Herpetic pharyngitis: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Herpetic pharyngitis (also called herpes pharyngitis) is one of the forms of inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. This pathology is considered one of the most common manifestations of pharyngitis and can occur among patients of various age categories. In our article, we will talk in detail about this ailment, find out what its main causes are, how it manifests itself in children and adults, and, in addition, we will figure out how this disease is currently being treated, depending on the patient's age.

herpetic pharyngitis

general characteristics

Herpetic pharyngitis can develop independently on the background of a general weakening of immunity under the influence of viral or bacteriological infections. The most common symptoms of the disease are the following:

  • A sore throat.
  • Discomfort and pain when swallowing.


The herpetic form of this ailment develops under the action of the usual herpes virus (recall that infection with the herpes virus, as a rule, is carried out contactly through household items, as well as through blood). The disease is classified into two main forms:

  • An acute form of manifestation, the main reason for the development of which is hypothermia of the body, which was provoked by the intake of cold foods or drinks, as well as exposure to cold ambient temperatures.
  • The chronic form of herpetic pharyngitis is formed in the absence of herpes therapy. Relapse of the disease occurs after the patient suffered stress or hypothermia.


In the absence of the required medical services, the pathology can develop into a herpetic sore throat, with the main symptoms being a sharp increase in temperature along with pain when swallowing, nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the abdominal cavity, inflammation of the tonsils and the formation of a white rash on the mucous pharynx.

Next, we move on to consider the main factors affecting the development of herpetic pharyngitis (pictured).

herpetic pharyngitis tonsillitis

Causes of occurrence

The causes of this disease may be as follows:

  • One of the causes of pathology is the inhibition of the protective functions of the immune system by infections.
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  • The patient has an unstable psychological and emotional state.
  • Long-term effects of low temperatures along with hypothermia.
  • Drinking too cold foods and liquids.
  • Long-term use of tobacco products, and, in addition, alcoholic beverages.
  • Infectious pathologies of the respiratory system.
  • In the presence of HIV or AIDS.
  • The presence of mechanical damage and pharyngeal injuries.
  • Congenital or acquired during the life of the curvature of the nasal septum.
  • Presence of polyps or cysts developing in the nasopharynx.
  • A rash along with redness of the epithelium, which mainly occurs due to intoxication.
  • Prolonged use of drops in the nose, which produce a vasoconstrictive effect. Such drugs can flow into the throat, exerting a pathogenic effect on the mucosa.

How is herpetic pharyngitis manifested in children?

herpetic pharyngitis treatment

Symptoms in adult patients and in children

The symptoms of this disease are most pronounced and severely tolerated by babies under the age of three years. With herpetic pharyngitis in children, vesicles appear in the nasopharynx, which burst over time, turning into small ulcers. In the absence of treatment, such ulcers completely fill the oral cavity, complicating the process of eating food and interfering with normal functioning. The main symptoms of herpetic pharyngitis are the following manifestations:

  • The appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity, on the cheeks or tongue, which are covered with a white coating.
  • The presence of shortness of breath in the patient.
  • The presence of discomfort and a feeling of itching in the nasopharynx.
  • Violation of the processes of swallowing.
  • A sharp loss of appetite.
  • An increase in temperature along with an increase in lymph nodes.
  • The occurrence of dry cough and a sharp change in mood in children. Babies can also experience irritability and tearfulness.

Adults tolerate herpetic pharyngitis more easily than children. Babies may develop additional diseases in the form of measles or mononucleosis, which greatly aggravates the baby's condition. Treatment of this disease can cause bacterial inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils.

herpetic pharyngitis symptoms


How to detect herpetic pharyngitis in adults and children?

Diagnosis is carried out to determine the level of damage to the body. In this case, the root causes of the disease are clarified and further therapeutic manipulations are determined. Due to the similarity of symptoms with other inflammatory processes in the mouth (for example, with tonsillitis), the doctor may misinterpret the patient's complaints and prescribe him ineffective therapy in this regard. Conducting a quality diagnosis eliminates such errors. The basic diagnostic methods are:

  • Taking a scraping of the oral mucosa.
  • Conducting a laboratory study.
  • Perform pharyngeal flushing / culture.
  • Perform palpation, in which determine the degree of damage to the lymph nodes.
  • Pharyngoscopy and antibody testing.

Treating children

What is the treatment of herpetic pharyngitis in children? In the presence of this disease, babies are prescribed a mouth rinse about six times a day. After observing the progress and the visible result of washing, they are reduced to three times a day. Taking antipyretic drugs is permissible only after reaching a temperature of thirty-eight degrees. It is permissible to use similar drugs at a lower temperature if the child has seizures along with a sharp deterioration.

After establishing the necessary therapeutic plan, the attending physician writes out a list of acceptable medications. Their reception should be clearly regulated. The recommended dosage and the rules for using medications should not be neglected. When treating children, it is important to observe the following recommendations:

herpetic pharyngitis photo
  • A sick child should drink a lot.
  • In the room in which the child is located, it is necessary to maintain a special temperature regime of twenty-two degrees, and humidity should not exceed sixty percent. You should also ensure regular intake of fresh air into the room.
  • With herpetic pharyngitis in children (photo is presented) there should be a normalized diet. You can eat warm food without spices. It is forbidden to force the child to eat food if he does not have this desire.

Subject to all of the above treatment rules, the disease, as a rule, recedes already on the sixth to seventh day. For the period of therapy, it is recommended to isolate the baby from peers in order to avoid mass infection. Upon completion of treatment of herpetic pharyngitis, children are required to undergo repeated tests and carry out therapeutic manipulations to restore the body's natural microflora and immunity, including.

Adult treatment

In the process of treating adults, it is advisable to take antibiotics with a wide range of effects, depending on the symptoms and degree of damage to the body. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for adult patients to treat herpetic pharyngitis.

herpetic pharyngitis in children treatment

It will be useful to rinse the mouth with decoctions of calendula, sage, a solution of soda, chamomile or potassium permanganate. The rinse aid must be warm. It is forbidden to make compresses along with warming and other thermal therapeutic manipulations. This is due to the fact that when exposed to high temperatures, pathogenic viruses develop and spread faster throughout the body.

Pregnant women

During pregnancy, you can rinse along with inhalations and take medications selected by your doctor. Pharyngitis, if improperly treated, can cause miscarriage, hypoxia, or premature birth. Treatment for pregnant women should be carried out very carefully. Self-medication is prohibited along with the use of traditional medicine. Acceptable manipulations for women in position are the following:

  • Carrying out rinses of the oral cavity.
  • Performing inhalation.
  • The use of a certain number of medicines, which should be carried out on the basis of an individual selection by a specialist.

The following tips are also general recommendations for pregnant women:

  • Women in the situation in the event of the occurrence of herpetic pharyngitis need to normalize the diet, and at the same time completely eliminate sweet, salty, smoked and fatty. It is important to increase the intake of protein, and, in addition, fiber and vitamin-containing foods. Unhealthy foods like soda, fast food and the like should be completely eliminated from the diet.
  • The physical activities should be reduced as much as possible.
  • It is required to ensure a constant flow of fresh air into the room.
  • Drink plenty of water. The list of acceptable fluids should be regulated by your doctor.
  • It is very important to strictly follow all medical prescriptions, constantly consulting with a doctor regarding the diet, the use of medicines, and also to report the slightest deterioration.
herpetic pharyngitis in children photo

Preventative measures

Preventive measures for the development of this disease should consist of strengthening the protective functions of the immune system. It is very important to improve the performance of the body, which were depressed during the disease. So, for the prevention of herpetic pharyngitis, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Strict personal hygiene.
  • Normalization of a nutritious diet along with following the rules of healthy eating.
  • Stabilization of physical activity.
  • The use of a vitamin complex and suitable dietary supplements.
  • Regular trips to the sea or to the mountains.
  • Maximum protection from all contact with infected patients.
  • The use of various methods of hardening the body, for example, douche, cold showers and more. Such manipulations must be carefully thought out and subsequently followed by the reaction of the body, so as not to further aggravate the situation.
  • Refusal from the use of alcohol and cigarettes.

It is important to find out in advance how to prevent herpetic pharyngitis. Angina is a very common complication.

herpetic pharyngitis in adults

Possible complications

If such an ailment as herpes pharyngitis occurs, some complications may occur in case of untimely treatment, for example, the acute form of pharyngitis is very likely to become chronic along with the formation of herpetic sore throat. The development of accompanying pathologies in the form of bronchitis, tonsillitis or tracheitis is not excluded. Herpes generalization in young children is also possible.

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