Irina Mazurkevich: biography, personal life, roles and films, photos

Irina Mazurkevich - theater and film actress, which the audience remembered for films of the eighties. In the nineties, she played in two films directed by Astrakhan. Today, the actress starred a little, but was involved in several performances of the Akimov Theater, which she gave over a quarter of a century. The biography and personal life of Irina Mazurkevich is the topic of the article.

Actress Irina Mazurkevich

Childhood and youth

Irina Mazurkevich was born in the Belarusian city of Mozyr in 1958. In childhood she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. After graduating from eight classes, the future actress left her hometown and entered the Gorky Theater School.

Irina Mazurkevich was only 16 years old when she played the first role in the movie. It was the film "The Miracle with Pigtails" directed by Victor Titov. The young actress played the role of a gymnast, the prototype of which is Olympic champion Olga Korbut.

In the biography of Irina Mazurkevich, the name of Vladimir Vysotsky is often mentioned. It is believed that the legendary bard and poet played a decisive role in her acting fate.

"The Tale of How King Peter Arapa Married"

This picture is the second in the filmography of Irina Mazurkevich. The personal life of the actress does not give rise to gossip. She was married for many years, raised a daughter, and now helps her in raising her grandchildren. But once the actress Irina Mazurkevich was credited with an affair with Vladimir Vysotsky. In an interview, she refutes these rumors, claiming that only friendship connected her with the bard. Nevertheless, it was thanks to Vysotsky that Mazurkevich played in the film based on the work of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.

Irina Mazurkevich in his youth

For the role of Natasha Radishcheva, Alexander Mitta considered many applicants, among whom were mainly schoolgirls or students of theater universities. After a long selection, only two candidates remained. One of them is Irina Mazurkevich.

The director asked the lead actor, Vladimir Vysotsky, with whom of the actresses he would like to play. He named the heroine of this article. The partners of the young actress on the set of Mitta's film were such actors as Alexei Petrenko, Mikhail Kokshenov, Valery Zolotukhin.

After the release of this film, Mazurkevich played in three years in only four films. The most famous is "Three in a boat, not counting the dogs."

Mazurkevich Vysotsky

"Say the word about poor hussar"

This film was shot in Moscow, Leningrad and Pavlovsk. The script was written back in 1978, but the cinema authorities for a long time did not give Ryazanov permission to shoot the picture. And after approval, it was necessary to make changes to the plot, in which the ongoing war in Afghanistan played a significant role.

The casting ended in 1980. The role of Nastya Bubentsova, played by Irina Mazurkevich, was claimed by many actresses, including Tatyana Dogileva. In the film, as in many other paintings by Eldar Ryazanov, many songs are heard. "Nastenka's Romance" was performed by actress Irina Mazurkevich herself. A photo of her heroine in the film "About the poor hussar put in a word" is presented in the article.

Say a word about poor hussar

In 1983, the actress played in the film based on the book of Agatha Christie - “The Secret of Blackbirds”. Here she played a secondary role. Other films with Irina Mazurkevich, which appeared on the screens in the eighties: “Meet me in the subway”, “Last visit”, “Bay of happiness”, “Life of Klim Samgin”, “It”.

"Everything will be fine!"

In the nineties, many famous Russian actors disappeared from the screen. Irina Mazurkevich, who was very in demand at the beginning of her career, starred in ten years in only two films. These were paintings by Dmitry Astrakhan. Films of this director came in handy. They resembled a fairy tale, which was so necessary for people in this difficult time.

In the film "You are mine alone," Irina Mazurkevich played a cameo role. She appeared on the screen for just a few minutes in the form of a beggar. In the next film by Dmitry Astrakhan, the actress got a big role.

In films of the eighties, viewers saw Irina Mazurkevich in the image of a young, sophisticated girl. In 1993, she appeared before them in the role of a tired, elderly woman. Irina Mazurkevich in the film Astrakhan "Everything will be fine!" played the role of the wife of a drunk musician.

Once in her youth she loved a young man, but they broke up. Years later, when the heroine Mazurkevich already has an adult son and works as a commandant in a hostel, she meets him again. Now he is not a poor student, but a millionaire.

Everything will be fine

Other paintings

The filmography of Irina Mazurkevich is small - only 25 roles. In 2001, she played a minor character in the movie "Collector". In the same year appeared in an episode in the movie "Agency". Over the past 12 years, Irina Mazurkevich has played in films that were coldly received by both viewers and critics.


After graduating from a theater university, the actress was accepted into the troupe of the Lensovet Theater. She played on his stage for eleven years. However, the roles became less and less every year, and Irina Mazurkevich decided to leave. Since 1988, the actress has been playing in the comedy theater named after Akimov.

She performed the most striking roles in the performances "Zoykina apartment", "Means of Makropoulos". In the latter, staged according to the work of Karel Chapek, the heroine Mazurkevich strives for eternal youth, in which she uses miraculous means. After living three hundred years, she realizes that endless life gave her nothing but loneliness.

Anatoly Ravikovich

For nearly thirty years, Irina Mazurkevich has been married to an actor who is best known for the film "Pokrovsky Gates". She met Anatoly Ravikovich at the Lensovet Theater, where he worked for many years. They got married in 1980. For the actor, this was the second marriage.

Romantic Hobotov

She was eighteen. And he is forty. Ravikovich was married, his daughter was growing up. He had to leave the family literally nowhere. Mazurkevich later recalled that her future husband was courting her, like the romantic Khobotov - ineptly, but touchingly.

When the young actress first saw him on stage, he showed her an ancient old man. Ravikovich played age roles. He was an experienced and famous actor. But once Irina noticed that, despite his mature age, he had beautiful and young eyes. But then she still could not imagine that she would have an affair with a man who is twice her age. At first, she admired him, but only as an artist.

It is worth saying that the eighteen-year-old Mazurkevich then was not entirely free. After graduating from a theater school, she came to Leningrad with her common-law husband, who had nothing to do with cinema or theater. The actress never called the name of this person in an interview.

Anatoly Ravikovich to the audience was remembered for the role of the clumsy, elderly Khobotov. But when he met Mazurkevich, he looked different - slender, lean, athletic. However, they met for the first time just two years before the release of the film Pokrovsky Gates. And Irina Mazurkevich fell in love with her future husband, of course, not for external data.

Anatoly Ravikovich was very fond of his daughter from his first marriage. Shortly before meeting with Mazurkevich, he received an apartment. In order to go to a young lover, in a twelve-meter communal apartment, you had to find the courage in yourself. The actor decided on this act for about two years.

All this time they had to hide their relationship. They, like the heroes of the film "Pokrovsky Gates," rode the tram, strolled through parks and squares. Despite the huge difference in age, they had a lot in common.

A family

Irina Mazurkevich and Anatoly Ravikovich were married in 1980. Many years later, when the actress was already little involved in the theater, they bought a house in the village. Irina Mazurkevich once in an interview admitted that for her in life, family comes first. Fame and fame is good, but when they leave, the woman is left alone, no matter how talented.

“We need to get married, have children, so that at some point we’re not in limbo,” the actress once said.

In the beginning of the nineties, when there was no work at all, Irina Mazurkevich was engaged in a carriage. She, not embarrassed, talks about that dark period and even with enthusiasm recalls how she earned in just one day as much as she received in a month in the theater and realized that her family was not in danger of hunger.

Anatoly Ravikovich had a sore heart. In recent years, he suffered a heart attack. Despite feeling unwell, he continued to work. He died on April 8, 2012.

Irina mazurkevich family


The actress once said that the only thing she regrets is that she gave birth to only one child. Daughter Elizabeth was born in 1981. She did not follow in the footsteps of her parents, although at the age of six she starred in the movie play "Cat's House". For some time he worked as an administrator on television. But in 2003, she still played a cameo role in the movie.

Mazurkevich with daughter

Elizabeth took her mother's last name. She is married, has a daughter and a son. What Elizabeth Mazurkevich is doing today is unknown. She is a non-public person.

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