Gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can be either independent or accompanied by another ailment. Not all patients know that this is catarrhal gastritis when they are diagnosed with this. This is a common form of the disease that occurs in people of different sexes. The symptoms and treatment of catarrhal gastritis are described in the article.
Description of the disease
Catarrhal gastritis - what is it? This concept means inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which arises from various aggressive factors. Pathology occurs only in the upper layer of the organ mucosa. Therefore, it is superficial catarrhal gastritis or simple.
According to statistics, at least one attack of this disease appears in half of Russians. In simple words, catarrhal gastritis - what is it? This is a dangerous ailment of the digestive system. Inflammation begins acutely and can occur in a severe form.
The danger of the disease is that superficial damage to the mucosa leads to ulcers and gastric bleeding. According to doctors, catarrhal gastritis - what is it? This is an ailment that arises from the use of fatty, fried, spicy dishes, a large number of seasonings and spices. The disease occurs in both men and women.
Acute catarrhal gastritis appears with a strong irritant. For example, an ailment develops from frequent overeating, the use of large quantities of coffee, alcohol.
Also, this disease appears if you talk while eating or eating on the go. Due to these reasons, there is a predisposition to the appearance of gastritis. Usually the process proceeds with involvement of the duodenum in inflammation.
Catarrhal gastritis of the antrum occurs due to:
- Excessive use of spicy, fried, fatty, sour, pickled, spicy, smoked. Another ailment develops from the intake of alcohol and carbonated drinks in large quantities. Symptoms usually appear after overeating.
- Heredity.
- Drug abuse. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory, vitamins, drugs to improve blood quality can lead to catarrhal gastritis.
- Reception of expired products.
- Acute intestinal infections. They appear not only in the form of diarrhea and high fever, but also nausea, vomiting, which indicates the involvement of the stomach in pathology.
- Inflammation of the remaining organs of the digestive tract. For example, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, enteritis.
- Accidental use of alkalis or acids.
Usually, inflammation occurs throughout the organ, but sometimes it affects only a specific area. In the latter case, this is focal catarrhal gastritis. Whatever kind of ailment may be, effective therapy is needed. The symptoms and treatment of catarrhal gastritis are described below.
In the acute form of the disease, symptoms appear quickly. Usually, cutting and sharp pains occur near the navel at the top of the stomach, belching, heartburn, unpleasant taste in the mouth. When aggravating the disease, the patient feels a sharp increase in temperature, nausea and vomiting. In vomit bile is noticeable.
Chills, dizziness, headache, severe fatigue, cold sweat may also be felt. When diagnosing, there is an acidic breath and a gray coating on the tongue. If no measures are taken during the acute stage, then the disease will become chronic.
In the chronic form, constipation, decrease, lack of appetite appear. Refusal of food is associated with severe pain after eating. If the form is chronic, exacerbation alternates with remission. In this case, the disease is not cured. But with taking medication and following a diet, you can forget about the exacerbation for a long time. Another ailment can become erosive when erosion appears on the mucous organ.
There are several varieties of gastritis:
- Catarrhal diffuse. Inflammation affects the entire organ.
- Catarrhal focal. The organ is partially affected. Usually determine the presence of antral gastritis.
There is also a classification according to the symptoms, the location of the pain, the course of the disease. Catarrhal gastritis happens:
- Atrophic. This type of ailment appears due to a genetic factor. It develops due to a genetic predisposition. Because of it, the cells of the stomach are replaced by connective tissue. That is why inflammation begins, and immunity protects the body. With this form of the disease, atrophy of the gastric mucosa appears.
- Sharp. The main reason is overeating, taking a large number of products with preservatives. Because of this, the renewal of the cells of the stomach and the circulation of the bloodstream in the organ is disrupted. Nausea, vomiting, halitosis, and general weakness are also likely.
- Chronic. This gastritis occurs at an advanced stage. The destruction concerns the deep tissues of the organ. This is manifested by a violation of the secretion of hydrochloric acid and atrophic changes. Vomiting, nausea, a sharp deterioration in appetite, weight loss, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth also appear.
Whatever form of the disease may be, it gives a person great discomfort. When eating food, discomfort occurs. Do not ignore these symptoms. Comprehensive treatment will alleviate the condition, and for this it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis.
How is it detected?
If there is a suspicion of catarrhal gastritis, diagnosis is a mandatory procedure. It involves a survey and examination by a doctor. First, the course of the disease is revealed. Then tests are prescribed. Usually required change:
- Urine analysis.
- Fecal analysis.
- General clinical blood test.
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
- Helicobacter pylori bacteria test.
- X-ray with contrast agent.
- Biochemical blood test.
To determine the stage of the disease, a gastroscopy is required. Then a special probe equipped with a light bulb is inserted into the personโs mouth. Information appears on the monitor screen. With gastroscopy, specialists confirm the diagnosis and can take a tissue sample for histological examination for the likelihood of oncology.
How is it treated?
To treat such inflammation in the stomach should be comprehensive. The doctor prescribes medicines and diet food. Any medications can be used only after consulting a doctor. Treatment of the disease depends on the degree of development of the process. The stage of remission or exacerbation is also taken into account.
A doctor helps to establish a recovery technique when a diagnosis is identified. What can be done with catarrhal gastritis from medicines? The doctor may prescribe the following drugs:
- Painkillers. These include analgesics and antispasmodics.
- Antibacterial. Such treatment is required in the presence of the Helocobacter pylori bacteria.
- From vomiting, antacids, antisecretory drugs.
- Gastric lavage and adsorbent treatment.
The specialist must choose the right diet. With exacerbation for 1 day, hunger is needed. Use only mineral water. On the 2nd and 3rd day it is allowed to eat brown bread, broths.
The best effect is provided with an integrated approach. Diet and medications are needed until all the symptoms of the disease disappear. Tablets for catarrhal gastritis are prescribed, aimed at various effects. The best are the following:
- Antiemetic. This is Domperidon, Raglan, Tserukal.
- Antacid. These include Almagel, Maalox, and Rennie.
- Antibiotics - "Dioxicycline", "Tetracycline."
- Antispasmodics. This group includes No-shpa, Spazmalgon.
First, the use of absorbent agents is required to remove irritating components from the body. This is Activated Carbon, Smecta, Polysorb. Each drug has its own nuances of use.
How to drink "Polysorb"? This should be done regularly until relief comes. Improvement is observed from 5-6 applications, depending on the severity of the disease. For an adult, 9-12 mg is enough per day. The norm is divided several times, the course is 5-7 days.
And how to drink Polysorb for children? The dosage is half less than for adults. A child is enough 50-70 ml in the form of a suspension. Do not increase the dosage yourself. Application time is set individually.
In addition to the use of medications, a cleansing enema may be required in the treatment of the disease. It is performed using a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution.
With this ailment, a diet is effective. It is she who restores the walls of the stomach. Its main rule is a warm meal, reduced intake of salt and spices. Eat small meals several times a day.
The diet involves the exclusion of sausages, dark chocolate, flour products, smoked meats, seasonings. It is important to reduce the number of legumes, cabbage, green onions, potatoes. These products lead to flatulence and exacerbate the ailment. It is advisable to eat steamed cutlets, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable soups, cereals.
A restorative diet is based on food intake, but in the proper use of drinks. Perfectly kissel, milk, broth, rose hips, fruit drinks. You need to drink a lot of water. Suitable "Mirgorod", "Essentuki", "Borjomi". The main thing is that it should not be carbonated.
Before eating, you should take medications that envelop the walls of the stomach. This is "Phosphalugel" or "Almagel." If you feel pain after eating, you need an anesthetic.
Gastritis is treated by gastroenterologists, therapists, nutritionists. The catarrhal form of the disease is one of the common ailments. It appears from the excessive consumption of prohibited foods.
It is important to change your habits. It is necessary to observe the correct diet, the elimination of stress, as well as the normalization of the day. This approach provides an improvement.
Folk remedies
Using only folk recipes for treating the stomach is undesirable. This requires a diet, medicines. And about taking folk remedies, you should consult a doctor.
Effective berry tea from sea buckthorn, herbal preparations, a decoction of plantain and wild rose. Natural juices from onions, dandelion or cabbage are also used. Apples are used, but only without the peel, and it is even better to bake them in the oven.
Gastric lavage
To do this, they drink a lot of warm water and cause vomiting by tickling the back of the pharynx. This procedure must be repeated until the torn water is clear. Usually enough 3-4 times. Repeated vomiting tires a person, so after it you should give adsorbent drugs to drink. It also requires a good rest.
Usually this is enough to recover. Improvement is observed after a few days. With a severe form of the disease, medication is required. It is forbidden to use potassium permanganate for washing. After all, the mucous membrane is inflamed, and because of this it can get a burn. In rare cases, a weak broth of chamomile is used, but doctors recommend choosing clean water.
This type of ailment is not life threatening to the patient, but some consequences of inflammation can lead to irreversible consequences of changes in the digestive system.
The disease can become chronic, in which remission is replaced by exacerbations. The inflammatory process leads to the appearance of erosion on the tissues of the stomach. The consequences include peptic ulcer.
Forecast and Prevention
If treatment is started in a timely manner, gastritis has a positive prognosis. Prevention consists in following the recommendations of a healthy diet, quitting smoking, drinking alcohol. You should also rationally take medication.
Sports, observance of the rules of personal hygiene, and the elimination of stress are important. Secondary prevention consists in the prevention of erosive or phlegmonous gastritis, the prevention of perforation of the stomach.