Why the language goes numb: causes and treatment

Why is the language numb? This is a common question. We will understand this article.

Numbness of the tongue, complete or partial loss of sensitivity can indicate the presence of any violations or pathological changes in the body. Such pathologies can concern either one specific organ, or signal a disease in which nerve impulses are affected, their conductivity is impaired.

Numb language, reasons

So, consider the reasons that the language goes numb.

Causes of numbness

With a loss of sensitivity, the following reasons are noted:

  • thermal burn;
  • mechanical damage to the organ;
  • chemical burn;
  • tooth extraction (often removal of wisdom teeth);
  • use of unsuitable toothpaste or rinse aid;
  • allergic reactions of local manifestation;
  • pregnancy;
  • age-related hormonal changes in women.

Quite a common cause of numbness of the tongue is smoking, it has a negative effect on the nerve endings that are in the mouth.

Diseases that cause numbness of the tongue

What does it mean when the tongue goes numb?

The very loss of a sensitive organ is determined by paresthesia. The causes that are associated with mechanical damage are attributed to ordinary paresthesia, as a result of which the transmission of nerve impulses is disturbed for a short time, and leakage is formed. If the nervous system is affected, paresthesia occurs without damage and visible disorders, then this is a chronic form of pathology.

Why is the language numb?

Such violations of the conduction of nerve impulses appear as a result of these diseases:

  • stroke;
  • infectious nerve damage;
  • neurodegenerative lesion;
  • tumor lesion;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • due to alcohol abuse;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • transferred chickenpox;
  • lack of necessary vitamins;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

Sometimes the tip of the tongue goes numb. We will consider the reasons below.

In such conditions, loss of sensitivity of the tongue may not be the only symptom. If the nervous system is affected, loss of sensation and a tingling sensation often occurs along the peripheral nerves of different organs.

It is important to know that numbness of the tongue is not a separate disease, it has a causative factor, which is a violation of nerve conduction.

The process of numbness of the tongue can occur gradually or begin immediately. In the meantime, sensitivity is lost only at the tip of the tongue, or under the tongue and from the sides.

And if your lips and tongue go numb? Reasons are also presented.

Numbness of lips and tongue

Numbness of the tongue and lips can appear periodically or constantly, this means that there are some problems in the body. The main reason for this pathology is a violation of the conduction of nerves in the tongue and lips. They arise as a result of mechanical damage, with infectious or vascular factors:

  • Bell palsy;
  • acute migraine;
  • anemia (especially lack of vitamin B 12 );
  • a stroke;
  • angioedema;
  • depression and other forms of disorders;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • tumors (benign and malignant);
  • dental procedures.

It often happens that the tongue goes numb after visiting the dentist.

Numb tongue - treatment

Numbness of the tongue after anesthesia

Often, after procedures in the dental office, numbness of the tongue may persist, especially if a significant amount of local anesthesia has been administered. This is considered normal and passes with time when the injection will pass.

When is the language still numb?

Numbness of the tongue after tooth extraction

In special cases, tongue paresthesia is observed after tooth extraction, more often if wisdom teeth are removed. A similar phenomenon is observed in 7% of patients. Most often, such numbness occurs in the elderly or in those who suffer from an abnormally close arrangement of teeth to the lingual region of the jaw. If the procedure is correct, then after tooth extraction and anesthesia, numbness completely stops after 1-10 days. If persistent numbness occurs (paresthesia persists for more than a month), you need to visit a doctor.

When the language goes numb, the reasons must be found.

Numbness of the tongue and hands

Such symptoms usually occur when a person suffers from acute migraine attacks. In this case, you should undergo a complete neurological examination, because the reasons may be increased body requirements for brain functionality.

Headache and numbness of the tongue

If there is a numbness of the tongue, coupled with headaches, then this may signal developing hyperinsulinism. Often, such patients may resemble people who have been heavily intoxicated. Also, numbness of the tongue may result from a migraine-like headache.

Why is the tip of the tongue numb? Not everyone knows the reasons .

Why the language goes numb, reasons

With numbness of the tip of the tongue

The tip of the tongue may go numb after eating, this indicates the presence of an allergic reaction, but if a large area of ​​the tongue is affected, it may be glossalgia, which is a functional disorder. In most cases, it occurs as a result of damage to the autonomic nervous system.

Also, sensitivity is lost due to vascular and infectious diseases of a systemic nature. It is important to identify what was the reason in order to properly treat and block the supposedly serious illness at the initial stage.

Bilateral and unilateral numbness

During damage to the glossopharyngeal nerves , the root of the tongue is numb and loss of sensation on one side of the muscular organ. In addition, salivation is also disturbed, pains appear in the organs of the oral cavity, in the ear and tonsils. In turn, infections, injuries and tumors lead to nerve damage.

Also, sensitivity is lost on the sides of the tongue or on one side with osteochondrosis, which means that there was a nerve compression in the cervical region. Other possible reasons are:

The tip of the tongue goes numb, causes
  • laryngeal carcinoma;
  • the nerve was affected when the tooth was removed;
  • other operations in the oral cavity.

Also, psychogenic disorders can provoke paresthesia of the tongue from two sides. Such anxiety conditions are characterized by some symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • sweating
  • discomfort in the solar plexus.

What to do with numbness of the tongue?

Before starting treatment, you need to determine the correct diagnosis. In order to make a diagnosis and get timely help, you need to visit a neurologist and psychotherapist. To remove unpleasant symptoms and cure pathology at a deeper level, you will need to apply homeopathy.

Homeopathic treatment

For any symptom that has not appeared before or is not characteristic of a healthy person, you should make an appointment with a neurologist, dentist, endocrinologist.

If the tongue is numb, the treatment should be comprehensive.

Homeopathic treatment usually begins after the correct diagnosis is made. It is important to know that numbness of the tongue is simply a symptom that may indicate the presence of another serious illness. Such therapy is prescribed depending on many factors:

  • the appearance of the patient;
  • what symptoms accompany the disease;
  • psychoemotional state;
  • the reaction of the patient.
    Why does the tip of the tongue go numb, reasons

When prescribing treatment, the constitutional type should be taken into account. One of the main signs of homeopathy is that not the disease itself is treated, but a person.

Even with the same diagnoses, drugs are individually prescribed for each person. This approach contributes to the effectiveness of treatment. Homeopathy can be used both as an auxiliary method and in complex treatment.

Consider what medications doctors prescribe.

For the treatment of anxiety disorder, VVD, high nervous excitability, these drugs are prescribed:

  • "Nervoheel" (Nervoheel) is a composite homeopathic medicine, which is used in complex treatment as an adjuvant in drug alopathic therapy, acts as a sedative. It also helps with depression and cramps.
  • "Barite carbonic." This tool is suitable equally in adolescence and old age. Helps people who suffer from circulatory problems and nervous disorders.

With osteochondrosis, the following medications are taken:

  • Strontian Carbonica. It is used for osteochondrosis of the neck, which is often the cause of numbness of the tongue.
  • "Traumeel C" is a homeopathic composite remedy for diseases of the joints, bones, neuralgia and osteochondrosis.

These drugs very effectively relieve the causes of numbness of the tongue. To eliminate the symptoms, it is recommended to take:

Numb lips and tongue, causes
  • "Natrium muriaticum." It is used for tingling sensations on the lips, nose and tongue.
  • "Laurocerasus" (Laurocerasus officinalis). Burning sensations in the tongue, feeling when the tongue seems cold or β€œwooden”.
  • "Cocculus indicus." Use for numbness of the tongue and face including.
  • "Natrium muriaticum." Tingling and numbness of the tongue, burning sensation, a sense of the presence of hair on the tongue.
  • "Guaco" (Micania guaco) for language paresis.
  • "Reum palm" with numbness of the tongue.

Now we know why the language goes numb. The reasons we have considered.

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