Spots on the legs: types and possible diseases

The spots on the legs are most often not noticed, or the person does not attach any importance to their appearance. But this is wrong in terms of preservation and health care. The fact is that their presence can say a lot both about the disease of the legs themselves and of other internal organs.

Red spots on the legs, similar to hives, indicate that a person has an allergy. You need to try to quickly find the reason for this (cosmetics and procedures, drugs, food, clothing, and so on) and stop exposure to allergens.

Dark spots on the legs are very dangerous when habitual and β€œcalm” moles suddenly become a big threat to health. The fact is that they can turn into melanoma, a malignant tumor. The patient needs to carefully and regularly examine the moles. If there are pains in their area, they become dark and begin to increase in size, then it is immediately recommended to consult a dermatologist. Moles are safe, but their "vital activity" must be kept under constant review.

Red spots on the legs are a signal for the development of one of the most serious diseases. We are talking about vasculitis, inflammation of the blood vessels. When the first spots appear, you must definitely contact a medical institution to undergo the necessary examinations. It is not worth hoping that they will disappear, this in itself will not happen. But a neglected disease can be very, very difficult to cure, since it can lead to very serious complications.

Pigment spots on the legs symbolize the appearance of diseases in the digestive organs and in the excretory system. They also say that there is an incorrect metabolism or lack of vitamins. Only a comprehensive examination will help to find out the root cause. In no case is it recommended to start treatment with folk remedies for such spots, because, trying to get rid of the investigation, you can start the cause - the underlying disease. This approach will only aggravate this situation and lead to the appearance of new skin tumors.

Yellow pink and pink flaky spots on the legs are very dangerous. There is a possibility that a person is sick with a serious disease - pink lichen. Naturally, it will not be possible to cure him alone at home, and the use of folk lotions and decoctions will only worsen the current situation. Since untreated pink lichen will become, after some time, the basis for an equally serious disease - eczema. Therefore, there is only one single way out - urgently consult a dermatologist. Properly and quickly selected treatment will cleanse the skin of the resulting neoplasms, and after a while the skin on the legs will be absolutely healthy.

Particular attention should be paid to why blue spots appear on the legs, which are most often perceived by a person as ordinary bruises, although there were no bruises before their appearance. They can occur for various reasons:

  • there is a disease of the circulatory system, which is associated with a violation of coagulability;
  • vessels are located very close to the surface of the skin;
  • lack of vitamins - ascorbic acid and rutin;
  • the use of drugs that cause such a "fragility" of blood vessels ;
  • there are problems with internal organs (heart, liver);
  • legs are overworked and need rest;
  • improper nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, which lead to weakening of the walls of blood vessels;
  • there is a disease - varicose veins.

In general, you must be careful about the health of your legs.

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