Mumps, also called mumps, is an acute viral disease characterized by inflammation of the salivary glands. A pathology in a person can develop only once, since a persistent refractory is developed to re-infection
chivalry. Most often, children get sick with mumps. If mumps occurs in adults, it is harder to carry and threatens to develop complications.
Mumps: causes
The infection is caused by paramyxovirus, often infection occurs by airborne droplets or through infected objects. The patient becomes contagious two days before the onset of symptoms of the disease and poses a danger to others for another five days after the onset of signs of pathology. The incubation period (the time from the ingestion of the virus to the onset of symptoms) is on average from 12 to 24 days.
Mumps in adults: symptoms
If the case is typical, mumps begins acutely. The temperature rises sharply (up to 40 degrees), weakness appears, pain in the ears, head, aggravated by chewing and swallowing, excessive salivation, pain in the earlobe region , aggravated by eating acidic food. With inflammation of the parotid salivary gland , an enlargement of the cheek can occur, and when you touch the cheek, pain occurs. The skin over the places where the inflamed glands are located, tenses and glosses. Usually, the increase in salivary glands reaches its maximum on the third day after the onset of the disease. The swelling can last up to ten days. Sometimes mumps in adults have no signs that the salivary glands are affected. In this case, it is quite difficult to identify the disease.
Mumps in adults: complications
After the virus enters the bloodstream, it begins to penetrate into various glandular organs. So, the pancreas can suffer, which carries a risk of acute pancreatitis, testicles, which is fraught with orchitis, ovaries, which can lead to ovaryitis and oophoritis. If a man develops mumps orchitis, this can lead to priapism and even infertility. The virus can also invade the brain, causing viral meningoencephalitis. Possible complications include hearing loss and deafness.
Mumps: treatment
In adults, as already mentioned, the disease is more severe than in children. Usually, the doctor prescribes compliance for at least ten days of bed rest. Together with this, antimicrobial and antiviral agents should be taken, aimed at preventing possible complications. The patient is shown drinking warm liquids in large quantities, for example, lingonberry or cranberry juice, tea, rosehip infusion. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, antipyretic drugs should be taken. During treatment, you must prevent overeating, reduce the consumption of pasta, cabbage, white bread, fats. Rinse your mouth every time after eating.