Menovazine (ointment) belongs to the category of antipruritic drugs. The drug in its composition is combined, its properties are associated with the mechanism of action of active substances in its composition. Active ingredients: racemic menthol, anestezin, novocaine.
Ointment Menovazin. Instruction Description
Due to the properties of menthol, the drug has a cooling effect on the corresponding receptors. In this case, the sensation of irritation is replaced by mild anesthesia. Menthol is able to reflexively change the tone of the vessels of organs and tissues located both deeply and more superficially.
Novocaine has a fairly pronounced anesthetic activity. However, it does not affect vascular tone.
Anestezin has surface anesthetic properties.
The combination of these components in the drug "Menovazine" (ointment) allows you to provide a reversible disorder of conduction and excitation of conductors and nerve receptors in direct interaction with them. The medication has a distracting and irritating effect.
The drug is used for dermatoses accompanied by itching, arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia.
Menovazine (ointment). Instructions for use
The drug is applied twice or thrice a day externally. Rubbing painful areas of the skin. The duration of use will depend on the condition of the patient, the form and nature of the pathology, concomitant treatment (if any). The maximum dosage is no more than nine grams.
As a rule, menovazine (ointment) is well tolerated by patients. However, with prolonged use, dizziness, a feeling of weakness, a decrease in blood pressure, contact dermatitis, and allergies are likely . As practice shows, the manifestations are short-lived. If symptoms persist, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult a doctor.
Menovazinum (ointment) is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity.
Overdose may occur if the drug is used for too long. As a rule, in such cases, peeling, dermatitis, and other skin reactions occur. If these symptoms appear, Menovazine must be canceled.
The drug should not be applied to affected areas of the skin.
The effect of the drug during lactation and pregnancy, as well as on young children, is not well understood. The expediency of the appointment is decided by a specialist.
The use of the drug at the same time as other locally acting medicines is not recommended (the anesthetic property may increase). The active components of Menovazine (anestezin, novocaine) are able to weaken the antibacterial effect of sulfa drugs. The use of any other drugs should be reported to the doctor.
Patients who used Menovazin respond positively about the drug. Most of all, the cost of the drug attracts. Along with this, Menovazinum is a very effective drug. Often it is used by "meteorological" people who are sensitive to weather changes. They often experience pain in the joints of a aching, usually of a character. In such cases, Menovazin often comes to the rescue.
Despite the fact that the drug has a fairly liquid consistency, it is rubbed without any special difficulties. Many patients claim that relief comes after the first or second use. The first sensations after application are slight tingling, irritation. Gradually they are replaced by cooling. After the pain begins to pass gradually.
Menovazine eliminates soreness quickly enough. However, one should not forget that the drug does not eliminate diseases.