Smoked-boiled fat: tasty and simple

Salo is a great appetizer for many strong drinks. It can be purchased ready-made, but you can do it yourself. Then you get really tasty home-made smoked and boiled lard, all the more it will be cheaper. In addition, in order to cook this fat at home, you do not need to have special appliances. Yes, some can actively use the smokehouse. But also the color will give the usual husks from onions.

Smokehouse Recipe

If you have your own smokehouse, then you can easily and simply cook a delicious smoked-boiled lard. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • two kilograms of fat;
  • two liters of water;
  • a couple of tablespoons of salt;
  • five peas of black pepper;
  • six pieces of allspice;
  • four bay leaves.

Of course, you can use any spices that are to your taste. However, you should pay attention to the fat itself. If it has an unpleasant smell, sticky, it just seems unappetizing, you should refuse to buy it.


The process of making bacon

To start, the workpiece is boiled. Water is poured into a pan, salted. Bring the liquid to a boil. Lay bay leaves and both types of pepper. After laying the pieces of bacon with the skin down. After boiling again, reduce the heat and cook for about sixty minutes.

After cooling, previously pulled out of the broth, dried with a paper towel. Bandage the workpiece with a rope, preferably from hemp, so that it does not burn.

How to make boiled-smoked bacon? Install a smokehouse, following the instructions. Heat lard for twenty to thirty minutes. After cooling in air, then put in the refrigerator for an hour.

Ready smoked-boiled lard is cut into pieces, if desired, sprinkled with ground garlic and served to the table.

smoke boiled fat

Smoked bacon

Often you can find lard, which has a thin layer of fat. From it you can make a delicious roll using simple ingredients. And he does not need a smokehouse. For this recipe for smoked-boiled fat, you need to take:

  • fat;
  • a couple of tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • four bay leaves;
  • several cloves of garlic.

Also, onion husks are used to form a beautiful color, like a smoked product.

cooking smoked lard

Smoked boiled fat: delicious roll

To begin with lay out a layer of fat. Sprinkle it with salt. Bay leaf torn into pieces, stacked on lard. The garlic is finely chopped, evenly distributed over the fat, roll it into a roll stuffing inside. Tightly tied with a rope.

Part of the husk is placed in the pan, and lard is placed on top. Husk. Pour hot, but not boiling water for about two centimeters. After boiling, lard is boiled for about two hours. After cooling the product without removing from the broth. Cooked smoked lard in onion peel turns fragrant, has a pleasant brown color with golden tones.

They put the roll on a sieve, put oppression on top to prevent excess moisture from the glass. Leave for an hour. After they remove the ropes. For taste, you can take a little more garlic, grate it on a coarse grater and mix with black pepper. Grate a roll of fat with this mass, wrap in cling film, and then remove for an hour in the cold.

Such a roll is cut into pieces, at the cut it has interesting impregnations due to broken laurel leaves. It can be served on bread, with rye bread, or simply with skewers to make it convenient to take.

Another option with onions

For such a simple but tasty recipe you need to take:

  • a kilogram of fat;
  • a glass of husk;
  • ten peas of allspice;
  • a glass of salt;
  • ten cloves of garlic;
  • three bay leaves;
  • a little black pepper;
  • a teaspoon of liquid smoke.

Apparently, and onion husk is used in this recipe. It is it that allows the bacon to turn brown, that is, it really looks like smoked. However, it is worth noting how to choose the husk.

how to make smoked bacon

Simple tips

To get tasty fat, and not to spoil a quality product, it is worth taking the choice of husk responsibly. For example, it is better to remove the topmost husk. But the lower leaves should not be taken to avoid an unpleasant odor. The leaves are also reviewed for rot or other damage.

The husk is washed under running water so that no impurities get into the fat. It is also worth noting that the longer it stands in warm water with a husk, the more saturated its color will be.

Cooking process

Washed husk is put in a pan, pour it with water. She must cover her completely. Bring the mass to a boil, and then reduce the heat, cook another ten minutes.

After they put bay leaves, peppercorns and salt into the water. Add four cloves of garlic, pre-peeled. Stir the mass. Then put lard in the brine. It must be completely covered with liquid. Cook for about an hour. If there are a lot of meat patches in fat, time can be increased up to one and a half hours.

After adding liquid smoke. This is done for flavor, in principle, you can refuse this step. When the lard has cooled completely, it is removed, the husk is removed, dipped in paper towels. Rub fat with pepper. Garlic on a fine grater is also applied to the finished product. Put fat in a bowl, cover with a plate, put oppression. Sent in the refrigerator for twelve hours.

smoked bacon

Tasty bacon is a great base for sandwiches. Often they get smoked or just boiled product in the store. But many will agree that cooking boiled-smoked lard at home allows you to get a product with a unique taste. In addition, cooking it is very simple. There are many options. Someone uses a home smokehouse, which gives the dish an incomparable aroma, and someone achieves color using other means.

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