We often hear the expression “parable of the good Samaritan,” but what does this mean, what are the plot and morality? We will consider all this in our article. Anticipating the story, I would like to note that the Samaritan is a symbol of the purest and uncomplicated mercy you can imagine.
A man wandered between Jerusalem and Jericho. Somewhere in this space he was attacked by bandits, beaten, stole all things and left on the road to die. At that time, a priest passed by, but he did not stop.
Then it happened that the dear Samaritan walked on the same path, and not only did he bandage his wounds, he also took the sufferer to a hotel and gave the owner money to support a complete stranger. He said at the same time that if he didn’t have enough money, he would come and repay all his debts for his unexpected friend.
Relations between relatives
Imagine how terrible our world is and what animal state people have reached, that now we cannot even imagine such a situation. And the point here is not an unreasonable, unmotivated act of kindness with which we cannot endow strangers, but the fact that we are often very peculiar even to our relatives.
If we turn to detective series, for example, to Colombo, then he will give us rich food for thought: native people burn and cut each other for money and property. Do you think they remember what the parable of the good Samaritan teaches?
If we look at what is happening around, we will understand: real life is not too different from fiction, perhaps it is even worse. Grandchildren are waiting for grandparents to go to the next world to get their apartments. Some children hate their parents so much that they don’t want to understand their problems and just run away from home. People are embittered. The wisdom hidden in the work “The Parable of the Good Samaritan” is forgotten, namely: try to be kind, especially when it is most difficult.
"There is no sadder story in the world ...". Shakespeare and the story of the good Samaritan
Here we will not subject “Romeo and Juliet” to artistic analysis, because if the tragedy had not happened, then everything would have ended in a happy marriage. Perhaps it would be completely uninteresting to read and watch.
If we imagine that this is a real situation, then we can state the following fact: the relatives of the lovers did not have the mercy of the hero of the essay (I mean the biblical parable about the good Samaritan). Imagine: Montecchi and Capulet despised their grievances and put an end to hostility for the sake of children before their death. Yes, it would be a banal story, but happy. It is a pity that they did not heed the wisdom of Jesus. It is about the ability to do good and be nice to enemies that the parable about the good Samaritan speaks of. Therefore, the "plague on both of your homes." Mercutio's gloomy prophecy came true: what could be worse than losing your children?
Samaritan as a humanistic ideal
No matter how many years have passed, the Samaritan’s behavior will remain moral for mankind. Why is the parable of the good Samaritan still awakening our heart from a sleep constrained by everyday concerns? Because we know that an ordinary person is not capable of such behavior. The Samaritan remains an unrivaled moral and humanistic ideal.
And now a small correction for reality. Now people are more likely learning from Bulgakov, who instructed: "Never talk with strangers." If we imagine that the Samaritan was wealthy, it could well be like this: the robber doused himself with blood and even cut himself, and when the savior approached him, he robbed the one who came to his aid. Now people do not approach those lying on the street, thinking that they are either drunk or representatives of the lumpen class. What manifestations of causeless kindness are there?
When we tell children about what to do, the parable of the good Samaritan will serve as one of the moral lessons. But children become adults and come to us for advice. At this time, we are instructing them to survive in reality, no longer recalling the biblical parables. We clearly know that we live in a world where the existence of God is being called into question. And, nevertheless, you need to remember the glow of holiness, recorded both in history and in creativity, in order to remain human and at least a little closer to the good Samaritan, this bright humanistic ideal.
This was the analysis, the focus of which was the parable of the good Samaritan. The interpretation turned out to be extraordinary. The message of the parable is more than simple, it is clear and accessible to every reader. One has only to think, ponder and put yourself in the place of the main character.