The medicine "Thermicon" (ointment), the price of which is about two hundred rubles, is included in the category of antifungal agents. Medication, having a wide range
activity, intended for local use. The drug affects strains of dermatophytes, in small concentrations it has a fungicidal effect on yeast, mold and a number of dimorphic fungi. The medicine "Thermicon" (ointment) can also exhibit fungistatic activity. The active substance is terbinafine. Under its influence, changes occur in the early stage of sterol biosynthesis. This provokes a lack of ergosterol and intracellular accumulation of squalene, which leads to the death of the pathogen. Against the background of local use, absorption is less than five percent. The drug has an insignificant systemic effect.
The medicine "Thermicon" (ointment). Indications
The drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of skin fungal infections, foot mycoses , including epidermophytosis (inguinal), as well as skin lesions provoked by dermatophytes. The indications include pathologies caused by strains of yeast fungi (especially the genus Candida), as well as multi-colored lichen.
Means "Thermicon" (ointment). Mode of application
The drug is prescribed to patients exclusively from the age of twelve. Before use, the affected areas are cleaned and dried. Liniment is applied in a thin layer once or twice a day. They treat both the affected areas and adjacent to them. Against the background of infections complicated by diaper rash, in the groin, under the mammary glands, between the fingers, buttocks and folds, it is recommended to cover the places of application with gauze, especially at night. On average, the duration of therapy for dermatomycosis of the legs, trunk, feet - a week, candidiasis of the body - 1-2, multi-colored lichen - two weeks. In the first days of use, significant symptom relief is noted, but treatment should not be discontinued. With irregular use or with premature completion of therapy, there is a risk of infection recurrence. In the absence of a therapeutic effect within 1-2 weeks, you need to see a doctor.
The drug "Thermicon" (ointment). Adverse reactions
As practice shows, the medicine is tolerated satisfactorily. In some cases, allergies are likely to develop. Patients may experience redness, burning, rash, irritation at the site of application. As a rule, these manifestations are consequences of hypersensitivity to components.
The medicine "Thermicon" (ointment) (expert reviews confirm this) should not be used for hypersensitivity, under the age of twelve years. Against the background of pregnancy, the advisability of using the drug is determined by the doctor. If necessary, use the medicine during feeding, it is recommended to stop lactation. Caution is shown in the presence of insufficiency of the liver, kidneys, inhibition of blood formation, metabolic disorders, with tumors, vascular pathologies in the extremities.