Oral contraceptives - this is the only way of protection, which allows you to protect yourself from pregnancy, and, as they say, to keep feelings. This is also the best method for those people who have a regular partner who can be trusted (because they do not give OK protection against sexually transmitted diseases). How do birth control pills work?
So, oral contraceptives are hormonal drugs. And their direct purpose is to protect the girl from pregnancy. The composition of the tablets includes certain sex hormones, the long-term effect of which changes the functioning of the ovaries.
Talking about combination pills, it is worth noting that they contain several different hormones. But the main ones are estrogen and progestin. The first of these is exclusively female hormone, which is produced by the body itself, to be more precise, by the ovaries. And it begins to be developed from the very moment when a girl has puberty. And until menopause occurs. And progestin is, so to speak, production from progesterone. And he, in turn, is a male hormone in the female body.
Types of hormonal contraceptives
To understand how birth control pills work, you need to understand the types of OK that exist. The first is the aforementioned combined OK. In their composition there is always an analogue of female hormones. Their principle of action is monophasic. That is, to put it more simply, under the influence of these pills, the level of hormones in the female body does not change. There are also three-phase ones. How do birth control pills of this type work? A bit different. If a girl takes them, then the combination of her hormones changes throughout the entire menstrual cycle.
And one, and the other OK are divided into groups. It all depends on the indicators of the woman’s body. There are microdosed tablets - ideal for nulliparous girls and for those who are just starting to take OK. The body easily assimilates these drugs, and they, in turn, do no harm to it.
There are also low dosage. Usually they give birth to drinkers. But still this OK group is suitable for girls who did not suit the first type of pill for some reason.
And finally, high dosage. These drugs will not only protect against pregnancy, but also correct any hormonal disorder. But they are usually prescribed by the doctor after the examination.
Progestogenous OK
The last type of pill. They are intended for those women who cannot take such a hormone as estrogen. In these pills it is not. By the way, they are also called “mini-drank”. They contain exclusively progestin. They are also prescribed to those women who breastfeed.
In general, speaking about how birth control pills work, one thing can be noted - they have one working principle. They slow down the ovulation process, and thanks to this, the egg is not fertilized. In addition, they affect the mucous membrane of the uterus. In other words, the mucus that is in the uterine canal thickens. And so much so that sperm simply cannot get into the fallopian tube. Needless to say about fertilization! And this shell is becoming thinner. This means that even if the sperm penetrates inside, the embryo will not be able to gain a foothold in the cavity.
About the pros
Now we should talk about the undoubted positive aspects that the application of OK covers. In addition to the fact that this is the most reliable way to avoid pregnancy, pills still perform many other functions. Girls, starting to take them, notice how their skin, nails and hair improve. Still taking OK reduces the risk of cervical and ovarian cancer. They also manage to treat hormonal disorders, if any.
And one more plus: menstruation begins and ends on the same days. That is, it is regular and stable - you can literally watch by the clock when to wait for the start of the cycle. Still OK, girls often begin to drink, experiencing severe pain during menstruation. Or those in which it lasts a very long time. OK and solve these problems. Also, many argue that desire becomes much more pronounced - that is, libido rises. And yes, one more definite plus is the saving. With regular and frequent sexual intercourse, it is much more profitable to purchase a pack of tablets for less than a thousand rubles than to go broke every day on expensive condoms.
Naturally, talking about the pros, you can not forget about the negative sides. And they are not, if OK are selected correctly, under the individual female body. In vain, many girls believe that you can buy pills in a pharmacy, ignoring the preliminary consultation with a gynecologist. And then they complain of acne sprinkled on their skin, suddenly gained kilograms and decreased libido, as well as a lost menstrual cycle and many other “joys”. So it is very important to consult a doctor first! After all, what suits one girl is completely contraindicated in another. No wonder there are several varieties of OK. This is “Yarina”, and “Jess”, and “Lindet 20”, and Cilest, “Jeanine”, etc.
After all, there may be both indications and contraindications. To prescribe these or those pills, such nuances as height, weight, type and condition of the mammary glands and even pubic hair are taken into account. Not to mention the features of menstruation and intolerance to one or another hormone. So this is very important.
How to start the reception?
This is another question that interests girls starting to drink OK. Like when birth control pills begin to work. So, it is advised to start drinking them on the first day of menstruation. If a girl has sexual intercourse and while she is walking, then condoms must be protected. During the first 7 days after the initial intake, OKs do not act properly - the body only gets used to them. But then you can already put condoms aside.
How long is a birth control pill? Exactly one day. One day - one tablet. You need to take them daily. If there are memory problems or it is simply unusual to drink the drug every day, then you can set the alarm at the same time so as not to miss.
And yes, it’s very important not to disrupt the reception schedule. If you treat this carelessly, then you can get pregnant. And if, nevertheless, the girl forgot to drink a pill, and came to her senses, then you need to do it as soon as possible. Also, if within 4 hours after taking diarrhea for some reason or vomiting occurs, you need to drink it again. That's basically all you need to know about how and how many birth control pills work.
What cannot be combined OK?
It was told above about how long birth control pills begin to act. Now about what they can not be combined. Many people think that with alcohol and cigarettes. This is not true. Of course, if you drink several liters of beer or some alcoholic drinks every day, then yes, the effect of OK will be reduced to a minimum. But if you follow the measure in everything, then nothing terrible (unwanted pregnancy) will happen.
But it is not recommended to combine OK with tranquilizers, antibiotics and antidepressants. You should ask a gynecologist about whether birth control pills work in combination with these drugs.
Much has been said about how and from which day birth control pills work. Finally, a few words about the breaks that need to be done between receptions. Usually accepted OK within the 21st day. Then for seven days a break is made until the next pack. Menstruation just happens this week. But in the case of the aforementioned “Jess,” for example, everything is a little different. There are 24 regular tablets and 4 placebo in the package. And there is no need to take breaks - instead, these four tablets go. After they are finished, you need to start a new pack.
By the way, finally, another OK plus. This is a great way to delay your period. If a girl expects to meet her partner or goes on vacation to the sea, she just needs to continue drinking OK without taking breaks. Menstruation will not come. And to start it, you must stop drinking pills. Menstruation usually occurs three days after the end of taking OK. Therefore, by the way, breaks are made for a week.