The right syrup for jam is a guarantee of a high-quality and tasty treat

Some housewives cook preparations for the winter from berries and fruits, using all the ingredients, without any strict proportions, on the eye. This often leads to the fact that the thick vitamin mixtures are digested, which later - during storage - leads to excessive sugar content of the mass. There are also reverse situations when, due to an insufficient amount of loose sand, jams and marmalades begin to wander and mold.

Therefore, you need to know when and how to cook jam syrup. This article provides useful tips and recipes for making a sweet mixture of sugar and water. It also describes how the ratio of products depends on the juiciness of fruits and berries.

jam syrup

When is jam syrup used?

The juiciness of fruits and berries affects the choice of technology and method of processing vitamin raw materials. In this regard, many fruits do not need to be poured with a sweet solution, because even after simple mixing with sugar they release a sufficient amount of juice. Therefore, sugar syrup is usually not used for jam from strawberries, raspberries, cherries, slices of apricot and some other juicy fruits.

how to cook jam syrup

But this rule can be ignored if your goal is to get a beautiful treat, consisting of whole berries and a clear liquid. Therefore, always try to stick to recipes that indicate the ratio of ingredients to get the jam syrup of the desired concentration and volume. This is guaranteed to provide a successful result!

Another reason when using syrup for jam is the peculiarity of the heat treatment of the dish. We are talking about the recipe "Five minutes", the technology of which, in principle, is the same for all fruits and berries. It is thanks to the rapid warming of the fruits in syrup that the canned preparations are stored for a long time without spoiling. Pour the boiled mixture of sugar and water into prepared pieces and put on fire. After a short cooking, pour the jam into jars and roll it up.

In cases where work takes place in several stages, the fruit is poured with cold syrup and allowed to infuse in it. Only after this, the fruit is let in the juice, and the jam begins to be prepared by two to three times heating.

Sugar syrup for jam: a classic recipe

sugar syrup for jam recipe

Consider the standard ratio of the main ingredients. For processing 1 kg of fruit usually take the same amount of sugar. With the density and dryness of the fruit, a syrup is prepared, with which the prepared mass is poured. To do this, for every kilogram of sugar you need 1-2 glasses of water. These two components are put on fire and, stirring for better dissolution, boil for 2-3 minutes.

Some gourmets, when cooking fruit masses quickly, part of the sugar in the syrup is replaced with honey, which must be put in a slightly cooled liquid without boiling. Try, for example, making such a strawberry treat. Take 1 kg of whole ripe but dense berries and pour a little cooled syrup from 1 incomplete glass of raw water, 0.5 kg of white sugar and 400 ml of any honey. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes with intensive drilling. Pour the mixture into jars and roll up immediately. Additional sterilization is not required.

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