Proper cooking buckwheat

According to scientists, any cereal to one degree or another has a lot of healing properties, and in particular this applies to such cereals as buckwheat, which in terms of energy value occupies a leading position in the list compiled by a nutritionist from Japan J. Azawa. Millet comes second in his list, followed by rice, then oats and barley. Buckwheat - the culture is very ancient, it was grown in the 1st century BC. e. on the lands of present-day Russia, Altai and the southern part of Siberia are considered to be its homeland. Currently, buckwheat is mainly grown in Russia and Ukraine, as well as in Canada, where it was imported by immigrants.

Buckwheat is rich in trace elements such as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, calcium, zinc, iodine, boron, nickel and cobalt, and also contains B vitamins and vitamin PP. It has a fairly high calorie content - 307 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Buckwheat has an indisputable advantage over other types of garnish due to its excellent taste. It can be cooked, baked and stewed. It is possible to cook buckwheat in a double boiler and use it in a raw, soaked form (for fans of raw food). Buckwheat makes tasty cereals and fragrant soups, puddings, casseroles, meatballs and groats.

In cooking, it is customary to distinguish between two types of buckwheat - prodel and kernel. Crushed buckwheat kernels, the preparation time of which is only 20 minutes, are called a bait. Whole kernels are called nucleus, they boil for 30-40 minutes and increase in volume by 5 times. Buckwheat preparation should begin with a thorough washing of the cereal and selection of low-quality grains. You can not cook it in any dishes, it is best to do it in a cauldron. It is highly recommended not to use aluminum pans, as well as enameled containers. A prerequisite is the presence of a cloth closable lid for better preservation of steam.

Remember that cooking buckwheat should be done in double the amount of water, i.e., two glasses of water should be taken on a glass of cereal. Only by observing this ratio can you get friable porridge. Pre-soaking the cereal is not recommended, it is enough to thoroughly rinse it with cold water. While cooking buckwheat, stir the porridge and often open the lid is not recommended.

The recipe for buckwheat baked with mushrooms

Ingredients: 250 grams of buckwheat, 300 grams of mushrooms, 400 ml. water, onions, 60 grams of vegetable oil, 50 grams of tomato puree, parsley, ground black pepper, salt.

Cook buckwheat porridge, it should turn out friable. Rinse mushrooms, peel, cut into slices, mix with onion rings, salt, pepper, simmer until tender with oil and a small amount of liquid, add tomato puree before finishing.
When the cooking of buckwheat comes to an end, put the porridge in portioned pots, lay a layer of onion-mushroom mixture on top, level and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Buckwheat Soup Recipe

Ingredients: 2 bouillon cubes, 100 grams of buckwheat, 2 potatoes, onions, carrots, a little cabbage, butter and vegetable oil.

In a small amount of a mixture of butter and vegetable oils, fry finely chopped onions, add grated carrots to it, stew a little and add cabbage. Dilute the bouillon cubes in water, place the potatoes, diced into cubes, when the potatoes begin to boil - add washed buckwheat and vegetables. Season with salt, pepper, cook until tender, sprinkle with parsley.

Cooking buckwheat friable from kernels

Ingredients: 250 grams of cereal, 500 grams of water, salt, butter.

Wash, dry, fry the eggs in butter and pour into salty boiling water. Cook over moderate heat until all the water is absorbed. Remove from heat, wrap for 30 minutes.

Enjoy your meal.

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