Mayonnaise pie: recipe with photo

Many of us have heard the proverb: "Not red hut corners, but red pies." Indeed, in those houses where the smell of home baking and baking is felt, the mood is joyful and the relations between family members are more friendly. Each mistress has her own signature recipe for a pie.

Let's look at options with mayonnaise. This product has long been used in baking, which turns out to be unusually tasty. After reading the article, you will learn how to bake a pie on mayonnaise. The recipe for cooking, as well as small tricks that will allow you to perfectly master the art of baking, will be provided below.

mayonnaise pie recipe

About the benefits of mayonnaise

The birthplace of the popular sauce is France. Wherever mayonnaise is added! In salads, soups, main dishes, pastries and desserts. Despite the fact that mayonnaise is added to many dishes, some people believe that it is very unhealthy. Is it really? Mayonnaise is a very high-calorie product, up to 800 kcal can be contained in 100 grams of the product. But if consumed in reasonable amounts, it is able to bring tangible benefits to the body. We list the advantages:

  • improves the appearance of hair, nails and skin;
  • helps better digestion
  • boosts immunity.

Mayonnaise composition

Before we move on to recipes for pies, let's recall what one of the most popular sauces of French cuisine consists of. So, what is included in the most ordinary mayonnaise? We list all the ingredients: sunflower oil; eggs salt; sugar; lemon juice. As you can see, the composition of the products is quite simple, and it will not be difficult to make mayonnaise yourself. We will talk about this later.

Making mayonnaise at home

In order for this delicious sauce to benefit our body, and not harm, it is best not to buy it in a store, but to do it yourself. What do we need for this? There are a wide variety of options. We offer one of the simplest recipes. Cook the following foods:

  • 2 yolks;
  • an incomplete glass of olive oil (approximately 200 grams);
  • a teaspoon of mustard;
  • a little black pepper (you can not add);
  • a teaspoon of vinegar 6%;
  • lemon juice; salt to taste.

We start preparing homemade mayonnaise. In a deep plate, mix the yolks; vinegar; salt and pepper. Add mustard very carefully, at first only half a spoon, and when the mayonnaise is ready, if necessary, then the same amount. Beat everything well with a mixer until it increases in volume. Squeeze the juice of lemon, not more than one teaspoon. Add the oil very carefully and stir everything right away. Homemade mayonnaise is ready to eat. Having tried it once, you will no longer want to use the store.

recipe for jellied pie with cabbage on mayonnaise

Mayonnaise pies: recipe with photo

Let's talk about the most delicious and simple options.

1. The recipe for a pie with cabbage on mayonnaise.

There are a huge number of options, here is one that takes very little time to cook. We will need the following products:

  • egg - 1-2;
  • mayonnaise - half a glass;
  • butter - 3 tablespoons;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • salt and flour to taste;
  • medium forks of cabbage;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

We proceed to cooking. We take an egg and mix it with mayonnaise. Add melted butter. Salt, add soda. Mix everything again. Take as much flour to make the dough as a pancake. Cooking the filling. To do this, wash the forks of cabbage, remove the bad leaves, cut off half the fork. Finely chop the cabbage and lightly fry it in a pan on which sunflower oil was previously poured. Lubricate the baking dish with butter and pour part of the dough on it, then put the filling and spread the rest of the dough. Put in the oven. Cooking time - 35-40 minutes.

mayonnaise pie recipe

2. Pie with mayonnaise and sour cream. The recipe is so simple that even a person who decided to do it for the first time will get a pie. So, we need the following products:

  • Mayonnaise and sour cream 100 grams each;
  • sunflower oil - 15 grams;
  • flour - one glass;
  • chicken egg - 1;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • salt - tsp;
  • baking powder.

Mix all the products together except flour and baking powder. All mix well. Add flour and a little baking powder. Knead the dough. It should not be too steep or fluid. The filling can be any. We suggest taking canned fish in oil. Roll out the dough and put it on a baking sheet or baking dish. Knead the fish with a fork and put on top, then close the pie with the remaining half of the dough. Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes.

Making dough for mayonnaise pies

Each mistress has her own secrets and tricks. We offer you a recipe for dough, which can be used to make pies with different fillings. Beat one egg, then add 100 grams of kefir and mayonnaise to it, add flour with baking powder to make a not too thick dough. Stir everything well. It remains only to choose the filling with which you will cook.

mayonnaise pies recipe with photo

Jellied pie on mayonnaise: recipe with photo

This is a real find for housewives. After all, cooking jellied pies takes very little time, but they turn out to be very tasty and airy. We offer you some recipes.

1. Recipe for jellied pie on mayonnaise with cabbage and minced meat

We will need:

  • half a glass of flour;
  • 100 grams of kefir;
  • tsp baking powder;
  • sunflower oil;
  • egg;
  • 100 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 3-4 tsp Sahara;
  • salt;
  • bow;
  • any mincemeat;
  • cabbage.

Let's start making the pie with the filling. Cut the onion and lightly fry it in sunflower oil. Spread the minced meat and continue to fry. Add some water. Cut cabbage into strips and simmer with minced meat. Salt to taste, you can also pepper. After 10-15 minutes, remove from the stove. Prepare the dough (recipe provided above). Sprinkle a little form with semolina and lay out half the dough, then the filling and the remaining half. Carefully line the top of the pie. Now put in the oven for 45 - 50 minutes.

2. Recipe for jellied pie on mayonnaise and sour cream

The filling can be any:

  • mushrooms with onions;
  • fresh or pickled cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • canned fish;
  • headlights, etc.

This is a very easy and tasty option. For him we need:

  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 5 tbsp. l sour cream;
  • 1 egg
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • baking powder.

Take a deep dish and begin to prepare the dough for the pie. Take an egg and shake it well. Next, add mayonnaise, mix everything carefully. Add salt and sugar to taste. We spread sour cream, if you want to cook a low-calorie cake, then take sour cream with a small percentage of fat content. Pour the flour slowly and continue to mix thoroughly. Add a teaspoon of baking powder. Prepare the filling. Pour half the dough into the mold. Put the filling and the remaining dough on top. Put in the oven. After 45-50 minutes the cake is ready.

With jam and poppy seeds

mayonnaise pie recipe
Is it possible to make a sweet pie with mayonnaise? The recipe that we offer will give a positive answer to the question asked above. Let's make a pie with jam and poppy seeds. It turns out delicious and delicate, and cooking it is easy and simple. What do we need for this? The list of required products will look like this:

  • Half a glass of granulated sugar (this is approximately 125 grams).
  • 2 tablespoons of poppy seeds.
  • One table egg.
  • Three or four spoons of any jam (if it is very sweet, then you can put two spoons).
  • 4 tablespoons of wheat flour.
  • 3-4 tbsp. l refined sunflower oil.
  • Half a teaspoon of soda. It is not necessary to extinguish it specially.
  • At the tip of a knife citric acid.
  • Five tablespoons without top of mayonnaise.

Take a deep cup or pan and mix in it: an egg; mayonnaise, butter, sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, you can beat with a mixer. In this case, the mayonnaise pie (the recipe includes other ingredients) will turn out more lush and airy. But if there is absolutely no time for this, then nothing terrible will happen. Then we add jam, citric acid and soda to the resulting mass. Again, mix well. Lastly, put the flour. All lumps are thoroughly stirred. Take a cake pan or deep pan. Lubricate it with sunflower or butter and spread exactly half the dough. Sprinkle the poppy so that it evenly covers the surface of the pie. We spread the remaining dough on top. Well aligned. Put in the oven for 35-40 minutes. Serve to the table slightly cooled.

pie with mayonnaise and sour cream recipe

Little tricks

  • You made homemade mayonnaise, but is it thick? Dilute with a small amount of water, always boiled.
  • If you want the mayonnaise pie to be less high-calorie, then take it half as much as required in the recipe and add kefir or yogurt.
  • When preparing mayonnaise, note that the oil can not be poured into the mixture all at once. This is done in small portions in order to make the sauce uniform.
  • The recipe for jellied pie with cabbage on mayonnaise is very simple. But even here there are some little tricks. Experienced housewives know that before pouring dough on cabbage, it is necessary to mash it well. Cooking time will be shortened and it will simply melt in your mouth.
  • Ready cake can be sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  • If the leaves of the cabbage are hard, then it is best to put out a little so that it is soft in the pie.
    jelly cake recipe for mayonnaise and sour cream

A few words in conclusion

Mayonnaise pie (a recipe, and not one, is presented in the article) is quite easy to master. Soon this dish will become one of your favorites.

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