How to bake and stew potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream in a slow cooker?

Potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream in a slow cooker can be cooked both in baking mode and in a stewing program. In any case, using these components, you will definitely get a tasty and satisfying dinner, which will be appreciated by all your household members.

potato with mushrooms in sour cream in a slow cooker

Potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream in a slow cooker: recipe

If you do not want to cook a complex and long dish for the dining table, we recommend using the recipe presented. For its implementation you will not need expensive products, as well as a large amount of time.

So how to cook potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream in a slow cooker? To make such a hearty meal for your household, you need to prepare:

  • medium potato tubers - 4 pcs.;
  • large fresh champignons - 300 g;
  • thick sour cream - 200 g;
  • salt, dried herbs and pepper - apply at discretion;
  • vegetable oil - 6 large spoons;
  • large onion - 1 head;
  • hard cheese - 150 g.

We process components

In order for potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream in a slow cooker to turn out tasty and appetizing, all components should be carefully processed. The tubers of said vegetable are peeled and cut in circles. The bulb is freed from the husk and chopped into cubes. As for the mushrooms, they are cut into thin plates. Hard cheese is also rubbed separately.

potato with mushrooms in a slow cooker with sour cream

The process of heat treatment of mushrooms

Lunch, part of which becomes a lovingly cooked potato in a slow cooker with mushrooms, is delicious. The recipe for this dish is presented in this article. You will like the result if all the components of the dish are pre-fried. To do this, put the champignons in the bowl of the device and turn on the baking mode. As soon as all the moisture from the mushrooms evaporates, they add onions and 5 large spoons of vegetable oil. After mixing the components, they are fried for about 20 minutes, until redness.

At the very end of the heat treatment, fresh thick sour cream, salt, dried herbs and pepper are added to the mushrooms. After mixing the components, they are laid out on a separate plate and left aside for a while.

Bake a dish

After the mushrooms are fried, the multicooker bowl is greased with the remains of vegetable oil and the potato circles are laid out. After seasoning them with pepper, salt and dried herbs, the vegetables are covered with champignons in sour cream, which, in turn, are sprinkled with grated cheese. In this form, the dish is cooked in baking mode (under a closed lid) for about 60 minutes. During this time, the potato should become as soft and slightly fried.

Presenting for dinner

Now you know how to cook potatoes with mushrooms in a slow cooker with sour cream. After the sound signal sounds, a kind of casserole covered with cheese is divided into parts and distributed on plates. They are presented to the table with a slice of bread and homemade pickles.

potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream in a slow cooker recipe

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms in a slow cooker: the best recipes

About how to bake the ingredients mentioned in a slow cooker, we described above. But if you canโ€™t eat such a dish, then we recommend putting it out. For this we need:

  • medium potato tubers - 3 pcs.;
  • large fresh champignons - 200 g;
  • thick sour cream - 100 g;
  • tomato paste - 2 large spoons;
  • salt, fresh herbs and pepper - apply at discretion;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • carrot - 1 large piece;
  • large onion - 1 head;
  • drinking water - 1 cup.

Ingredient Processing

In this section of the article, we will tell you about stewing potatoes with mushrooms in a slow cooker with sour cream. First you need to peel all the vegetables. Next, start grinding them. Potato tubers and onions are diced, and carrots are sliced. Fresh champignons and greens are also chopped separately.

How to form?

After the products are cleaned and chopped, you should proceed to the formation of the dish. To do this, put cubes of potatoes, carrot slices, as well as onions and fresh champignons in large containers. Adding salt, chopped herbs and pepper to the ingredients, they are thoroughly mixed.

potatoes in a slow cooker with mushrooms a delicious recipe

Last but not least, thick sour cream and tomato paste are spread to the products. After re-mixing the potatoes with mushrooms, they get the basis for the second dish.

Cooking process in a multicooker

Having completed all the described actions, the finished mixture is laid out in the bowl of the kitchen device and pour 1 cup of water. After this, the formed dish is closed and the quenching mode is set. In this program, potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream in a slow cooker should be cooked for 65 minutes. During this time, all the ingredients will become completely soft, a tomato-sour cream broth is formed.

Serve for a family dinner

A stew prepared according to the above recipe is very rich and satisfying. After the heat treatment is completed, potatoes with champignons and aromatic gravy are distributed on plates. Sprinkling them with a small amount of fresh herbs, the dish is served to the table along with bread and a salad of vegetables.

Such a dinner well saturates the body, gives it a lot of energy and strength.

potatoes with mushrooms in a slow cooker best recipes

To summarize

Using products such as potatoes, fresh mushrooms and other ingredients, you can cook completely different dishes yourself. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the recipe and use the correct heat treatment.

It should also be noted that in addition to stewing and baking potatoes with mushrooms, using these ingredients, you can make a delicious rich soup.

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