Mark Tishman: the personal life of the singer. Mark Tishman's life off stage

Today we’ll talk about who Mark Tishman is. The biography, the personal life of this artist is now interested in millions of fans of his talent. For the most part, his fans. The personal life of Mark Tishman, a young, attractive, talented guy, is covered in a veil of secrecy. But the girls who listen to his songs, this does not stop. They want by all means to find out who the bride of Mark Tishman is. Indeed, recently, interesting rumors have spread in the media. They say that Mark Tishman got married! Fans of his talent will be able to read about this and other facts from the artist’s life in this article.

mark tishman personal life

The childhood of the future popular artist

It is known that the future singer was born in the city of Makhachkala, in Dagestan, on August 22, 1979. Therefore, the answer to the question of interest to many about how old Mark Tishman is is not at all difficult to find. There are suggestions that the guy made his way to the stage thanks to his relatives working in the field of show business. But this is not so. The family of Mark Tishman is very far from the world of music. His father, Joseph Arkadievich, a native of Chernivtsi, worked all his life as an engineer. Mother, Isolda Mikhailovna, of Bessarabian origin, a doctor by profession. Mark's elder brother, Michael, has followed in his mother's footsteps and also works as a doctor. Only the youngest son in the family showed a penchant for music. Parents noticed the boy’s talent in time and sent him to study at the local music school, which he successfully graduated from (piano class). At the age of thirteen, a talented young man won an English language competition and went to the United States through a student exchange program.

Higher education

After Mark received a certificate of secondary education at the family council, it was decided that the ability to learn foreign languages ​​would help him easily enter Moscow State University. The decision was correct. Mark moved to Moscow, became a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Moscow University for the Humanities, and upon graduation he received a red diploma and a bachelor's degree. In the process of training, he perfectly mastered English and Spanish. Getting higher education in a specialty far from music, Mark Tishman still found time to practice vocals with one of the best teachers in Moscow - Vladimir Khachaturov. After graduating from Moscow State University, he decided to continue his studies at the RATI.

Beginning of a creative career

mark tishman biography personal life
Mark Tishman, whose personal life in his student years remained in the background, managed, in addition to studying, to play in many performances. One of his favorite works was the main role in the musical "Kiss me, Kat", with whom he traveled to such countries as the Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, Israel and many cities of Russia. At the same time, Mark managed to solo in the Profsoyuz group, the producer of which was Sergey Harin. The group not only successfully performed, but even became a laureate of the prestigious competition "Marine Knot". In 2006, Mark left the group and occasionally performed at corporate parties, starred in the series (“God's Gift”, “Law and Order”), wrote songs that he himself performed. He proved himself to be a TV presenter on fashion, led the Bingo Million lottery, and was also a member of the Paris group. And, of course, he continued to dream about a solo career.

Participation in the "Factory of Stars-7"

In the summer of 2007, a casting took place on the television show “Star Factory-7”, which was already loved by many. Mark Tishman also decided to try his hand and sent to the audition the song “I will become your angel” of his own composition, which he had already poisoned at the Five Stars contest in 2006, but then went unnoticed. This time, the jury appreciated the talent of the young guy, and he was invited to participate on television. As a result of the competition, he took the “silver”. And on the pop Olympus another young star shone - Mark Tishman. The personal life of a novice artist has never been in his first place, and now even more so - he was picked up and carried by a wave of career and fame. His compositions “Five Colors of Love”, “I Will Be Your Angel”, “Bright Flame” sounded in every corner of the country in every musical broadcast of radio stations.

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Rapid success

After the filming of "Factory" was followed by "Song of the Year", "Songs for Beloved", "Two Stars", "Tatyana's Day", "Night on the First", "Miss Russia" and other projects in which Mark took part. The festival called "Russian Winter", which takes place annually in London, also could not do without this amazing artist with indefatigable energy and magnetic charisma.

For 7 months in 2008, Mark toured with the team of “Star Factory-7” to cities of the Russian Federation and other countries. Besides the fact that he performed all his songs, Mark also acted as the host of all the shows.

Achievements of Mark Tishman as an author

On the day of the election of the President of the Russian Federation, March 2, 2008, a concert was held near the Kremlin walls with the patriotic title “I choose Russia!”, Which was broadcast on Channel One after the completion of voting, at the time when all the electoral precincts were closed. At this event, Mark Tishman sang the hymn “Go Forward, Russia!” his own essay, which was broadcast by all the morning issues of Novosti on March 3rd.

mark tishman

Mark Tishman became the author of another hymn called "Daisy", which he wrote in honor of the national holiday (since 2008) - Family Day, Love and Fidelity. The wife of the former President of the Russian Federation, Svetlana Medvedev, praised the talent of the young artist.

The song called “Closer”, which the author wrote for the group “BiS”, immediately fell in love with the audience and almost from its first broadcasts on radio and television broadcasts became a super hit.

At the end of 2008, the young performer presented to the audience several more of his works - these are songs of his own composition “My Story”, “Girl Victory” and “Evening. Coldly". The last of the mentioned compositions brought the author-performer the prestigious award of the festival “New songs about the main thing”.

In 2010, the artist released his first video clip for the song "January".

Participation in creative evenings

Mark Tishman is actively invited to take part in various events of the domestic show business. He acted as a performer at the anniversary concerts of Andrei Dementiev, Georgy Garanyan, Nikolai Dobronravov, at the festive show of the famous designer Valentin Yudashkin. Evenings in memory of Vladimir Vysotsky, Mikhail Tanich and Lyudmila Zykina were also decorated with Mark's songs. At the last concert, Mark Tishman also acted as a host.

Mark Tishman's personal life

Artist Fan Club

After Mark’s sensational success at the Star Factory, he found thousands of fans around the world who united and created Mark Tishman’s international fan club with the interesting name MarkIZ Angels. As part of the activities of this institution, evenings are held - the participants meet, communicate, organize meetings with Mark. The fan club also produces souvenirs.

TV presenter career

Mark Tishman, who has already established himself as a talented and promising young performer, managed to show himself in another role. Today, the artist is increasingly invited to various events as a TV presenter. Although he himself admits that he hates this work. He likes writing songs, singing, listening to how other artists perform his creations.

mark tishman married

In the summer of 2008, he, together with Churikova Yana, held the “Graduation Ball” at the State Kremlin Palace. And in the autumn of the same year, he became the TV presenter of the tenth anniversary ceremony of awarding the national value “Product of the Year” prize.

In November 2008, again in the company of Yana Churikova, Mark Tishman successfully held an anniversary concert in the Kremlin for the Melody ensemble and jazz musician Georgy Garanyan.

On December 5, 2008, in a team of such eminent stars as Alexander Tsekalo, Vera Brezhneva, Garik Martirosyan, Zhanna Friske and Yana Churikova, Mark acted as the host of the most popular festival “New Songs about the Main”.

The spring of 2009 brought the hero of our story and his stage partner Nonna Grishaeva victory in the competition "Two Stars-3". Many attributed the novel to the artists, but, as Mark Tishman himself states, personal life and work are those things that he will never combine.

On November 9, 2009, together with Tatyana Vedeneyeva, Mark led the anniversary evening of Alexandra Pakhmutova, where he also sang “Russian Waltz”. On November 17 of the same year, the young man held the ceremony of awarding the prize in the field of aesthetic medicine “Golden Lancet” with the daughter of the famous surgeon Yana Laputina.

Among other things, Mark Tishman and Diana Shpak became the TV presenters of the series of releases of the game program “Treasure of the Nation” on Channel One.

tishman family


The artist attaches particular importance to supporting charity projects. He became the host of the concert "Resurrection Country" on the eve of the national holiday - National Unity Day, November 2, 2009. Already on November 8, he participated as a performer at the final charity concert of the festival under the name "Radiant Angel". The guy also took part in the action “Sunny Day”, which was held by Svetlana Medvedeva together with the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives.

On May 9, 2010, Tishman participated in the Victory Songs charity concert dedicated to, as you might guess, Victory Day. There, the artist performed the song of Lev Leshchenko.

Collaboration with other artists

The artist’s arsenal already includes collaborations with world-class stars such as Patricia Kaas (performed the duet composition La Chance Jamais Ne Dure, to which he wrote the Russian text), Joseph Kobzon, Tamara Gverdtsiteli (performed at the poetry Andrei Dementiev's creative evenings) and singer InGrid (recorded a joint song). The artist also sang a duet with Victoria Daineko, Alexei Vorobyov, conducted a joint tour with Zara to the largest cities in Israel.

In search of creative realization

Mark Tishman is looking for different ways to develop his talents. In 2010, he voiced the role of the Vector in the sensational cartoon Despicable Me. Yaroslava Turyleva, dubbing director, spoke of the artist as a hardworking and very positive young man with whom she was pleased to deal. During the tasks of the dubbing actor, he worked closely with Leonid Yarmolnik, with whom they continued to work together on the presentations of the animated film.

Since 2010, Mark Tishman has been a member and jury member of the project “Assets of the Republic”.

And in 2013, Mark became a member of the “Repeat” show on Channel One.

Mark Tishman: biography, personal life

bride tishman mark
Mark Tishman is currently single. Despite the fact that he promised the press that he would create a family before the age of 33, this has not happened yet. Therefore, fortunately for fans, among other things (fame, talent, charm, attractiveness), he is also an enviable groom. And what does Mark Tishman himself think about this? Personal life for him is something special. The guy follows the advice of the wise Omar Khayyam and prefers to sleep alone than with anyone. The wife of Mark Tishman, as he himself said in one of the interviews, should be a tender, reverent woman, to the best of his love for him. And one more thing: his chosen one must necessarily have the work of her life, burn with it, be a diversified personality.

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