The drug "Albendazole": reviews. "Albendazole" for animals: use, dosage

The drug "Albendazole" (international name - Albendazole) belongs to the group of antiprotozoal and anthelmintic drugs. It is available in the form of chewable or conventional tablets, suspensions, powders, as well as coated tablets.

Where is it used?

The drug "Albendazole" can be used both to treat humans and animals. It is used for mono-and polyinvasions and has positive reviews. “Albendazole”, among other things, inhibits the utilization of glucose and prevents the movement of organelles in the cells of the muscles of the worms, which causes their death. This preparation is especially effective in relation to larvae of cestodes and nematodes. It also helps with infection of animals with trematodes or helminth eggs.

reviews albendazole

Medication "Albendazole" for animals in powder

The drug "Albendazole" 10%, which is a light gray or white powder with a faint odor, has proven itself very well. It is used in agriculture to get rid of parasites of birds and animals with nematodirosis, diktiocaulosis, bunostomiasis, moniesiosis, strongyliatosis, cooperiosis, paramphistomatosis, esophagostomiasis, heterocycosis. In case of ascariasis, fascioliasis or dicroceliosis, the powder medicine Albendazole is also prescribed. Instructions for use provide the following information. In case of poultry disease with heterocycosis, ascariasis, or with scaridiosis-heterocycosis, the drug is given in a group way. Treatment is carried out within two days. In this case, the medicine is mixed in the feed in the amount of 100 mg per kilogram of bird weight. Give such food in the morning.

Pigs are also treated in groups. In diseases such as esophagostomiasis or ascariasis, they are given half the norm of food per day, mixed with the drug "Albendazole" in an amount of 100 mg / kg. Thus, groups consisting of no more than fifty goals are treated.

], albendazole instructions

For cows for the treatment of intestinal, gastric and pulmonary nematodoses, the medicine is fed once in an amount of 75 mg per kilogram of animal weight. In the case of chronic fascioliasis, 100 mg / kg is given.

Sheep is treated either in a group way or individually. In the first case, the drug is also mixed in the feed. A group should consist of no more than 150 sheep. The dosage is 50 mg per kilogram of the animal’s weight for pulmonary or intestinal nematodes, 150 mg / kg for dicroceliosis (chronic) and 75 mg / kg for fascioliasis (chronic).

The “Albendazole” medication helps the horses well in diseases such as strongychondiasis and parascaridosis. Treat them individually. The dosage is 70 mg / kg once.

albendazole for animals

Slaughter of pigs and sheep for meat should be done no earlier than ten days after treatment. Cows and horses - not earlier than fourteen days later. Chickens, geese and ducks - after 5 days. Milk and eggs should not be eaten for four days after processing.


Suspension "Albendazole" helps very well from the larvae of trematodes and nematodes, as well as cestodes. The drug is administered to animals both during infection and for prevention. In the latter case, the drug is given in the spring before pasture on pastures, as well as in autumn when transferred to stall maintenance. The medicine is administered by mouth through a syringe dispenser. The dosage in each case is different.

albendazole Price
Both 2.5% suspension and 10% are available. Medicines are packaged in bottles of 100, 200, 500 ml and one liter. When administered orally, the drug is absorbed in the stomach and intestines, thus entering the tissues and organs of the animal. It is excreted in the usual way - with feces and urine.

Before mass processing, experts recommend testing the drug in a small group of animals. Observe them for three days. In the event that no complications are detected, the medicine is given to the entire livestock.

Gel "Albendazole"

Gel "Albendazole 20" is a homogeneous mass of white or grayish color. Like the suspension is administered to the animal through the mouth. It can be used for farm animals - pigs, sheep, cows, horses or for domestic - dogs and cats.

albendazole 20

It is not recommended to mix it with hot food. The dose depends on the type of parasite and the mass of the animal. Like other forms of the drug, the gel should not be given in the early stages of pregnancy. The medicine "Albendazole" is not prescribed for weakened individuals, as well as patients with infectious diseases. Thus, in the event that the animal is infected with worms, such as nematodes, cestodes, trematodes, nematodes, uncinaria, dipilidia, and others, it is worth trying to give him the Albendazole medication. The price of this drug is not too high (about 20 rubles per 10 mg), but it helps not bad.

Albendazole medicine for people

People who used the drug to treat diseases such as neurocysticercosis (caused as a result of the vital activity of pork tapeworm), as well as echinococcosis of the peritoneum, lungs, or liver (caused by larvae of canine tapeworm) give good reviews about it. "Albendazole" is also used for nematodoses: trichocephalosis, ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm infection, giardiasis, opisthorchiasis, microsporidiosis. It should be taken with caution, following the instructions.

The drug "Albendazole." Instructions for use

Take tablets after meals, without chewing, once a day. The daily dose is 0.4 g for adults and 6 mg / kg for children. A special diet or the use of laxatives during the course are not prescribed. With cysticercosis of the brain, children under two years of age are given 15 mg / kg of medicine once a day for eight days. Adults and children after two years - 0.4 g twice a day. Take the drug in this case for 8-10 days. With trichocephalosis, ascariasis, enterobiosis, children under two years of age are prescribed 0.2 g once a day. The course of treatment is three days. In this case, adults need to drink 0.4 g once a day. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after three weeks.

albendazole suspension


The drug is quite effective, judging by what reviews there are about it. Albendazole, however, should not be drunk during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. In addition, it is not prescribed for people with cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, or any retinal pathologies. Children are given it with caution.

What can be the side effects when using?

During the course, such unpleasant phenomena as vomiting and nausea often occur. Also, the host may experience headaches with meningeal symptoms. Often there are all kinds of allergic reactions - mainly itching and skin rashes. In addition, renal failure, alopecia and impaired renal function are sometimes observed. Problems can also arise with the blood forming organs: granulocytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia. In case of an overdose, gastric lavage and ingestion of activated carbon are recommended.

What do you need to know about?

Women must first pass a pregnancy test. During the course, the use of contraceptives is necessary. Patients taking the drug should be under the supervision of a doctor. When taken in combination with the drugs "Cimetidine" and "Dexamethasone", the concentration of the drug "Albendazole" in the blood increases.

The considered drug, of course, is one of the most effective means of helping against all kinds of intestinal, pulmonary, etc. parasites today. This is confirmed by numerous reviews. Albendazole, however, should be taken with caution and only as directed by a doctor. He has quite a few side effects. As for animals, it is also best to consult a veterinarian first.

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