Dysport and alcohol: effects, reviews, compatibility

Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented the eternal elixir of youth. Therefore, on the way to a beautiful face, women use only new-fangled products. Some ladies resort to anti-aging procedures, others do not stop before injections. One of these drugs, which is used in modern cosmetology, is Dysport. If the administration procedure was painless, anticipation of an excellent skin condition always cheers up. In this article, you will find out whether Dysport and alcohol are compatible. The consequences, reviews of patients will also be presented to your attention.

How does the drug work?

Dysport injections are used to smooth wrinkles. Its composition contains botulism toxin, which is very dangerous for the human body. It is formed in spoiled canned food and is a deadly poison if it enters the body with food. Penetrating into the blood, botulinum neurotoxin causes paralysis of the respiratory tract, and can also cause cardiac arrest. Without treatment, such poisoning in 50% of cases leads to death.

dysport and alcohol effects

For cosmetic purposes, microdoses of this substance are used. In insignificant concentrations, Dysport is absolutely safe for the body. Having completed its task, it is split by the body and excreted by the kidneys after two days.

The use of injections with this drug is justified for:

  • pronounced facial wrinkles in the forehead and around the eyes;
  • preparation for correction of the shape of eyebrows or lips;
  • excessive sweating of the palms, feet, or armpits.

The injection is not immediately apparent, but about three days after visiting the beautician. To maintain the effect, experts advise repeating the procedure every six months.

Dysport and alcohol: compatibility

Beauticians always warn that taking alcohol during the period of the drug is strictly prohibited. The duration of such restrictions may be from 10 to 14 days. Alcohol should not be in the blood at the time of injection.

Botulinum neurotoxin does not directly react with ethanol. Despite this, alcohol should be abstained for another two weeks after cosmetic procedures. Why? Alcohol affects the same receptors to which the main action of botulinum toxin is directed. The main reason for the inability to combine them is the expansion of blood vessels.

Injections are always done pointwise. If a woman drank a glass of wine a few hours before the procedure, her vessels begin to expand. In this case, the diffusion rate of botulinum toxin changes. There is a high probability that the product will not be properly distributed in the tissues. Especially unpleasant consequences can be when working with facial wrinkles.

In addition, Dysport should be absorbed into the tissue very slowly. Only two days later (and in some cases a whole week can pass) are the first results observed. When taking alcohol, the medicine is absorbed at a faster rate. As a result, the therapeutic effect will be absent, or the woman will have to face a lot of unpleasant consequences.

alcohol disport

Side effects

So, "Dysport" and alcohol are incompatible with each other. The consequences of drinking after an injection can be unpredictable. This drug belongs to the category of potent drugs. Only an experienced specialist can choose the optimal dosage and precisely determine the area of ​​influence. However, even a competent approach does not always avoid negative consequences. Many side effects occur only after taking alcohol. Among them are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • swelling of the upper eyelids;
  • decreased vision;
  • drooping eyebrows;
  • pain at the injection site.

Most of the listed phenomena are reversible, they pass on their own after a while.

The main complication after using Dysport for cosmetic purposes is the complete absence of the desired therapeutic effect.

dysport and alcohol effects reviews

Other contraindications

Dysport with alcohol are two categorically incompatible things. However, the rejuvenation procedure has other contraindications. For example, drugs are also on the list of restrictions. Many experts agree that the period of abstinence can be safely extended until the end of life.

Other contraindications to the introduction of botulinum toxin include the presence of hemophilia or myasthenia gravis, pregnancy. It is better to refuse cosmetic services if, at the same time, the doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics.

dysport and alcohol compatibility

How long can I take alcohol?

"Dysport" and alcohol, the consequences of combining which are described just above, often cause disagreement among cosmetologists. However, all of them are sure of one thing, that two weeks before the procedure and about the same after it, the woman must abide by the dry law. Such limitations are due to the slow action of neurotoxin. In this case, the most dangerous time is considered the first day after the injection.

It is at this time that the first adverse reactions may occur. Despite the use of the drug in microdoses, each organism is individual and can respond differently to its components. Among the main side effects include the appearance of dizziness, drowsiness, pain at the injection site. These are far from all the consequences that Dysport and alcohol can cause. Reviews of many women show that the most unpleasant side effect is an allergic reaction to the drug itself. Usually it manifests itself already on the second day after cosmetic procedures.

If you abuse alcohol for the first seven days after the injection, ethanol will provoke the spread of the components of the drug to nearby muscles along with blood flow. The result of this effect can be a distortion of the oval of the face.

Now you know that Dysport and alcohol are incompatible. The consequences of not following the doctor’s recommendations will negatively affect your health. To avoid unpredictable reactions, experts recommend abandoning alcoholic beverages 14 days before the procedure and two weeks after the procedure.

dysport and alcohol reviews

Opinions of women

"Dysport" is an excellent drug that helps a person return to their former youth. Many women do not think about the consequences and run to the salon for another injection. It is much more correct to first study the reviews of other consumers who have already experienced its effect. What do the ladies say?

Negative reviews about combining alcohol with Dysport are extremely rare. Typically, women describe situations where there is a clear allergic reaction. Alcoholic drinks do not play a special role here. Many more positive opinions. The fair sex is sure that the effect of the drug can not harm the body. Proof of this fact are numerous photographs where the ladies celebrate their new face with a glass of wine.

Is it worth it to risk your own health and combine Dysport and alcohol? The consequences of their interaction are not always reversible. Is it not more reliable to note the successful work of cosmetologists after 2 weeks, as it should be according to the instructions?

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