Many housewives who try to combine work with household chores often postpone the preparation of sweet pastries for the weekend. This is because it takes a considerable amount of time. This is especially true for yeast technology. But you can pamper your family and on weekdays, using the following recommendations. The way how patties with fried apples are made will help to get mouth-watering products simply and quickly. This dish is available even for beginner housewives.
Tips for quickly making fried apple pies
The method of obtaining these delicious sweet products can be divided into four stages of work:
1. Preparation of the test.
2. Processing apples for toppings.
3. Modeling products.
4. Baking.
All recipes, as a rule, significantly differ from each other in the first and second stages. What can be offered? Firstly, for speed, you can use ready-made store dough. Secondly, as a filling, often not fresh apples are used, but thick jam or jam. As for the baking stage, it is better to carry it out not in the oven, but in a pan. This can also significantly reduce time. But what to do if there are no semi-finished products in the form of puff pastry and fruit preservation? This article offers a recipe on how to quickly cook fried apple pies . This homemade baking involves the use of dried pieces for the filling, and the dough is kneaded in a quick way, without yeast.
Fried Apple Pies: Dried Fruit Recipe
Cooking toppings
2 cups of dried apples (pre-washed in hot water) mix with 1 cup of sugar and put in a saucepan on medium heat to boil. Stir the mixture so that it does not burn. Usually 15-20 minutes of cooking is enough to make the apples swell and the mixture thickens. Throw it in a colander and do the dough.
Cooking dough
0.5 l of warm milk or kefir quickly mix with 1 tsp. friable baking soda. Then add a little sugar into the mixture, a small pinch of salt, 3 tbsp. l melted margarine and 2 medium chicken eggs. After this, pour the flour and knead the sour cream until thick. The dough will turn out, as on magnificent pancakes. Put the resulting mixture on a table in flour and quickly knead a light dough. Let the filling cool down for at least half an hour.
Sculpt products by rolling small cakes, inside of which should be placed no more than 1 tbsp. l toppings. Bake in hot vegetable oil until browned, turning on both sides.
How to quickly make yeast pies with apples, fried with fresh fruits?
The recipe proposed above can be slightly modified using another “filler” of products and adding an additional ingredient to the dough. And the time for fermentation will take more than about half an hour. When mixing with soda, add 1 tsp. high-speed dry yeast. To prepare apple pies, fried in a pan, with fresh filling inside, first peel the fruits from the skin and core, and then cut them into thin slices. Flush slices in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then rinse them quickly under running cold water. After draining the liquid (in a colander), mix apples with sugar. Sculpt products with such a filler and bake immediately.