How is zinc sold in pharmacies?

Today, the important role of zinc in the body is known. Many people buy drugs containing zinc in pharmacies. And that's why.

Zinc and its benefits

The highest concentration of this element is in the retina, bones and skin, which means that zinc deficiency can significantly affect the health of these organs.

In addition, zinc is involved in the production of insulin and thyroid hormone, helps with skin problems (acne, eczema, dandruff), strengthens nails. In complex treatment, zinc is indicated for osteoporosis, diabetes, weakening potency in men and male infertility, for the prevention of prostate diseases. Zinc is effective for anemia, gum disease, chronic lung disease. It helps to heal various wounds on the skin, trophic ulcers, burns and postoperative sutures.

In general, zinc has a lot of “work” in the body, and although the daily need for it is small, the consequences of zinc deficiency can significantly affect health.

Zinc in pharmacies

Vitamin and mineral complexes with zinc

So, you decided to take care of your health and take zinc. In pharmacies, you will most likely be offered vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements with zinc in the composition. Consider them briefly.

Complivit is a complex with vitamins and minerals to maintain health and strengthen the immune system.

“Complivite trimesterum 1, 2, 3” - is intended for use at different stages of pregnancy, where zinc contributes to the full development of the fetus and prevents premature birth.

In general, such a combination as vitamin + zinc can be found in a pharmacy in many drugs. For example: “Selitsink Plus”, “Centrum”, “Oligovit”, “Alphabet”, “Duovit”, “Multitabs” and many others.

zinc tablets price in a pharmacy

Dietary supplements with zinc

Zinc + Vitamin C from Evalar is a dietary supplement that contains 60 mg zinc lactate (ie 12 mg pure zinc). Designed to eliminate the deficiency in the body of vitamin C and zinc, as well as for the prevention of colds. Such zinc in pharmacies will cost about 150 rubles. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as it contains a certain amount of toxic elements (lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury).

“Zincit” is a dietary supplement in the form of effervescent tablets. Zinc in it is presented in the form of sulfate, in the amount of 44 mg in 1 tablet (pure zinc 10 mg). Designed to eliminate zinc deficiency in the body. Contraindicated in renal failure. Such zinc in tablets, the price in a pharmacy for which ranges from 300 to 500 rubles, is very popular among consumers.

Zincteral is a dietary supplement in the form of tablets, each containing zinc gluconate - 15 mg, vitamin C - 34 mg, seafood extract - 105 mg and excipients. It is recommended for age-related changes in the skin (loss of elasticity, wrinkles). Due to the low proportion of pure zinc, the drug cannot fully cover the need for this element. Contraindications to taking this drug include intolerance to seafood and other components of the dietary supplement.

"Now L-OptiZinc" - tablets with zinc and copper. In this preparation, zinc is presented in combination with the amino acid methionine.

Both of these elements have a very positive effect on the body. The drug is recommended for use to increase immunity, in complex therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels, liver, eye and skin diseases. The price of this zinc in tablets in a pharmacy is quite high - about 500 rubles.

zinc tablets in a pharmacy


Also, zinc in pharmacies can be purchased in the form of the drug "Biocinc" from DR. SKALNY (60 tablets, each containing 0.3 g of zinc). This manufacturer claims that in this composition, zinc is most well absorbed by the body at the cellular level. Ingredients: zinc lactate, glucose as an energy source and antioxidant, chicken egg powder is a storehouse of proteins, talc is a filler, magnesium stearic acid is one of the main elements found in cells.

Properties: protection against toxins, preventing the development of cancer, promotes the production of thyroid hormone, as well as testosterone and progesterone, accelerates wound healing, prolongs youth, improves brain function.

This is not the whole list of zinc preparations on the Russian market. But more and more consumers give preference to foreign versions of such dietary supplements. This is explained by the relatively cheap price of these funds and an improved form of absorption of zinc in the body.

vitamin zinc in a pharmacy

Zinc (powder)

Perhaps you will be offered zinc (powder) in a pharmacy - this is zinc oxide (oxide). True, in this form it is rarely used, and even then only for external application. Usually , zinc powder is mixed with other components and various ointments, creams, liniments and other dosage forms containing zinc are released. And all because zinc oxide (oxide) is absorbed in the digestive tract even worse than zinc sulfate.

Here are some examples of examples: zinc ointment, zinc paste, zinc-naphthalan ointment, zinc paste, salicylic-zinc paste, zinc-ichthyol ointment, “galmanin” (powder for sweating feet), candles “Neo-anuzole” (for hemorrhoids) .

Such drugs are prescribed most often for diaper rash and diaper dermatitis in children, prickly heat, wounds and burns, pressure sores, eczema, herpes, streptoderma and trophic ulcers.

The action of drugs with zinc for external use: anti-inflammatory, drying, adsorbing, antiseptic, astringent, protective, soothing.

zinc powder in a pharmacy

Side effects of zinc

When buying zinc (tablets) in a pharmacy, ask about side effects and contraindications of your chosen drug.

Typically, manufacturers indicate on the labels of their products not the fraction of pure zinc, but its quantity in the form of salt: sulfate, oxide, bisglycinate, gluconate, acetate, picolinate, zinc citrate. There is also zinc lactate - the lactic acid form of zinc. The proportion of pure zinc in this case will be significantly less than in the form of salt. However, zinc salts are easier to obtain, and they are relatively inexpensive. It is believed that zinc oxide and sulfate are more likely to cause side effects than its other forms. When they are taken orally, people often show symptoms of an upset digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Sometimes these symptoms can be avoided if you take zinc sulfate after a hearty meal, and not on an empty stomach.

If you are not sure about your reaction to the drug with zinc, you should not take it before you leave home. In some cases, you can simply diversify your diet with foods that contain zinc.

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