Pay to Another: movie reviews, cast, storyline

Can one simple student change the whole world? Most people will answer “No!”. And the film "Pay to Another" in 2000 claims the opposite. And this is not a utopia, but a real attempt of a twelve-year-old boy to make everyone around a little kinder.


Journalist Chris Chandler gets into an accident in which his car crashes. A stranger drives up to him and just gives his Jaguar. During the conversation, the victim learns that in this way the stranger paid off with him for the service that had been rendered to him earlier. This is how the “Pay to Another” movement spreads.

film pay another reviews

The journalistic nature does not give Chandler the opportunity to miss an interesting story. He begins an investigation. His works lead to the seventh grader, who, within the framework of the training assignment, launched this movement. It is for such an interesting idea that the film “Pay to Another” in the reviews of moviegoers is highly appreciated.

Further, the plot of the picture tells us about the story of Trevor McKeeney. From the beginning of the school year, a new social science teacher, Eugene Simonet, came to their school. He immediately gave the children a task to come up with an idea of ​​how to change the world, and try to bring it to life. Throughout the year, children came up with a variety of options.

Trevor lives alone with his mother, who is torn between two jobs. To relieve stress, a woman drinks in her free time. Because of this, family relationships cannot be called friendly. This was one of the reasons why the boy came up with just such a theory of changing the world for the better.

Essence of the idea

So why, among the many films released in 2000, gets such positive reviews, "Pay Another"? All thanks to the idea of ​​the possibility of changing the world. Trevor comes up with a kind of "pyramid of good." He himself is going to help 3 people accomplish what they alone cannot do. Further, these 3 people should not thank Trevor, but help 3 more people. So, according to the boy, the good will be distributed exponentially. But the film “Pay to Another” in the reviews would not have received such high praise if such an interesting idea were shown as an easily achievable goal.

Trevor himself chose as his objects a homeless drug addict, his mother and classmate, who was constantly attacked by peers. The first was the homeless, whom Trevor fed, but he did not live up to expectations and returned to his former life. Further, the boy decided to establish his mother's relationship with a social studies teacher. But here, not everything went so smoothly. There was a classmate for whom Trevor did not dare to intercede, because he was afraid of hooligans.

And when the boy was already disappointed in the effectiveness of his idea, he learned that his movement is actively developing throughout America. A journalist came to him to interview the founder of the movement. Inspired by his success, Trevor decides to speak out against the hooligans. And then a tragedy happens: one of the boys had a knife with which the defender was mortally wounded.

pay another reviews

Although the initiator of the idea died, an interview with him was released a couple of hours after the tragedy and the movement continued to develop, and people went on a pilgrimage to the house where the boy lived. That is why for the plot “Pay to another” (2000), the reviews remained the most positive.


Much of the success of the film depends on the quality of the actors' play. In this picture, everyone was at their best. Haley Joel Osment reincarnated as Trevor, his mother played Helen Hunt, and his teachers played Kevin Spacey. This trio was able to fully convey the whole gamut of feelings that their characters experienced. Therefore, it is worth talking about each actor separately.

Hayley Joel Osment

good movie pay another

Since the late 90s of the last century, the young actor has conquered the hearts of many moviegoers. For the first time on the big screen he appeared in the picture of R. Zemeckis "Forest Gump", where he played the son of the protagonist. The film became a cult, and the actors instantly gained fame.

After the picture, other directors drew attention to Haley. He began to be invited to feature films and TV shows. The most significant in his childhood career were the paintings "The Sixth Sense" and "Pay to Another." For the first film, the boy was even nominated for an Oscar. Unfortunately, the following pictures of the actor did not receive so good reviews. Pay to Another is still considered one of the best films in which he played.

Helen Hunt

pay another movie 2000 reviews

The actress began filming from an early age. She became the star of the television series "Mad About You." The success was so great that in one episode she received $ 1 million. This excitement attracted the attention of other directors to the aspiring actress. Helen began to be invited to shoot in feature films.

After the series, the top of her career take-off is considered to be the movie "It Can't Be Better". For him, the actress received an Oscar. After such success, she was prophesied of stunning glory, but, unfortunately, this did not happen. The following pictures of the actress were not so successful. True, among them was the film “Pay to Another” (2000). Helen received positive reviews, although there were no nominations for prestigious awards.

Kevin Spacey

pay another 2000 reviews

The name of this actor is well known to many people. And not in vain. Kevin’s collection has many prestigious awards, including two Oscars for the films Suspicious Faces and American Beauty.

In addition to working in the cinema, the actor also loves the theater scene. He began his career with performances in the theater. Kevin ran the oldest Old London theater for 11 years.

Failure in Spacey's career was the 2017 allegations of sexual harassment from many young guys. Some of them claimed that seduction attempts occurred when young people were in their teens. In response to the accusations, Spacey confessed his homosexual orientation, apologized to everyone whom he molested, and went to a specialized clinic for treatment. After the scandal, many companies and directors broke off relations with him and even cut scenes from the actor’s films that had already been shot in the past.

Movie Reviews

Many viewers say Pay It Another is a good movie. They like the acting and the plot itself. The picture makes you think that one good deed can make the world a little better, and three more - change it. Indeed, many people pass by people who need help. If everyone could feed the hungry, warm the frozen, or stop on the sidelines of a broken car, then people would have less problems.

Other people, positively evaluating a work of art, speak negatively about the idea itself. They say that the movement is utopian and the very nature of man will not allow him to develop to a global scale. But it is worth noting that this aspect is also affected in the picture. This is evidenced by the storyline with the homeless drug addict, on which the movement of the idea stopped. And Trevor himself was completely unable to realize it. The movement did not receive further development from him, but from his mother and grandmother.

pay another 2000

But in general, the film was liked by the audience. It causes a lot of different emotions. There is intrigue, and love, and tragedy, and hope. Therefore, many recommend watching it at least once in a lifetime.

Real movement

After the release of the film “Pay to Another,” reviews of which rained down on all sides, a charity fund of the same name appeared. He acts today. His goal is gratuitous help to everyone who is in a difficult life situation. And even if he does not fully realize the idea of ​​the picture, yet he brings good to the world.

Interesting Facts

During the filming of Haley, Joel Osment, like his character, celebrated his 12th birthday.

When filming an episode in which mother hits Trevor in the face, Osment requested that he really be hit for the credibility of the scene, but the director categorically forbade it to be done.

“Pay to Another” is a film adaptation of the book of the same name by Catherine Ryan Hyde.

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