A homeopathic remedy is prescribed for the following pathologies:
- rhinitis;
- hay fever (hay fever);
- sinusitis;
- sinusitis;
- adenoids;
- eustachitis;
- otitis;
- ozen (fetid runny nose).
It should be noted that the spray of this medication is effective for the common cold of any nature of origin (hyperplastic, allergic, viral, atrophic, bacterial).
Instructions for Euphorbium Composite
The aerosol, which is equipped with a convenient dispenser, allows the smallest elements of this medicine to penetrate deep into the nasal cavity. Adults are prescribed two injections three times a day. With a runny nose of a chronic nature and severe nasal congestion, a medicine is used up to six times a day.
This tool in the form of drops is also recommended to be used 3-6 times a day, 5 drops in both nostrils. In the initial stages of rhinitis, it is recommended to instill drops of Euphorbium Compositum every 20 minutes.
Injections are done intramuscularly or subcutaneously in 2.2 ml. The time intervals between them can be different. If the pathology is at an acute stage of development, then this medicine is administered daily, but if it proceeds in a chronic form, injections are prescribed 2-3 times a week.
Use in childhood
In accordance with the instructions, “Euphorbium Composite” does not contain vasoconstrictor components, does not contribute to the development of addiction and is well tolerated by children in 99%. Pediatricians prescribe it for the treatment of pathologies of the nose for children up to a year. The highest effectiveness of this medication in pediatric practice is observed with allergic rhinitis and adenoids.
Spray for the treatment of diseases in infants and children up to 6 years of age is used 3-4 times a day for 1 injection. Drops - 2-3 drops 3 times a day. The specific dosage and duration of the treatment course is determined by the doctor.
This is confirmed by the instructions for the Euphorbium Compositum for children.
Pregnancy Use
During this period, the woman’s body is especially susceptible to allergic and colds. However, treatment with traditional methods is often impossible. Despite the fact that the medicine “Euphorbium Composite” is considered safe, it is necessary to obtain a doctor's prescription before using it. This tool gently eliminates nasal congestion during pregnancy, normalizes respiratory processes, eliminates unpleasant phenomena without harm to health.
Side symptoms and contraindications
The main and only contraindication to the appointment of this medication is individual intolerance. With some caution, “Euphorbium Compositum” is used for bronchial asthma and thyroid diseases.
If we talk about adverse reactions to its use, then in rare cases, excessive salivation and burning in the nose may occur.
Instructions for use "Euphorbium Composite" for children and adults are very detailed.
special instructions
For diseases of the thyroid gland, the use of this pharmaceutical preparation is possible only after the recommendation of a specialist.
When taking this homeopathic medicine, a temporary exacerbation of symptoms (primary deterioration) is possible. In such a case, it is recommended to stop using the product.
The bottle with the medicine immediately after administration should be tightly closed.
The drug does not affect the speed of motor reactions and is allowed during the execution of potentially dangerous types of activities that require attention (transport management, the work of the dispatcher, and others).
In the instructions to the "Euphorbium Composite" price is not indicated.
The cost of this medication may vary depending on the dosage form of release, and is approximately 430-480 rubles. It is also affected by the region and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.
There are no absolute analogues for this medication. However, there are many other remedies with a similar effect. These include:
- “Pinosol” is a herbal medicine for rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis. It contains essential oils (pine, peppermint, eucalyptus oil), which contribute to the rapid elimination of the symptoms of the disease.
- "Boromentol" - a medication that is made in the form of an ointment, has an antiseptic and locally irritating effect. Contains menthol and boric acid.
- Xymelin Extra is a vasoconstrictor medication, available in the form of a spray. It is used for sinusitis, rhinitis and hay fever.
- "Adrianol" - a tool that is actively used in pediatrics, and are characterized by vasoconstrictive and decongestant properties.
Patients' opinions about this medicine are very controversial. Some patients are very satisfied with this drug and in the reviews indicated that with their help they successfully managed to eliminate the numerous symptoms of a protracted runny nose and allergic reactions of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. They argue that this tool acts very gently, never causes negative side effects and can be used even in infants.
Another category of consumers who left negative reviews about this homeopathic remedy say that it practically did not help them or the effect of its use was negligible. Patients noted that during treatment they had to use additional medications to facilitate breathing, for example, vasoconstrictor drops. None of them were observed with side effects.
We reviewed the Euphorbium Compositum medication for instructions and reviews.