How to salt mackerel. Two instant recipes

Each family has a special recipe book that has been collected for years, or even generations of women. Such a collection sometimes grows to several volumes and may contain a real storehouse of unique and inimitable dishes. But interesting recipes are not only created empirically. Sometimes housewives reveal to each other their little secrets. For example, how to salt mackerel. At first glance, no special skill is required. But everywhere there are small nuances that make the finished dish a real culinary masterpiece. Here, for example, is one of the recipes.

How to salt mackerel at home

Spicy ambassador is a great way to pickle fish, while preserving all its taste. This recipe involves fast cooking without too much effort. The very next day after salting, the dish can be served on the table. Moreover, all the components of this recipe can be found in almost any kitchen. The quantity and proportions are designed for 2-3 medium-sized mackerels.

First you need to cut the fish. Her entrails are removed, the head is separated, the fins and tail are cut off, the skin is cleaned of scales. Carcasses need to be cut into approximately equal pieces with an average size of 2 or 3 centimeters.

To salt mackerel according to this recipe, you will need to cook a spicy pickle. Below will be given the necessary components for this, as well as their proportions.

- Half a liter of water;

- Salt - 1 tablespoon;

- Bay leaves in the amount of 3 pieces;

- Half 1 tablespoon of coriander spice :

- Sugar sand - 1 tablespoon;

- Half 1 tablespoon of mustard powder;

- Carnation - 1 bud;

- Vegetable oil (can be sunflower) - 1 tablespoon.

So, how to salt mackerel with a set of spices? Here is a detailed step-by-step instruction. To prepare a brine with spices, you will need a stainless steel pan . Pour water into it, lay all of the above ingredients and put on a stove to boil. After that, we detect about 5 minutes and remove the pan from the heat. Let the liquid cool.

We put the mackerel cut in portions into the already cold brine so that it completely covers the fish. Cover the pan with a plate or a lid and put in the refrigerator for a day. After that, the dish can already be served. After you try this tart and at the same time gentle spicy taste, you will no longer have a question about how to salt mackerel.

But there is an even faster recipe. It will appeal to those who appreciate the classic method of making mackerel. For it, you can use frozen fish.

Mackerel must first be taken out of the refrigerator and allowed to thaw. After that, the carcass is gutted and prepared for cutting, similar to the recipe described above. Remember to remove the black film from the abdomen of the mackerel. Otherwise, the finished dish will be bitter. Then the fish need to be cut into small equal pieces.

How to salt mackerel with this recipe? It's pretty simple. For example, take the amount of ingredients needed to cook two medium-sized fish. This is one and a half teaspoons of sugar and one tablespoon of table salt. They need to be mixed together and how to grate the carcasses of mackerel. Remember to carefully salt inside the abdomen.

After these preparations, the fish should be put in an enameled deep bowl. Also suitable are special dishes with a lid made of a polymer material. Such a container does not enter into a chemical reaction even with the strongest brine. Therefore, any dish stored in it will retain its freshness and pristine taste for a long time. For 2-3 hours, the container with mackerel must be put in a cool place in which light does not penetrate. After this time, drain the liquid formed in the bowl. We leave the fish to salt for another ten hours.

We wash the prepared mackerel from excess salt and dry it with a napkin. Just before serving, it is recommended to add a few peas of black pepper, vegetable oil and fresh onions.

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