What is Noofen intended for? The analogs of this medicine (like the drug itself) belong to the pharmacotherapeutic group of psychostimulants and nootropics. Due to its composition, it has a tranquilizing effect, increases physical endurance, relieves stress, improves sleep. Safer analogues (Glycine) are recommended as a prophylactic.
Any analogue of Noofen has the same pharmacological effect. The drug is produced in the form of hard gelatin capsules of white color. Inside the medicine there is a powder of a white or cream shade (both options are acceptable). The active substance of Noofen is aminophenylbutyric acid, auxiliary components are potato starch, lactose monohydrate, calcium stearate. The shell is made of gelatin with the addition of titanium dioxide.
Use the drug orally. According to the instructions for use, the Noofen analogs are rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout all body tissues, as they have a similar composition. The plus is that the medicine does not accumulate in the body, but is excreted by the kidneys.
Instruction manual
Analogues of "Noofen" (like the drug itself) are taken as directed by a doctor. Capsules are not chewed, but washed down with water after a meal. In anxiety-neurotic conditions and asthenia, they drink 250-500 mg three times a day. In some cases, the dosage is gradually increased. The dose depends on the patient's age and general condition.
The use of the analogue "Noofen" also depends on its composition. In any case, the dosage is set individually, in the instructions for use it is generalized. It is not recommended to use this drug simultaneously with other psychotropic drugs. If you take "Noofen" or analogues along with sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, the effect of the nootropic is enhanced.
Like any analogue of Noofen, nootropics are prescribed to stimulate memory, learning ability, increase working capacity, and eliminate psychoemotional tension. The medicine removes fears, anxiety, and insomnia. It does not affect choline and adrenoreceptors. "Noofen" has tranquilizing properties, so it is prescribed for patients with sleep problems. The tool enhances the action of antipsychotics, sleeping pills, anticonvulsants.
The plus is that the analogues of Noofen, and the drug itself, eliminates vegetative symptoms and asthenic. Among the unpleasant symptoms are insomnia, irritability, headaches, loss of attention, depersonalization and derealization, decreased sensory-motor reactions, their speed and accuracy. Asthenic patients already after the first dose feel better, feel more interested in activity, motivation appears. In what cases is "Noofen" prescribed?
- anxiety, neurotic conditions (neurosis);
- asthenia;
- fears, anxiety;
- OCD;
- nervous tic, stuttering, enuresis in children;
- difficulty sleeping;
- stress prevention (before surgery, diagnosis);
- treatment of alcoholism and withdrawal syndrome;
- dizziness.
The drug is recommended for those who have problems with the vestibular apparatus. Analogues of "Noofen" (reviews confirm this) are used as an adjuvant in the fight against alcoholism, to eliminate or reduce autonomic disorders and psychological with withdrawal symptoms. Well, "Noofen" manifests itself under stress. It relieves symptoms by gently affecting the body.
Contraindications and adverse reactions
According to the instructions for use, reviews, Noofen and analogues have contraindications. You can not take a nootropic with hypersensitivity to the active substance, additional components, acute renal failure, galactose intolerance, lactose deficiency, during pregnancy, during feeding. It is forbidden to prescribe medicine for children under eight years of age. Caution should be taken in patients with gastric ulcer, gastrointestinal diseases, because the drug has an irritating effect.
"Noofen" can cause adverse reactions. However, they do not appear in all patients. What unpleasant symptoms do capsules and tablets cause?
- Dizziness
- headaches;
- increased symptoms of the disease;
- drowsiness;
- nausea
- rash and itching;
- intoxication.
If symptoms are found, they must be reported to the attending physician to adjust the dose.
In Russia, "Noofen" is sold in any pharmacy. The following nootropic drugs belong to the analogues of the drug:
- Aminalon.
- "Piracetam".
- "Gliatilin."
- Fezam.
- Phenibut
- Beefrain.
"Glycine" has a similar effect with "Noofen", but is not a full-fledged analogue, since it does not belong to the group of nootropics. "Glycine" - a metabolic agent that improves sleep, reduces vegetative-vascular disorders, psycho-emotional stress, aggressiveness, conflict. The Phenibut analog acts as a tranquilizer, an anticonvulsant, relaxing agent. It is used for anxiety, fears, irritability, sleep disturbances, before operations as a sedative.
Judging by the reviews, Noofen is an effective drug. It has beneficial effects on blood vessels, improves memory, eliminates severe headaches, improves mood, and is suitable for children from 8 years old. The medicine calms, relieves withdrawal symptoms, neurotic conditions. Sold at any pharmacy. Among the shortcomings: it is expensive, sometimes it strengthens the symptoms of the disease, after taking a slight discomfort in the stomach, it is addictive. In Belarus, analogues of Noofen are not difficult to find in a pharmacy; they will cost several times cheaper.