Quinine hydrochloride: formula, instructions for use, effectiveness

One of the most effective antimalarial drugs today is the drug "Quinine hydrochloride." Despite the widespread use of this medicine in medical practice, there are many pros and cons of its use. Some experts insist on its toxicity, others suggest the use of safe synthetic drugs, and others practice quinine in combination therapy. What, in fact, is a drug that causes controversy among medical bodies?

The formula "Quinine hydrochloride"

The drug is an organic substance of plant origin, the main component of which is quinine - a universal poison (extracted from the bark of a quinine tree).

Quinine tree bark

Before the medicinal product goes on sale, the quantitative determination of quinine hydrochloride is calculated in terms of dry matter (99%). The composition of the medicine can be visualized in the form of a formula (see photo below).

Quinine hydrochloride formula

The name of the drug is Quinine hydrochloride in Latin - Chininum, in international practice - Quinine hydrochloride.

Release form and scope

The medicine "Quinine" (simplified form of the name) is available in the form of:

  • crystalline powder (taken internally and used externally);
  • solution in ampoules (administered intravenously);
  • in tablets (taken orally).

The drug is soluble in water, alcohol, glycerin, does not have a distinctive smell, the taste is concentrated bitterness.

Quinine hydrochloride, as medical practice shows, is used not only in the fight against malaria, but also as:

  • antipyretic drugs for pneumonia, typhoid fever, articular rheumatism, smallpox;
  • digestion enhancing substance for diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, pleurisy;
  • anticonvulsant during epileptic seizures, chorea;
  • sedative for neuralgia;
  • antimycotic drugs for whooping cough;
  • antiparasitic agent for intestinal infectious diseases;
  • antimicrobial agents for colds, flu;
  • effective anti-hair loss remedy;
  • wound healing agent for external use.
Quinine hydrochloride

In addition, the drug "Quinine hydrochloride" is applicable in obstetrics, oncology and cardiology. The universality of this medicine is so wide that it is almost impossible to completely abandon its use in modern medicine.

If in the treatment of simple forms of malaria today quinine can be replaced with other drugs, then in other cases it is not possible to effectively fight diseases without its use. The use of Quinine hydrochloride in cases of chemoresistance to new generation drugs is the only way to save a person's life.

Pharmacological properties of the drug and its effectiveness

The widespread use of this drug in medicine is explained by the property of quinine to stimulate the viability of a living organism at the cellular level, increase its resistance to various diseases, and stimulate immune reserves. It is rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract, begins to act within half an hour after administration.

Quinine hydrochloride quantification

The drug has an irreversible effect:

  • on intramuscular metabolic processes that contribute to the relaxation of the muscles of the patient’s body;
  • the excitability of nerve endings;
  • to temperature control centers;
  • to reduce the excitability of the heart muscles;
  • to stimulate labor in women.

The effectiveness of quinine against protozoal infection, the result of which is malaria, is high. The toxic substance has a gametocidal effect on plasmodium, inhibits the reproduction of unicellular microorganisms.


Since the drug "Quinine hydrochloride" is more designed to combat malaria infections - Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malaria, Plasmodium falsiparum, the instruction for this therapeutic agent contains only the recommended norms for taking the latter in case of manifestation of the corresponding symptoms. The dosage of the medicine for other purposes is strictly controlled by the attending physician individually, evaluating all the pros and cons of its use.

So, with manifestations of malaria, the drug is prescribed orally at a dose of 0.25-0.5 grams, the daily norm should not exceed 1 gram per day. You can take capsules, tablets and quinine powder. With a complex course of the disease, the drug is prescribed intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Acceptable dosage increase in tropical malaria. In this case, the dose threshold should not exceed 1.5 grams of a therapeutic agent per day.

Feasible side effects

The drug containing quinine is not intended for independent use. When using it, care should be taken. It should be noted that even a mandatory verification of the authenticity of “Quinine hydrochloride” in laboratory conditions before its use in medical practice does not guarantee the absence of side effects after its administration by the vital systems of the patient’s body.

Quinine hydrochloride authenticity

Side effects of quinine include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • violation of the functioning of the digestive system;
  • a decrease in blood glucose to a critically dangerous level;
  • stimulation of contractile activity of the uterus;
  • renal failure;
  • hives;
  • intense febrile condition;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • impaired vision and hearing;
  • speech disorders;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • insomnia;
  • violation of the contractile function of the muscles.

Too high doses of the drug can cause death. Before taking quinine, each patient must pass a test for susceptibility to the components of the drug.


Quinine is contraindicated in such cases:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • women during pregnancy and during lactation;
  • children under the age of 12;
  • with ailments of the inner ear;
  • with heart failure;
  • with impaired glucose metabolism;
  • with inflammation of the optic nerves;
  • with severe malaria.

Symptoms and treatment for overdose

In case of non-compliance with the recommendations according to the introduced norms of the drug, cases of overdose are possible. The critical condition of the patient may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • physical weakness;
  • labored breathing;
  • sharp loss of vision;
  • muscle twitching;
  • heart failure.
Quinine hydrochloride recipe

First aid in case of an overdose primarily comes down to washing the gastrointestinal tract, while cardiac arrest, specialists resort to resuscitation.

How can I replace the drug?

Synonyms of the drug "Quinine hydrochloride" are:

  • "Quinine dihydrochloride";
  • "Quinine sulfate";
  • "Hinna tincture";
  • "Alcohol quinine tincture";
  • "Water quinine tincture."

Analog drugs, which are often used in medical practice as an alternative to drugs with quinine, belong to the group of antimalarial drugs:

  • "Delagil";
  • Plaquenil;
  • Immard
  • "Hydroxychloroquine."

Since quinine is a toxic substance, today pharmacies dispense quinine hydrochloride with a prescription. Due to the filling of the pharmaceutical market with new antimalarial drugs, the proportion of quinine-containing drugs is constantly decreasing, although their effectiveness has long been proven and confirmed.

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