What to do if life gives a crack or a crack in the rectum.

Think about which doctor most of all doesn’t want to see an appointment? Someone will answer that this is a dentist, well, maybe a gynecologist. The answer is incorrect. A doctor whose visit is associated, in most cases, only with unbearable, excruciating and acute pain - this is a proctologist. A rectal crack is a very intimate question. Many hope that everything will work out and try to cope with the problem on their own. Indeed, in the initial stage, alternative methods of treatment can help, but if the disease worsens, immediately go to the proctologist.

With severe constipation, the presence of sharp particles in the feces, in some cases with diarrhea and anal sex, a rectal crack may appear. Symptoms are determined by the occurrence of pain in the anus. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, the pain is disturbing only with bowel movements. With the transition of the disease into a chronic state, pain continues to be disturbed for several hours after bowel movement. The patient tries to visit the toilet as little as possible, as he is afraid of the recurrence of terrible pain, which results in constipation and an even greater complication of the situation. There is a vicious circle from which it is necessary to look for a way out.

An old crack leads to severe irritation of the nerve endings, which will cause powerful pain. Pain, in turn, leads to a spasm of the sphincter, which lasts several hours. The patient has to experience simply unbearable pain, in some cases they even lead to loss of consciousness. Painful sphincter spasm is a clear sign that the patient has a chronic rectal fissure. Symptoms indicate a clear omission in treatment. In this case, the crack transforms into an ulcer with dense cicatricial thickenings. The chronic form of the disease requires the intervention of surgeons, but there is no need to be afraid. It is an easy and quick operation that brings quick relief.

A rectal crack is a non-dangerous disease that, with good and timely treatment, is completely healed. If a rectal fissure is found , treatment should begin with loosening of the stool. A very good effect is the sitz baths from medicinal plants with wound healing and disinfecting properties. The doctor prescribes topical preparations (ointments, suppositories) for analgesia and relieving inflammation (postirezan, proctoglivencol, natalside, anuzole, hepatrombin G). Each drug is selected according to the presence of symptoms. In some cases, along with pain and inflammation, it is necessary to stop bleeding. In addition, the defect can be both external and internal. This also affects the choice. If the rectal fissure is on the outside, an ointment is best, and inside the suppository.

If the sphincter spasm is severe, there is unbearable pain. In such situations, it is necessary to use a local blockade. A rectal fissure is chipped off with lidocaine or novocaine. Treatment may require three or four blockades.

Typically, a complex treatment is used, consisting of a diet, therapeutic baths, medications and some recipes of alternative medicine. These recipes are used as healing and soothing enemas. It is best used after emptying the bowel and immediately before using the ointment or suppository. For their manufacture, chamomile, sea buckthorn oil, and honey are used. Chamomile disinfects, oil heals, honey relieves inflammation. Raw potato candles greased with sea ​​buckthorn oil help well . It is best to administer them overnight. Such treatment methods help the patient quickly get rid of such a painful and uncomfortable problem as a rectal fracture. Do not change your usual way of life, work hard, enjoy life and forget that once life gave a crack.

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