The death mask of Vysotsky. Archive of Marina Vladi at auction

In the last century, the talent of the remarkable Soviet actor, poet, composer and performer V. S. Vysotsky flashed and faded as a bright star. The life of this amazingly capable person has become a symbol of a whole generation. Today, thanks to video and audio recordings, you can again hear his voice and see his face. Preserved and the death mask of Vysotsky.

However, it was she who has now become the subject of high-profile debate.

When and how was the cast from Vysotsky’s face made?

The death mask of Vysotsky was made on the day of his death, July 25, 1980, on the initiative of his last wife, actress Marina Vlady.

According to eyewitnesses, Vladi called the artist Yu. Vasiliev, who, with her help, made three casts: one was to be taken by his wife, the second was left for the family, and the third was supposed to be given to the theater.

The cast of the actor’s hand was not possible for the artist Vasiliev.

However, in general, the question of how Vysotsky’s death mask was made remains unanswered, because witnesses to this process today speak of different things.

It should be noted that the image itself and copies were made in a hurry. Perhaps that is why their fate has developed very differently.

posthumous mask of Vysotsky

What happened to the three "posthumous persons"?

The death mask of Vysotsky, taken to France by Marina Vlady, was stored for a long time in her house.

The fate of the other two is not known for certain.

The fact is that, judging by the recollections of eyewitnesses, one of them went first not to the family, but to Vysotsky's friends, then she, according to some sources, was nevertheless transferred to the direct heirs of the poet.

The story with the third copy of the face is even more confused: it was transferred to the director of the Taganka Theater Yuri Lyubimov, who put it in a safe. However, soon the director was abroad, and the plaster copy mysteriously disappeared. She was then searched for by Vysotsky's mother for a long time, but the fate of the mask is still unknown.

Copies made by the artist Vasiliev

The fact is that there were still copies of the mask, which was made by the artist Vasilyev himself. He presented some of them to Vysotsky's friends, in particular, V. Zolotukhin. Then this copy was transferred to the museum.

Later copies called “Leningrad” began to appear, as they were first discovered in Leningrad. They were made professionally, but their left and right parts of the face were confused, compared to the original mask. This indicated that the sculptor who made them had access only to a bad and inverted copy of the face of the outstanding poet and composer.

who bought the death mask of Vysotsky

The decision of Marina Vlady on the sale of things of the deceased husband

The death mask of Vysotsky again became the subject of talk and discussion already in 2015, when it became known that the last wife of the poet and composer Frenchwoman Marina Vladi put her autograph of a poem and some personal belongings of her dead husband for sale.

The actress act was actively discussed in the Russian-speaking environment. Some friends and colleagues Vysotsky quite critically appreciated a similar gesture from Vlad.

In an interview with a Russian newspaper, the actress herself explained her decision simply: she would like to move from a private house to a small apartment, so some of the things she needs to sell. Vladi also noticed that she decided to part with her past in order to boldly look into the future.

death mask of Vysotsky sold

Why did Marina Vladi decide to sell?

The decision of the actress and widow of Vysotsky so impressed our fellow citizens, many of whom are fans of V.S. Vysotsky's talent, that immediately caused a lot of speculation and gossip.

However, some colleagues on Vysotsky’s workshop came to the conclusion that the decision to sell the poet’s belongings came to his widow after Vysotsky’s son Nikita made a film called “Thank you for being alive,” where he told the whole world that his father was finished drug addict. The second wife of Vysotsky - Lyudmila Abramova (mother of his sons Arkady and Nikita) - is portrayed in this film purely positively. But Marina Vlady (who became the third wife of the great actor and composer) is rather a negative character: instead of helping her husband, an alcoholic and drug addict, she goes home to France and disturbs him with annoying phone calls.

posthumous mask of vysotsky at auction

Of course, this film could not please actress Marina Vladi. She appreciated the work very critically, in addition, she was not happy with the fact that the actor, who played the role of Vysotsky, was wearing the mask of her late husband. The actor’s face (this role was played by Sergey Bezrukov) literally to the smallest detail repeated the appearance of Vysotsky.

So to use a copy of the face of the late poet and singer for their own purposes and to do this very freely, the first to decide was the son of Vysotsky.

Perhaps that is why actress Marina Vlady sold the death mask of Vysotsky. Indeed, by doing so, she seemed to remind the world that she was the widow of Vysotsky and the keeper of his things and documents.

What was auctioned?

At the auction, the actress put up about 200 exhibits that are associated with her life together with Vysotsky. These are photographs taken in different years in Europe and in the USSR, photos from the Vysotsky film screening, an autograph of a poem by a poet dedicated to Vlad. Vysotsky's death mask at the auction also occupied an important place.

One way or another, the actress decided to sell most of her archive and family photo album. The only thing she has kept for herself is Vysotsky’s personal letters.

Marina Vlady sold the death mask of Vysotsky

Who bought the death mask of Vysotsky?

Journalists, learning about the upcoming auction, were keenly interested in him. The most agile immediately turned to the sons of Vysotsky, Nikita and Arkady, his second wife Lyudmila Abramova and the poet’s friends with a question about whether they would like to buy the items exhibited by Marina Vladi at the auction.

Many refused to give an interview or comment on this, referring to the fact that Vladi sells her belongings, so she has the right to do whatever she wants.

Vysotsky’s son Nikita Vladimirovich told reporters that he would like to buy an autograph of his father’s poem.

As a result, the auction was held without the participation of other relatives of the poet. The question of who bought Vysotsky's death mask was the most intriguing.

The buyer was our compatriot - the Ural businessman and admirer of the bard's talent Andrei Gavrilovsky. The businessman paid 55 thousand euros for the cast of Vysotsky’s face.

The fact that Vysotsky’s posthumous mask was sold was even broadcast on Russian television news channels. This suggests that Vysotsky is still a favorite actor and performer of many of our compatriots.

for how much is Vysotsky’s mask sold

What will be the fate of a copy of the face of the poet and composer?

When the mask was acquired by a Russian businessman at the auction held on November 25, this caused a wide public outcry. Fans of Vysotsky’s talent were sincerely interested in the identity of the buyer - however, very little is known about this person.

So, the fact is that Andrei Gavrilovsky founded the huge Vysotsky Museum in Yekaterinburg, even called it a skyscraper. Moreover, today it is not completely known whether the items he bought will appear in his museum, since the businessman lives abroad, and in his homeland they are trying to institute criminal proceedings against him.

Opinion of Lyudmila Abramova

Talk about the auction, at which Vysotsky’s belongings were sold, did not stop for a long time. Journalists wrote about how much Vysotsky’s posthumous mask was sold for, who became its new owner, recalled the words of the late artist and sculptor Vasilyev that face images should be handled very carefully, etc.

Journalists interviewed about this and the second wife of Vysotsky, who lives in Russia, Lyudmila Abramova. To the credit of this courageous woman, she behaved very dignified. She urged journalists not to condemn the act of Marina Vladi, who decided on this sale. She pointed out that journalists could not know the reasons that prompted Vlad to do so.

Lyudmila Abramova talked about Vlady, who had donated many photographs and other documents to the Vysotsky Museum on a voluntary and free basis, many years ago. Abramova explained that she was even glad that these things were bought by a Russian businessman who sincerely loves her husband’s legacy. The Vysotsky Museum could not afford such expenses, but this is inconsequential, since it already has many exhibits related to the life and work of the wonderful Russian bard.

as did the posthumous mask of Vysotsky

In general, it should be noted that the story of the sale of Vysotsky’s things is not something negative. Do not condemn the act of Marina Vlady, who buried her husband 35 years ago and has the right to oblivion and peace. Marina Vlady described her difficult relationship with Vysotsky in autobiographical books.

And today a new era is coming - people who no longer knew Vysotsky personally, but wholeheartedly loved his songs, movies and performances.

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