Artificial flowers: beautiful and easy

Decorate the house or become a pleasant gift can be pictures of artificial flowers. In the interior of almost any apartment, they will find a place. Advantages of the panel in durability and ease of execution.


DIY paintings of artificial flowers can be supplemented with shells, decorative and living stones, branches. Finishing work will give beads, sequins or shiny topping. Special decor colors add sophistication, for example, if you gilt the leaves. Transparent varnish adds shine. Flowers can be purchased or homemade. The second option is better, because you yourself completely decide what will be on the panel, and give room for imagination. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time to go shopping in search of the necessary materials.

picture of artificial flowers

The frame can be ordinary, for photographs, or made of dry branches. If the work is not very voluminous, then it can be hidden behind the glass. So it will last longer, but outwardly lose the volumetric picture. You can make a picture on a fabric of different textures, selected for the interior of the room. Or just pin flowers on a frame. It looks interesting when the role of the background is played by threads stretched in random order.

Art background

Pictures of artificial flowers will turn out more vivid and interesting if the background is artistic. This is achieved using batik. What to do:

  1. Pull the fabric over the stretcher and moisten with a spray bottle.
  2. Take special paints for the fabric and apply in any order. Do not think about the composition, the paints themselves will create a pattern when they spread.
  3. Add salt to create new patterns.

Another method involves the use of glass. Put gouache on it. Moisten a sheet of paper, attach it to the glass and quickly remove.

Also, a similar result can be obtained using watercolor paper. Moisturize it and apply watercolors in random order. Turn the sheet so that the paint spreads and mixes to create patterns.

How to make flowers

If you did not find suitable materials for creating panels in the stores, create them yourself. Artificial flowers are made thanks to ribbons, napkins, fabrics, yarn, paper or beads. The most realistic and simple way is to make flowers from ribbons. You will need ribbons, threads with a needle, glue, a candle and scissors.


  1. Take a wide satin ribbon 2.5 centimeters.
  2. Cut strips 5 centimeters long.
  3. Bend the workpiece in half and cut the corner.
  4. Replace the cut point to fix the result.
  5. Expand and glue or lower the bottom edges to the center. The result is a petal.
    DIY painting from artificial flowers
  6. Create 20 such petals.
  7. Take a circle of fabric with a diameter of 4 centimeters.
  8. Glue the petals to the core of 10 in each row.
  9. Now take the black tape half a centimeter wide.
  10. Sew it with a basting seam, fix it with a knot from one edge.
  11. Pull off, you should get a squeezed strip.
  12. Place it in the center of the flower.

Artificial flower painting master class

By this principle, you can create not only a sunflower, but also other flowers.

How to make a picture of artificial flowers with roses:

  1. Cut squares 5 by 5 centimeters from the tape.
  2. Fold in half to make a triangle, melt the end.
  3. Now align the sides.
  4. Cut below about 1.5 centimeters. Swim.
  5. Make some petals.
  6. Bend one of them in half, glue. It will be the core.
  7. Start assembling the bud with glue.
  8. Rose is ready!

how to make a picture of artificial flowers

Loop flowers:

  1. From a tape 2 centimeters wide, cut three strips 17 centimeters long.
  2. Use glue to create a ring.
  3. Do the same with the remaining strips.
  4. Twist the loop, creating a figure eight, fasten with glue.
  5. Connect the eights in the center, the loops play the role of petals.
  6. Glue a tourniquet from a narrow ribbon or bead into the center.

Assembly work

Once you have decided on the background and materials, you can already get a picture of artificial flowers. The workshop will tell you how to combine the details together. Now you have a frame made with an artistic background or from four dry branches, and flowers. Start creating panels. Glue greens and large buds first, then small ones. Before work, you can draw on paper a plan of the arrangement of the composition. Before gluing, attach all materials, change where necessary, take a picture. So you will know exactly where it should be, and you will not have to redo anything. After gluing, look at the work, add small details such as beads and sparkles.

paintings of artificial flowers

Pictures of artificial flowers are unique. Not a single job can be repeated. Therefore, be sure that you are the only owner of such an exquisite panel.

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