Irrigoscopy - what is this procedure? How do irrigoscopy. Preparation for irrigoscopy

Irrigoscopy is a fairly popular procedure in modern medicine. With the help of such a diagnostic study, you can determine the mass of diseases and disorders in the intestines.

That is why today many patients are interested in additional information about this procedure. What is a study? How to prepare for irrigoscopy? What indications and contraindications does this test have? What do the patients themselves say about the procedure? The answers to these questions will be of interest to many.

Irrigoscopy is ... A brief description of the procedure

irrigoscopy is

Irrigoscopy is one of the methods of x-ray examination of the intestine, in which a special contrast agent is used. Barium sulfate, which is administered directly through the rectum, is most often used as a contrast.

In fact, such a procedure has a lot of advantages - it is easy to carry out, gives relatively accurate results and is rarely associated with discomfort or some kind of complications.

What can be seen during the study

Irrigoscopy is a very informative procedure, with the help of which you can get important information about the state of the intestine. First of all, x-ray images provide very accurate data on the location, shape and diameter of the lumen of the large intestine. Through testing, the doctor can also assess the elasticity of the intestinal wall and its degree of extensibility.

bowel irrigoscopy reviews

Irrigoscopy helps to obtain information about the work of the bauginium flap - the intestinal fold located at the junction of the ileum into the colon. Normally, this structure passes the contents of the intestine in only one direction - by tracking the movement of the contrast medium, you can check if there are any violations in the operation of the valve.

This procedure is also very important in the diagnosis of diseases such as diverticulosis, cicatricial narrowing of the intestine. It is also used for suspected presence of tumors and fistulas. Using X-ray images, you can check the operation of various departments of the intestinal tract, as well as examine the surface relief of the mucous membranes.

Indications for the procedure

how to prepare for irrigoscopy

In what cases is irrigoscopy prescribed for patients? The reviews of doctors indicate that this procedure has a very important diagnostic value. An indication for its conduct is a suspicion of the presence of certain diseases of the large intestine. In particular, the study is recommended for patients who consulted a doctor with the following complaints:

  • pain in the colon and anus;
  • chronic stool disorders, including prolonged diarrhea or constipation;
  • the appearance of uncharacteristic mucous or purulent discharge from the intestine;
  • the presence of bleeding in the rectum;
  • as a prophylaxis, irrigocospia is occasionally passed by people with suspected cancer of the large intestine;
  • a similar examination is also shown if a previous colonoscopy yielded doubtful, inaccurate results.

It is worth noting that in most cases, irrigoscopy is prescribed in combination with other diagnostic tests.

Preparation rules

Preparation for intestinal irrigoscopy is a very important point, since the quality and results of the study depend on this. So what activities does the procedure require? Of course, the attending physician will tell you more about this, but still there are some general recommendations.

The large intestine must be freed from feces. That is why patients need to slightly change the diet 2-3 days before irrigoscopy. In particular, it is worth excluding from the menu all products that cause profuse stools and bloating. Patients are advised to temporarily abandon the use of bread, some cereals (oat, millet, pearl barley), as well as fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Dishes, by the way, are best steamed.

preparation for intestinal irrigoscopy

The day before the procedure, you can dine with light food, but it is better to refuse dinner. Naturally, breakfast on the day of testing is also not recommended.

Preparation for intestinal irrigoscopy requires some other measures. For example, the colon needs to be cleaned with enemas: one of them should be performed the night before, and the second - on the morning of the procedure.

There are more comfortable methods of cleansing the intestines. For example, laxatives are used for this purpose. On the eve of the study, the patient may be advised to take medications such as Dufalac or Fortrans.

Irrigoscopy Technique

Of course, many patients are interested in the question of how to do irrigoscopy and whether the procedure is associated with soreness. It is immediately worth noting that such a study is absolutely painless.

To supply contrast to the intestine, as a rule, a special device is used. It is a jar with a ground lid, to which two tubes are attached. At the end of one of the tubes there is a rubber bulb, with the help of which air is supplied to the jar, thereby creating excess pressure. A disposable, sterile system for irrigoscopy is attached to another tube - it is through it that the contrast agent enters the intestine. Such a device for irrigoscopy is called the Bobrov apparatus.

irrigoscopy device

During the procedure, the patient lies on his side, with his hands behind his back and bending his legs in the hip joints. A contrast solution is slowly delivered through the tube into the intestine. As the intestines fill up, the medical staff makes targeted and general radiological images.

This is followed by the second stage of the procedure - double contrasting, in which the necessary amount of air is injected into the intestine, while simultaneously taking a series of shots. This technique makes it possible to straighten the folds of the mucous membrane and carefully examine them.

After the procedure

It is worth noting that in the first 1-3 days after the procedure, constipation may occur. In addition, feces can discolor or lighten - this is due to the introduction of barium into the intestine. All these phenomena pass by themselves, so do not worry.

Are there any contraindications

how do irrigoscopy

Before prescribing such a procedure, the doctor should conduct a thorough examination and collect a complete medical history. After all, there are some contraindications in which irrigoscopy is not performed. This is primarily a serious condition of the patient. For example, the study is not prescribed for people with severe tachycardia, severe heart failure and some other systemic diseases.

Contraindications also include pregnancy. Irrigoscopy is contraindicated in the presence of perforations in the intestinal wall. Acute inflammatory processes in the intestine (for example, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis) are considered relative contraindications - the procedure can be carried out, but very carefully, and the doctor decides on the appointment of the study.

If irrigoscopy is not possible for the patient, a specialist may recommend other diagnostic testing.

Irrigoscopy and possible complications

To date, this procedure is considered one of the safest. Nevertheless, there are some complications associated with irrigoscopy. This is primarily the formation of barium granulomas or barium embolism. Complications may also include perforation of the intestinal wall. It is extremely rare during the procedure that the contrast medium flows into the abdominal cavity.

But do not be afraid of complications, since such violations in modern medicine are recorded very rarely. If the procedure was carried out correctly, the patient underwent preliminary diagnostics and the doctor did not find any contraindications in him, then the likelihood of developing the aforementioned disorders is minimal.

Intestinal irrigoscopy: patient reviews

Of course, in modern gastroenterology, this procedure is used quite often, since it is relatively simple to carry out and gives good results. Irrigoscopy is recommended for many patients. Reviews of such a study are for the most part positive.

irrigoscopy reviews

First of all, people note the fact that the procedure does not last so long - from 40 to 90 minutes, depending on the size of the study. As for pain, it is absent. It should be noted a certain level of discomfort, which is associated with intestinal irrigoscopy. Patient reviews, however, indicate that the inconvenience is more likely to be emotional than physical. Some patients note a feeling of bloating, and sometimes mild nausea.

The undoubted advantage is that immediately after the study, the patient receives results with which you can go immediately to the attending physician.

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