Fiber is part of plant foods, is not digested in the human body and is characterized by the following features:
- Helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- speeds up the digestion process;
- helps to remove toxins from the body;
- most importantly - helps to maintain the youthfulness of the body.
Also, fiber is simply necessary for people who are losing weight, because it has very few calories, and it helps to quickly get enough. Let's see what fiber is.
The list of such products includes: most fruits, nuts, vegetables, some cereals, legumes, dried mushrooms, seaweed. Let's look at a table in which we find out which fruits contain fiber.
Name | number | Fiber, gr. |
The apples | 1 PC. | 5,0 |
Banana | 1 PC. | 3.92 |
Avocado | 1 PC. | 11.84 |
Carrot | 1 PC. | 2.0 |
Green beans | 1 cup | 3.94 |
Boiled potatoes | 1 hour | 5.93 |
Bran bread | 1 hour | 19.93 |
Beans, boiled | 1 hour | 13.32 |
Oats | 1 hour | 12.1 |
Cooked peas | 1 hour | 8.83 |
Having figured out what fiber is in, you need to understand how much and how best to use it. Remember that eating a lot of food with fiber is harmful, it can lead to the following unpleasant consequences: bloating, cramping, hemorrhoids and more.
We offer an example of a menu of some
products that contain fiber. It is best to start the morning with cereals or cereals, which contain a sufficient amount of fiber. For lunch, you can eat vegetable soup. In the evening, you can eat fruit or nuts, for example, prepare a salad from them. These products will help you cleanse your body and lose a few extra pounds. You will not notice how the skin, nails and hair will look much better.
Nutritionists recommend: what contains fiber, then you need to eat in order to lose weight. It is also recommended to use for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases or diseases of the gallbladder. The necessary fiber norm to be consumed has already been calculated. It is about 25-30 g. There are some restrictions on the use of fiber:
- if you have inflammatory diseases of the stomach;
- the presence of acute infectious diseases;
- with insufficient blood circulation.
What fiber is in health. A few recommendations on how to quickly introduce fiber into your life.
- instead of cereals, it is best to eat whole grain cereals;
- try to eat whole grain bread or bread;
- eat fruits with the skin, because it is there that there is a higher percentage of fiber;
- Do not forget to drink plenty of water so that there are no problems with the stomach;
- try to eat vegetables and fruits fresh.
Another secret - try to eat fruits that have seeds that you can eat, for example, kiwi or grapes. Fiber will help your body cleanse and become healthier only if you combine it with the right and healthy foods, always with exercise. Start small and you will certainly achieve great results, become a healthy and even more attractive person.