Myofascial syndrome: a brief description

Myofascial syndrome is today considered a fairly common problem. This disturbance is manifested by severe muscle spasm, as well as the presence in the tensed muscle tissue of seals, the so-called trigger points, which are characterized by pain.

Myofascial syndrome: symptoms.

The active trigger point is characterized by an increased level of irritability, as a result of which the patient is worried by constant acute pain. At the same time, unpleasant sensations are observed not only in the area of ​​compaction - they can spread to other muscles. As a rule, such painful seals are formed in those areas where the end of the motor nerve penetrates into the muscle tissue.

Pain can be present both at complete rest of a person, and during stress. On palpation of the site, the patient complains of severe, sharp pain. The trigger point keeps the muscle in constant tension and does not allow it to stretch completely.

Myofascial syndrome: causes .

In fact, this syndrome does not always manifest itself - most of the world's population has so-called latent (sleeping) trigger points, which can be activated when a number of certain factors are affected:

  • Activation can occur as a result of a strong bruise, shock or muscle strain, while pain remains even when all external symptoms of the injury have been eliminated.
  • Myofascial syndrome can be the result of hypothermia, both of the whole organism and its individual area. For this purpose, it is customary to use the phrases “blew one’s back”, “passed through the neck”, etc. Cold really quite often causes pain.
  • Emotional factors can also activate trigger points - this is grief, fear, anger, aggression, nervousness. The fact is that under such states of consciousness, the human body behaves quite predictably. He responds to any stress by contracting muscles that are in such a state even after emotions subside.
  • Another common reason is overstrain of muscles that are not used to physical labor. This applies to mental workers or people who consciously lead a sedentary lifestyle. With intense physical work, the muscles strain, there is tension and cramping.
  • Diseases of various organs or systems are a direct way to activate a pain syndrome. The fact is that when an organ or joint is damaged, the muscles immediately tighten to provide protection and limit the movement of the affected area of ​​the body. Continuous voltage activates triggers.
  • Myofascial pain syndrome can occur with prolonged muscle immobility. This condition is observed, for example, in a fracture of bones, when a person is limited in movement for a long time. Moreover, the trigger points are activated not only in the fixed part of the body, but also in all others.
  • Deviations in skeletal development are a risk factor. This can be a severe form of flat feet or different lengths of the legs, as this changes the distribution of loads on the body.
  • Another reason is osteochondrosis.

Myofascial syndrome: treatment .

Most people think that treating such a violation does not make sense, since sooner or later the tension will decrease anyway. But in fact, this is not entirely true, since developed myofascial syndrome can have serious consequences.

For example, with prolonged muscle tension, lactic acid accumulates in it , which interferes with the normal metabolism and contributes to the development of oxygen deficiency. In addition, one trigger point leads to the formation of others, and hardly anyone will like the constant pain. In especially severe conditions, compression of the nerve endings and blood vessels is observed.

As for the treatment, it is always comprehensive. For example, they use different methods of physiotherapy, as well as constant massage. Sometimes a person is required for some time to take special medications that relieve cramping. Acupuncture and some types of manual therapy are beneficial.

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