Magnesium is one of the important macronutrients. This component is necessary for supplying many energy exchanges; it is involved in the plastic and energy processes of protein conversion in the body. Why is Magnerot prescribed? The medicine regulates the work of myocardial cells (the muscle of the middle layer of the heart), and also takes part in the regulation of its contractility.
Under stress, an increased amount of ionized magnesium is released (approximately half of the magnesium ions, like calcium, in the blood serum are in free form, the other half are in complex with proteins or in the form of various salts), and therefore an additional source of Mg helps to increase resistance to stress.
Magnerot contains orotic acid (a vitamin-like substance that affects metabolism and stimulates the growth of living organisms), which provides cell growth and also takes part in the metabolism. In addition, potassium orotate is necessary for fixing magnesium on adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP) in the cell and the manifestation of its action.
The cost of the drug "Magnerot" varies from 220 to 580 rubles. It is dispensed in pharmacies in the form of tablets of 500 milligrams.
Side effects
With excessive intake of magnesium, the following negative phenomena appear:
- intestinal obstruction;
- diarrhea;
- allergic reactions.
Like any other drug, Magnerot has a number of limitations:
- hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug;
- impaired renal function;
- urolithiasis (urolithiasis);
- predisposition to the formation of phosphate stones;
- cirrhosis of the liver with ascites (a chronic disease accompanied by irreversible replacement of parenchymal liver tissue with fibrous connective tissue or stroma);
- hypolactasia (lactose intolerance);
- lactase deficiency;
- chronic diarrhea syndrome;
- age up to eighteen years.
Is it possible to use "Magnerot" during pregnancy?
Yes, the drug is allowed to be taken by women in an interesting position, as well as with lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications, since at this time the need for magnesium is much higher. If its content is uneven, then this can lead to serious problems in the body of the future mother.
"Magnerot" can be taken for a long time. It must be remembered that the following points can lead to a deficiency of magnesium in the body:
- disturbances in the work of the stomach and intestines;
- food intake with a small content of the necessary element;
- pathological addiction to drinking alcohol, as well as the presence of mental abnormalities (due to a decrease in reabsorption of magnesium in the renal channels and increased excretion of magnesium from the body);
- taking certain medications (for example: oral contraceptives, diuretics, muscle relaxants, glucocorticoids, insulin);
- the well-being of the patient, who requests an increased intake of magnesium (stress, pregnancy);
- hypodynamia (violation of the functions of the body of the musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, respiration, digestion).
The effect of the drug on driving and working with complex mechanisms
In accordance with the instructions, "Magnerot" and analogues do not affect the ability to drive a car and activities that require increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Interaction with other medicines
While taking the drug "Magnerot" with medications that contain iron, sodium fluoride and tetracyclines can reduce the absorption of the latter. Therefore, it is necessary to take medicines at intervals of two to three hours.
These medicines include:
- oral contraceptives;
- diuretics ("Furosemide", "Torasemide", "Bumetanid", "Pyrethanide", "Uregit", watermelon, melon, cucumbers, pineapple);
- relaxants (drugs used to treat osteochondrosis);
- glucocorticosteroids (a substance of natural or synthetic origin from a subclass of hormones of the adrenal cortex);
- insulin reduces the effect of the drug.
With the normal functioning of the liver, taking "Magnerot" does not cause intoxication. The drug can provoke botulism in diseases of the kidneys and liver. An overdose can occur as a result of an increased concentration of magnesium in the blood. Symptoms of poisoning:
- low blood pressure;
- nausea;
- diarrhea;
- vomiting
- depressive disorder;
- coma;
- anuria (a clinical symptom that manifests itself in the complete absence of urine in the bladder and, as a result, the termination of its allocation from the urethra).
- oral rehydration (re-saturation of a previously dehydrated body with water);
- detoxification method, which is based on the accelerated elimination of toxins from the body by increasing the volume of urine formed.
In renal failure, hemodialysis (a blood purification method for acute and chronic renal failure) and peritoneal dialysis (one of the blood purification methods that are used for impaired renal function) should be used.
Tablets "Magnerot": instructions for use
Analogs and the drug itself can be taken with the simultaneous use of several drugs (one of which improves the effect of the other) and for the preventive purposes of the following diseases:
- Myocardial infarction.
- Angina pectoris (a clinical syndrome characterized by sensation or discomfort behind the sternum).
- CHF.
- Arrhythmia of the heart, which can be caused by a deficiency of magnesium (a pathological condition in which there is a violation of the rhythm and sequence of heart contraction).
- Pain and muscle cramps.
- Angiospasm (this is a narrowing of blood vessels, capillaries and small arteries, leading to a violation of tissue metabolism and blood circulation).
- Atherosclerosis (a chronic disease of the arteries of the elastic subtype, which occurs as a result of a violation of lipid metabolism, which is characterized by the formation of cholesterol plaques).
- Blood vessel disease.
- Violation of lipid metabolism (a disorder in the process of production and breakdown of fats in the body, which occurs in the liver and adipose tissue).
How to drink medicine?
The drug is taken two capsules three times a day for one week. Next, "Magnerot" take one tablet three times a day. The duration of treatment is one month. The decision on the second course must be discussed with the attending doctor.
In case of night cramps in the legs, it is necessary to use 2 capsules of the Magnerot preparation in the evening hours. The tablets are washed down with plenty of water.
Magnerot: reviews
Analogs and the drug itself have approving responses from doctors, this is proved by its increased effectiveness in the treatment of disorders of the functioning of the heart organs, in the elimination of muscle cramps, tremors. It helps with unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (irritability, migraine, depression), reduces an increased emotional state.
Negative responses are available, but there are much fewer than positive ones. Their cause is adverse reactions. Some patients claim a low effect of the drug. A large number of reviews about the drug "Magnerot" during pregnancy are good, due to its increased effect in eliminating the following symptoms in anticipation of the baby:
- hypertonicity (a violation of the muscle tone of the body, which is expressed in muscle strain);
- risk of miscarriage;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- lower back pain.
The drug "Magnerot" is also prescribed for pregnant women with complications that may manifest as edema, high blood pressure, tremors of the upper and lower extremities. Magnesium is also allowed to be used for edema from the fourth to eighth month of pregnancy. In the first case (with gestosis), the medicine helps to cope with:
According to the instructions and reviews, “Magnerot” with analogues helps to improve the uteroplacental circulation, increasing the quality of life of a woman during pregnancy, which allows you to inform the child up to forty weeks.
Reviews about "Magnerot" and cheap Russian counterparts are only positive. Generics are used to eliminate the lack of magnesium in the body:
- "Magnesium Diasporal 300."
- The Magnistad.
- Panavital.
- "Vitrum forte Osteomag."
- "Magnesia".
- Magne B6.
- Magne B6 forte.
- "Kudesan with potassium and magnesium."
- Magnelact.
- "Biolectra Magnesium Direct 300".
- "Magnelis B6."
- "Briqueta."
- Miorelaxil.
- The Magwith.
- Orokomag.
- "Doppelherz Active Magnesium B6."
- "Mercil."
- Asparkam.
What is better "Magnerot" or "Magne B6"?
"Magne B 6 " is considered a direct analogue of "Magnerot", both drugs have a similar spectrum of action, but differ in structure.
The Magnerot preparation contains only magnesium compounds, and Magne B 6 , in addition to it, also contains vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine). Both medicines are designed to compensate for the deficiency of magnesium in the human body, especially when the lack of this element increases:
- in stressful situations;
- with physical and mental stress;
- during the period of bearing a child.
Magne V 6 is not a cheap analogue of Magnerot. If there is a need to prevent magnesium deficiency during increased need for it, then you can give priority to either of the two drugs. Both drugs help eliminate:
- calf night cramps;
- muscle spasms;
- increased irritability;
- nervousness;
- premenstrual syndrome.
If there is a need to take magnesium to eliminate heart disease, persistent increase in blood pressure, migraine, increased sweating, numbness of the extremities, it is better to opt for the Magnerot drug, since this medicine is suitable for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.
The following medicines are considered cheaper Russian analogues of "Magnerot":
- "Vitrum magician."
- "Magnelis B 6 ".
- "Magnesium plus B6."
Vitrum Mag is a combined medication that regulates calcium metabolism. It compensates for the deficiency and corrects the exchange of Ca and magnesium. He takes part in creating bone tissue, conducting nerve impulses and maintaining the myocardium. Replenishes energy metabolism, normalizes blood coagulation and muscle contractility. Magnesium increases the absorption of calcium, prevents the occurrence of calcium-oxalate stones. The cost of the drug is approximately from 370 to 480 rubles.
List of cheap analogues of Magnerot:
- “Asparkam” is a Ukrainian-made preparation that makes up for the lack of magnesium in the body. The cost of the drug varies from 50 to 130 rubles. Available in the form of tablets and injection.
- "Panangin" - produced in the form of tablets, used for heart failure, as well as after myocardial infarction. The drug also increases the effect of glycosides. The price of “Panangin” (tablets of 60 pieces) is 370 rubles.
- “Magvit” - a medicine manufactured in Belarus is one of the cheap analogues of “Magnerot”. The drug helps to eliminate sleep problems, relieves anxiety and cramps. It is made in the form of capsules. The cost of Magvit is from 200 to 230 rubles (30 tablets).
Analogs of domestic production
Magnelis B 6 is a slightly more expensive generic Magnerot, which contains two active components: magnesium and vitamin B 6 . The drug is prescribed for a deficiency of this element. The duration of treatment on average is not more than thirty days. Caution should be exercised in diabetes mellitus, since the tablets contain sucrose. It is forbidden to patients with renal failure, under the age of 6 years, only as directed by a doctor. Approved for use during pregnancy. Side effects are manifested in the form of nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions. The cost of the drug varies from 250 to 330 rubles. “Magnelis V 6 ” is one of the cheap analogues of “Magnerot”.
“Magnesium plus B 6 ” is a complex medicine based on vitamins of group B in combination with mineral trace elements. The drug is produced in the form of effervescent tablets of a white shade. The medication has a faint specific smell. Ten are released in tubes. The active components of this drug are multivitamins and mineral salts.
"Magnesium plus B 6 " is used during pregnancy only as directed by a doctor. Magnesium passes into breast milk, so you should avoid taking the drug during lactation. The cost of the drug varies from 310 to 450 rubles.