Mickey Rourke is an American film actor. "Nine and a half weeks": Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger. The roles and actors of the movie "Nine and a half weeks"

When we think of an erotic film, of course, first of all, I remember the actor ("Nine and a half weeks") Mickey Rourke. It is about this personality and once a cult film that we will talk today. We expose the film to a detailed analysis.

actor nine and a half weeks

A coveted story for all women

Maybe someone does not know, but the film was based on a book written by a woman. Posted by Elizabeth McNeill.

The viewer sees the divorced Elizabeth McGraw (Kim Basinger) - an employee of the art gallery, who is still painfully experiencing her state of abandonment by her husband. We apologize to too scrupulous readers, but let's start right off the bat. Beth, among other things, is sexually clamped even before the horror, although men from the very beginning of the movie cast carnivorous glances at her. And now the main actor (“Nine and a half weeks” we consider carefully) - Mickey Rourke (John Gray) comes to the forefront of the work of cinema. Despite the fact that the hero of Rourke is an investor from Wall Street, at first it seems that he is unemployed.

Silk shawl

nine and a half weeks actors and roles

It all starts with a flea market. Beth walks and chooses all sorts of cute unnecessary things. And suddenly she sees a silk shawl - beautiful, but expensive ($ 300). Then, wandering through the ranks, she stumbles upon a chicken laying eggs, she seems very pretty to her, and for $ 30 Beth buys her. Making this acquisition, the girl meets John Gray (recall, he is played by Mickey Rourke - actor). "Nine and a half weeks" at this point are tied. In other words, the characters behave as if there is already a romance between them, although it is not there yet.

At the flea market, they have a few words, then John invites Beth to dinner, then gives her a shawl (yes, the same one for $ 300). Covering the girl with a gift, the investor boldly hugs an employee of an art gallery. On the first date, a man invites a woman to a room. There he personally makes a bed, and she asks him: “Where does such confidence come from?” Then, a few minutes later: “I'm tired, I'm tired of everything, I want to go home,” she tells him. The viewer understands that this is a romantic game. Obviously, John Gray (Mickey Rourke is an actor who our heroine will spend nine and a half weeks with) has already caught Beth on a hook.

Goodbye Hero's Sexual Experiments

nine and a half weeks content actors

Therefore, of course, the heroine returns to John. Then follows a short candy-bouquet period. Then she invites him to her home. John asks Beth to undress, then treats her body with ice. She gets incredible pleasure from all this. The reader is free to conjecture the rest. Actually, in the film “Nine and a Half Weeks” the actors and roles are well-chosen, but sometimes it seems that Beth could have been prettier. Kim Basinger in this role is not very organic and good.

A series of experiments continues

nine and a half weeks old movie actors

On this, the plot actually stalls, because nothing remarkable in the film does not happen until a certain point. John expands Beth’s sexual horizons and leads her along the edge of the permissible, trying her for strength. Sometimes it humiliates, scoffs, but the matter still does not reach sadism, perhaps, fortunately.

A woman feels ambiguous in such a situation. On the one hand, she likes all these erotic delights, and on the other hand, the girl is unpleasant that her legs are sometimes wiped about her, figuratively speaking. Nevertheless, for some time it lasts.

Now we will make a digression and before the final talk about the main character.

John Gray is the perfect man

9 and a half weeks actors and roles

C. Bukowski also noted that in order to be an ideal lover, one must be unemployed. In general, if we expand the thesis, we can say the following: in order for some action to begin to occur at least somewhere, the protagonist must be freed from the burden of labor. If the reader thinks, then he himself will understand everything. For example, superheroes do not work or are partially occupied. "American Psycho" also does not work for 8-10 hours a day. It is difficult to deploy some kind of action for 2-3 hours a day, agree.

John Gray is no exception to this. He is rich. Once upon a time he worked as he should, and now he can devote himself to romance with women. He is neat, diligent. In other words, a dream, not a man.

There is only one flaw: it can excite little. That's why he does all these things with notorious ladies. Opening the flower of sexuality turns it on much more than directly sexual intercourse.

Here is such an image of a man that gives us "Nine and a half weeks" - a film whose actors arrange their game in accordance with this type of person. Honestly, they look a little pale against his background.

The final

movie 9 and a half weeks actors

He is predictable. Despite the ideality of the hero, Beth begins to feel sick at one of the exhibitions of paintings. But do not think bad, she is not pregnant. This is a general reaction to her life. She disgusts all this "experimental" sex. It is disgusting to her that John uses her to satisfy, on the one hand, his vanity, and on the other hand, his faint desire. Beth still leaves the ideal man.

Because he is not rooted in everyday reality, there can be no family, children with him. Everything that happens is like sex tourism. In other words, it’s interesting, exciting, but it’s so hard to live your whole life, but 9 and a half weeks (the actors and roles of the film of the same name are not yet all covered by us) - please.

It is noteworthy that the gap occurs without scandals. According to some viewers, this is not too realistic. They believed that the end of such a relationship should be marked by a powerful emotional outburst, and instead John Gray says: “Beth, I love you. Beth, I want you to come back when I count to 50. " This is no longer relevant to the heroine: she closed the door and left.

Supporting Actors

We devoted a lot of time to the main acting pair of the film. Now it’s time to touch on the subject: “The film“ 9 and a half weeks ”: supporting actors.” We represent them simply as a list:

  • Margaret Whitton - Molly;
  • David Margulies - Harvey;
  • Kristin Baransky - Tia;
  • Karen Young - Sue;
  • Bruce - Olek Krupa.

A very reliable and psychologically accurate detail is associated with Bruce (according to the film, Beth's ex-husband).

When Beth had already met John, her friend Molly told her: Bruce wants to meet her. In between, a friend said: "He is so sweet and sad." Beth either jokingly or seriously replied: “Well, then go on a date with him yourself.” Molly and Bruce have an affair, and Beth is terribly jealous of her ex-husband. In other words, the film, as it were, tells us that women are the owners, and they want to forever have not only real, but also past (and possibly future) lovers.

"Awards" of the film

Why quotation marks were used in the title, the reader will now understand. The film was nominated for three Golden Raspberry Awards:

  • worst actress - Kim Basinger;
  • worst case scenario;
  • worst original song.

As we can see, film experts did not appreciate the film that was once a cult in the Soviet Union (it would have been such frankness). Nevertheless, “Nine and a half weeks” (content, actors) were presented and characterized by us. We hope that the reader gets at least some idea of ​​the plot and the main conflict of the film.

It remains only to say that in spite of the anti-awards, even in Hollywood the tape had some influence. This can be judged even by the fact that in the parody movie “Hot Heads” (1991), scenes from the film under consideration are reproduced. So, he’s not so bad and worthy of the attention of the viewer, because this is a certain milestone in the life of our country, too, and it would be useful to get to know her. And then move on to research other films with Mickey Rourke (or maybe Kim Basinger).

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