The drug "Piracetam": indications for use

The pharmacological drug group of nootropics includes the drug "Piracetam", in which the substance of the same name is active. According to the nosological classification, this medicine can be used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in relation to a number of diseases and even groups of diseases. All of them are listed in detail in the instructions for use of the drug.

Externally, the medicine "Piracetam" is a white powder, readily soluble in water and alcohols. Its pharmacological properties are based on the ability to effectively activate the processes occurring in the central nervous system, improve the state of memory, increase the level of positive mentality and mood in people who take it. The drug "Piracetam" stimulates the brain, resulting in increased intellectual activity of a person, and the drug exhibits such properties when it is taken by both sick and healthy people. The medicine improves mental performance, and in cases where the use is exclusively for therapeutic purposes, it stabilizes brain functions - speech, consciousness and memory. A more complete list of therapeutic and prophylactic properties contains instructions for the use of the drug "Piracetam".

Indications for use indicate the ability of the drug to increase the resistance of brain tissue to hypoxia and various toxic effects. Therefore, the instruction recommends the appointment of a medication for intoxication and hypoxia, injuries, the source of which is an electric shock. In these cases, the drug does not have any sedative effect. It is almost completely and quite rapidly absorbed, and the bioavailability in this case reaches 100%.

The effectiveness of the drug is also due to the fact that it has high permeability in almost all organs, and its accumulation in the brain cells occurs selectively, which ensures a practically "point" effect of the substance on precisely those tissues that need treatment or prevention.

The medicine "Piracetam", the indications for the use of which are stipulated by the instructions, are used in the treatment of a variety of mental disorders. It is effective in cerebrovascular insufficiency, which manifests itself in patients in the form of atherosclerosis, parkinsonism, hypertension. If there are signs of memory impairment , speech disorders , which are accompanied by dizziness with headaches, the drug "Piracetam" is also indicated.

Indications for its use include various diseases of the nervous system. In case of epilepsy, the drug is prescribed as an auxiliary medication.

The drug "Piracetam" is also used as a prophylactic. Indications therefore include such phenomena as neurotic depression, hypochondriac disorders, cases with symptoms of ideomotor inhibition, various forms of apathetic conditions.

The instructions describe in detail the mode of taking the medicine. It should be borne in mind that the produced form of the drug provides for such options for its administration as intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Piracetam is administered intravenously, observing a daily dose of 30–320 mg / kg. Moreover, at the initial stage of treatment, the daily dose cannot exceed 1.2–2.4 grams per day. In the same way, the drug is used for acute damage to the blood circulation of the brain, coma and alcoholism. The recommended dose per day in these cases is 9-12 grams for two to four injections. The period of taking the drug is from 2-3 weeks to six months.

The medicine "Piracetam" is used intramuscularly in the treatment of children, based on the age of the child and the mass of his body. A detailed dosage and dosage schedule is specified by the instructions for use of the drug. Dose adjustment is not required in cases where the medicine is used to treat liver dysfunctions.

Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to piracetam, stroke, renal failure. The instruction does not recommend taking the drug during pregnancy, during the lactation period and use it to treat children under the age of one year.

Side effects when taking this drug may occur from various body systems, so their detailed description should be found in the instructions.

Before purchasing the drug in the pharmacy network, you should pay attention to the fact that the medicine β€œPiracetam” has several trade names and names patented by manufacturers, so familiarization with its composition in each case is mandatory!

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