Quotes from Remarque's "Three Comrades"

The work "Three Comrades" by E. M. Remarque is one of the most famous novels of the twentieth century. This is a piercing story of love and friendship, which brought fame to the writer. In addition to human relationships, the novel touches on the theme of "lost generation." Below are the most moving and piercing quotes from The Three Comrades.

About women

Of course, one of the main topics of conversation between friends was women. Women seem to men to be complex and mysterious creatures, this is what attracts men who want to understand such a difficult female nature.

"... never, never, and again never will you turn out to be funny in the eyes of a woman if you do something for her sake. Let it be even the most stupid farce. Do whatever you want - stand on your head, carry a nonsense, brag, "sing like a peacock under her window. Do not do just one thing - do not be businesslike, rational with her."

This quote from “Three Comrades” can be explained as the fact that men need to be more determined in dealing with women. The latter like it when lovers do romantic things for their sake . But even if the chosen one is not at all romantic, it’s enough that he will at least do something for his lover.

Women always want their relationship to be full of romance. It is important for them to feel that they can inspire their man. Therefore, do not, communicating with the lady, think about their affairs and pay attention to her at the same time.

"A woman should not tell a man that she loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak of this. They are more eloquent than any words."

This quote from The Three Comrades can be explained as follows: words are not needed to express love. In the eyes of a beloved woman, a man will see all her feelings. Seeing in them happiness and their reflection, a man will understand what feelings a woman has for him.

Piano playing

About life

Despite the fact that this work is about love and friendship, in it the heroes in their conversations touch upon philosophical topics:

"When you still want to live, it means that you have something you love."

It seems that in this quote from The Three Comrades there is no particular philosophical meaning. But people do not think about what many things people do for the sake of loved ones. But even if a person is lonely, but he has found his destiny, he will see the meaning in life. After all, one of the most beautiful things that life can give is love.

Writer Erich Maria Remarque

About people

Of course, in the novel about human relationships and the “lost generation”, one of the topics of reasoning between friends is people. The heroes of this novel are people who no longer build illusions about relationships, some have already become disappointed. The only thing that keeps them from despair is love and friendship.

“You become a melancholy when you think about life, and you become a cynic when you see what most people make of it.”

This quote from Remarque's book "Three Comrades" can be explained as follows: often it is philosophical thoughts that cause a melancholy mood. It is much easier to think about the imperfection of the world than to rejoice at the little things. And the melancholy mood becomes familiar to the person.

But sometimes people, not understanding the value of life, thoughtlessly spend it on entertainment. They do not think about the feelings of other people, do not try to fill it with meaning. And then they begin to talk about the injustice of the world. And those people who are aware of all this are becoming increasingly frustrated with people and becoming cynical.

"People have more poison than alcohol or tobacco."

Why are people put on a par with alcohol and tobacco? Because a person becomes so attached to some people that they can no longer imagine life without them. They become a habit, like alcohol and tobacco. But people do not physically poison a person, but mentally, so they are even more dangerous attachment than cigarettes or alcoholic beverages.

Remarque characters

About loneliness

In all the works of Remarque, his heroes feel lonely. Even though there are lovers and friends. This is not surprising, because the writer describes difficult times and the problem of the "lost generation". But in one of the most romantic works of the twentieth century, the theme of loneliness is one of the main ones, like the themes of love and friendship.

"Loneliness is easier when you don't love."

When a person is in love with someone, he wants to be with his half, he wants to take care and enjoy his company. A man in love feels loneliness more strongly, as is mentioned in this quotation from Remarque's “Three Comrades,” because his thoughts about the second half make him even more alienated from other people.

But at the same time, loneliness can make love even stronger, meetings even more romantic, because a person begins to understand the price of his happiness. Here is how it is described in this quotation from The Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque:

"Only the one who has been left alone more than once knows the happiness of meeting with his beloved. Everything else only weakens the tension and the secret of love. And what can more sharply break through the magical sphere of loneliness, if not an explosion of feelings, their crushing strength, if not the elements, the storm, night, music? ... And love ... "

Love destroys the walls of loneliness, illuminates a person’s life, like the sun, gives him wings. A man who was alone begins to appreciate that happiness and warmth, those emotions that he feels next to his half.

Heroes of the novel

About waiting

One of the most difficult feelings is expectation. Of course, if a person knows what he is waiting for, it is easier for him to prepare himself. But still, this feeling causes anxiety, excitement, sometimes anxiety. Especially if a person does not know how long this wait will last. This condition is very accurately described in one of the quotes from Remarque's “Three Comrades”:

"The worst thing is when you have to wait and you can’t do anything. From this you can go crazy."

It is especially difficult for active people who are used to always act and control everything. In this sense of expectation, a person is still experiencing because of his helplessness. Of course, it is worth highlighting separately the expectation of a meeting or the return of a loved one.

"- But you should not wait for me. Never. It is very scary to wait for something.

“You don't understand that, Robbie.” It's scary when there's nothing to wait. "

Some people are afraid of this feeling and try to avoid it in every possible way. But by doing so, they avoid feelings of affection for a person and are afraid of change. But despite all the anxieties and worries, expectation is one of the signs that a person lives, can feel and act. This gives meaning to life and makes events even more meaningful for a person.

"Three comrades"

About feelings

Feelings should mean not only love, but also other strong emotions and forms of affection. And the more important his affection is for a person, the closer she is to him, the then it is more difficult for him to refuse it. Here is some advice one of the heroes of the book gives:

“Just don’t take anything to heart. After all, what you accept, you want to keep it. But you can’t hold anything.”

Of course, the hero is partly right: after becoming attached to something, a person wants his attachment to remain with him. And when this does not happen, then he begins to yearn and worry. Thus, not letting anything and anyone close to his heart, a person avoids strong unrest and frustration. But if you are constantly afraid that you will not be able to hold something, then you will not be able to experience all the delights of love and friendship. But perhaps it is better to find what you want to cherish and cherish it with all your might.

"It is a mistake to assume that all people have the same ability to feel."

Often, problems in relationships between people arise because they forget that everyone has a different degree of emotionality. Therefore, people respond differently to feelings and manifest them. But the main confirmation of feelings is not just words, but care and attention in relation to another person.

Oh happiness

Everyone wants to be happy. Wise people find happiness in what they have and appreciate it. But such an understanding does not come immediately.

"Happiness is the most uncertain and costliest thing in the world."

If you ask people what happiness is, you are unlikely to hear one exact definition. Because everyone understands it in their own way. Often for a person, happiness is what he lacks. But you need to be able to find joy in the little things, happiness in what you already have and appreciate it.

Open books

About love

The book "Three Comrades" has many beautiful quotes about love. In them there are no pathos words and too sentimental phrases. The heroes were simply tired of loneliness and wanted to find their happiness.

"True love does not tolerate outsiders."

No one can know what feelings lovers have for each other. No need to tell everyone the details of their personal lives - then all the charm disappears, all the trust that exists in a couple.

Love is a very fragile feeling that is not so easy to find and which must be protected. After all, it is such a happiness to know that someone is waiting for you and to someone you are very important. And love is an opportunity to take care of another person and make him happy.

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