The symbol of the Order of St. George is the St. George Ribbon. How to draw?

The St. George ribbon is an integral symbol of most military holidays, which has long ago left its mark on history.

The history of the St. George ribbon

The tradition of using the St. George ribbon has appeared a long time ago.

Someone wears a ribbon on their bags, backpacks, things, someone hangs in the car, someone glues on notebooks and stuff. In general, one thing is clear that today you can find a bunch of options on how to use the St. George ribbon. Images are not an exception - β€œSt. George Ribbon”. How to draw this symbol read below.

And now some information from the history of occurrence.

St. George Ribbon. How to draw?

The St. George ribbon appeared during the time of Catherine II, when by the order of the empress she was awarded for victory, courage, courage and loyalty to the motherland.

Now this is an ordinary accessory, an attribute of your clothes that are worn precisely during the military holidays (at least on Victory Day), and in which people nevertheless put a special meaning.

How to draw a St. George ribbon with a pencil?

How to draw a St. George ribbon in stages?

St. George ribbons become very popular just on the eve of Victory Day, when every passerby has one, and it is simply handed out on the street. You can try to draw it. How to draw a St. George ribbon in stages?

It is easy enough and does not take away much of your precious time.

To do this, you will need two colors - black and yellow-orange, with the help of which the St. George ribbon will appear. How to draw it unusual, wrapped, wavy?

First you need to draw exactly two lines: the vertical is more authentic and the horizontal is shorter. Better draw under the ruler so that the picture is smoother and more beautiful. Then you need to evenly and symmetrically draw an oval above the horizontal line.

Just below you need to draw two strokes parallel to each other, which are elements of the tail of the tape.

The oval must be outlined so that two loops are formed, first on the right side, and then on the left so that they go forward one in front of the other. Pull the loops so that they are directly proportional to the oval. The edges should be widened.

Let's go back to two touches. We tape them together and make a small wave to get an image of a folded ribbon.

The St. George ribbon is almost ready. How to draw it on?

Now in empty cavities you need to draw straight lines and decorate them alternately with the colors that you originally prepared. Nothing complicated, everything worked out for you!

Where and how is the St. George ribbon used today?

How to draw a St. George ribbon with a pencil?

Here is the symbol of Victory Day - St. George's Ribbon. How to draw it on a piece of paper, you already know. As for its use today, it is worth saying that people do not violate the long-established tradition and continue to wear a ribbon for Victory Day. Like it or not, but this is the real story that made today. Therefore, in honor of the memory of those who gave us a peaceful sky, the St. George ribbon is still used. How to draw it in stages and in pencil, you already know.

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