The drug "Stugeron": indications for use, price and reviews on the drug

Modern man is susceptible to various diseases. Not the last place is occupied by pathologies associated with impaired cerebral circulation. Frequent dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, headaches, memory problems can signal such problems. With such symptoms, you should definitely consult a specialist. And if such phenomena are provoked by poor cerebral circulation, then doctors often prescribe the drug "Stugeron". Indications for the use of this medication can be found in the annotation. It is to her that we turn.

stugeron indications for use

Description of the drug

The medicine "Stugeron" is a medication used to treat impaired circulation of the brain. The active substance of the drug is cinnarizine. It is this substance that gives the medication all the beneficial effects on the body.

The drug "Stugeron" indications for use are quite extensive. After all, the medicine provides the following most important functions:

  • dilutes blood;
  • increases the elasticity of red blood cells;
  • promotes relaxation of smooth muscles, thereby eliminating spasms of blood vessels;
  • prevents exposure of vasoconstrictors to the body;
  • improves brain nutrition;
  • activates peripheral blood circulation.

Given these properties, doctors often prescribe the drug "Stugeron". Indications for use of the drug include pathologies associated with insufficient breathing, poor nutrition of nerve tissues. The medication is used for Raynaud's disease, impaired functioning of the vestibular apparatus, trophic ulcers.

The medicine is widely used in pediatrics. It is prescribed even to newborn babies who are diagnosed with pathologies of the nervous system. After all, subsequently, some diseases can lead to delays in the development of the child. To protect against such complications, doctors prescribe Stugeron medicine for infants. Reviews of experts indicate that the medication often copes with such a function.

stugeron reviews

The medicine is produced in the form of tablets (white, odorless) and capsules.

When the drug is prescribed

One of the popular drugs in neurology is the Stugeron medication.

Indications for the use of this tool include the following ailments and conditions:

  1. Vestibular disorders. The tool can help with Meniere's disease, tinnitus, nystagmus. It is used to eliminate vomiting, nausea of ​​labyrinth origin, dizziness.
  2. Symptoms of cerebrovascular nature. The drug effectively eliminates irritability, headache of vascular origin.
  3. Prevention of kinetoses. Recommended means to eliminate the signs of "sea", "air" disease.
  4. Migraine. The medicine fights the pathology itself and is an excellent prophylactic that prevents attacks.
  5. Peripheral circulatory disorders. Prescribe medication for thrombophlebitis, Raynaud’s disease, diabetic angiopathy, “intermittent” lameness. Effectively in the treatment of trophic disorders, including trophic and varicose ulcers.

The appointment of this drug to newborns is justified if the infant has a perinatal disorder of the functioning of the nervous system, accompanied by hypoxic damage to the brain.

stugeron for babies reviews

In such conditions, despite age restrictions, doctors prescribe the drug "Stugeron". Reviews of doctors indicate that without proper treatment, children can develop paralysis, epilepsy, impaired thinking and many other negative consequences.

Dosage of medication

The instruction advises taking the medicine, given the following recommendations:

  1. Disturbed blood circulation in the brain. It is prescribed three times a day for 1-2 tablets (25-50 mg).
  2. Inadequate peripheral circulation. It is recommended to use 2-3 pills three times a day.
  3. Vestibular disorders. Drink 1 tablet three times a day.
  4. Kinetosis Before leaving, for about 30 minutes, adults must take 1 tablet. If necessary, drink the second pill after 6 hours. ½ adult dosage is used to combat road sickness in children.

The drug should be taken after meals. The duration of therapy can only be determined by a doctor. It can range from a few weeks to a couple of months.


The medicine has a small number of restrictions. But even in this case, you should not prescribe this drug yourself. Before treatment, it is very important to coordinate the treatment regimen with the doctor.

stugeron indications reviews

So, the drug is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy
  • breastfeeding;
  • individual sensitivity.

With great care, a medication is prescribed for people suffering from Parkinson's disease.

Side effects

It is important to consider not only what indications for use of the drug "Stugeron". Reviews indicate that some patients may develop side effects. Therefore, drug therapy requires careful monitoring of the patient's condition.

Such symptoms sometimes appear:

  1. CNS The drug can cause extrapyramidal disorders, manifested by increased muscle tone, tremor of the extremities. It can provoke the development of depression, hypokinesia in the elderly, fatigue, headache, drowsiness.
  2. Digestive system. In some cases, there is the occurrence of cholestatic jaundice, dyspepsia, epigastric pain, dry mouth.
  3. Dermatological reactions. Patients may experience skin rash, lupus-like syndrome, sweating. In rare cases, lichen planus may develop.
  4. Other manifestations. Weight gain is sometimes observed, allergic reactions occur. The latter, as a rule, are provoked by drug intolerance.

stugeron Price

The drug "Stugeron": price

The medicine does not apply to expensive drugs.

The cost of the medicine in tablets (25 mg, No. 50) is from 154 to 201 rubles.

Patient opinion

People are usually interested in the Stugeron drug reviews. Who took this medication? What can be said about him? Such questions are often asked by patients. People to whom the medicine has been prescribed are happy to share their opinions. So, let's consider what are the reviews about the drug "Stugeron".

Most often there are positive responses about the medication. Patients note that the drug really improves health. There is more calm behavior, excess tone disappears. During the examination, most patients are diagnosed with impaired circulation.

Very often, the medicine "Stugeron" for infants is recommended. Parents' reviews indicate that almost every crumbs has a beneficial effect after taking the medication.

stugeron reviews who took

Parents often have a question about the appropriateness of this appointment. After all, the instruction does not recommend the use of the medication for children under 5 years old. However, doctors still prescribe this particular remedy for newborn babies. This is due, first of all, to the fact that on the pharmacological market there is not a single analogue capable of providing infants with the same favorable therapeutic effect as the Stugeron medication.

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