Kyphotic posture: description, causes, treatment methods, reviews

The spine consists of the skeletal system, the bones are arranged in a vertical uneven order, and in the form of bends: 2 kyphosis, which are directed backward, and 2 lordoses, turned forward. The presence of deviations that can bend the spine in the thoracic region is called kyphotic posture. For it to form, it will take a long time.

What are the characteristics of kyphosis?

kyphotic posture exercises

The spine includes:

  • vertebrae;
  • bone and cartilage structures.

And all this connects the intervertebral discs.

The spine consists of 5 sections, which are formed by 33 vertebrae.

The spine is considered the central part of the skeletal system, despite this, it does not have a direct structure, but is slightly curved. This allows you to equally distribute the power and axial load on all its parts.

With kyphosis, a significant bend of the spine occurs. At the same time, his bulge looks in the opposite direction from the facial skeleton (if the bulge in the opposite direction, this is lordosis).

Kyphosis is the common name for diseases of the spine, in which the normal physiological bending of certain areas is disturbed towards an increase in the angle of convexity.

The kyphotic type of posture is divided into cervical, thoracic and lumbar. In children, kyphosis is physiological and pathological.


Kyphotic posture can be divided into several types, which are distinguished by the appearance and severity of deviations. And also, if possible, correction - passive and active, without the need for surgical intervention.

It is worth considering the main forms:

  1. Embryonic - develops even in the womb, the cause may be anomalies in the development of the neural tube. It is treated only in an operational way.
  2. Congenital form - often the cause of this kind of kyphosis is birth trauma. In the presence of deviations of not more than 30%, the disease is successfully treated.
  3. Mycobacterial - the thoracic spine is affected due to the penetration of infection into the vertebrae and intervertebral discs caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease is always difficult, restoring the normal position of the posture will not be easy, it will take a long time. Surgical treatment is sometimes used.
  4. Hereditary form - in the presence of at least one defective gene, the development of hereditary kyphosis is possible.
  5. Myotonic - there is a violation of the tone of the paravertebral muscles, which is called myotonic syndrome. A similar kyphotic posture prevails in children and adolescents.
  6. Angular view - the vertebral section is pointed up.
  7. Compression - kyphotic posture may appear against the background of injuries, fractures and other vertebral injuries.


kyphotic disturbance of posture

For the most part, a kyphotic violation of posture develops against the background of acquired ailments, but there are other factors for the development of anomalies:

  1. Deformation of the thoracic spine associated with a hereditary factor.
  2. Post-traumatic kyphoscoliotic posture is formed against the background of traumatic effects on the thoracic or lumbar spine.
  3. Rickets in childhood.
  4. Senile deformity of the chest, which occurs against a background of age-related changes - bone weakness due to excess salts, atrophic muscle changes, poor blood supply.

The normal stoop of a person can affect the position of the vertebrae. Already at this time, we can talk about the initial stage of kyphosis. You can get rid of this condition by forming the right habit of keeping your back straight.

It is possible to determine the presence of kyphosis with such a stoop in a simple way. If in the prone position the bend in the thoracic region disappears, then there is definitely no kyphosis. In the presence of bends, we can talk about the kyphotic type of posture.

Kyphosis in childhood

Kyphotic deformation of the child’s posture often develops, since the bones of the children's skeleton are still quite flexible. Vertebral fusion may be incorrect if the position of the body is constantly disturbed. In childhood, kyphotic posture develops due to rickets or birth injuries.

Sometimes the posture of a child sitting at a desk, no one is watching. The kid is trying to lean on the table with his whole body, practically lies down or leans strongly over the surface of the desk. If you do this systematically, then a defect in the spine will certainly develop.

The task of parents is to constantly monitor the position of the body of their children, and in the event of a curvature that has begun, seek medical help. This is extremely important, since in childhood it is easier to correct the curvature due to the flexibility of the bones.

What stages is kyphosis divided into and what symptoms arise in connection with this?

A total of 4 stages of the disease are shared:

  1. Stage number one. Almost does not manifest itself. Symptoms of kyphosis are also absent. The only thing that can be found is a mild violation of muscle tone and the initial manifestations of myofascial syndrome. Most often, such a kyphotic posture is manifested in a child.
  2. Second stage. Deviations from the norm reach 30-50%. Symptoms of the disease are already more visible, but you still need an x-ray of the spine to make a diagnosis. A person has a symptom of a "round back". Head tilted forward, when walking, he looks at the floor. Shoulders down, stomach sticking out.
  3. Third stage. The curvature reaches 60%. It does not disappear, even if a person with a kyphotic posture straightens his back. Permanent stoop can cause urination and bowel movements. With physical activity, shortness of breath occurs. In advanced cases, the heart and blood vessels suffer.
  4. Stage last - fourth. Deformation of the spinal column in severe form with the appearance of a hump. Such a bulge on the back cannot be corrected by orthopedic products and physical exercises. In addition, they can cause unbearable pain in the affected segment.

As a pathological condition develops in a person, the following complaints may appear:

  1. Drawing pain in the legs.
  2. If nerve damage occurs, the sensitivity of the skin decreases.
  3. Paresthesia
  4. Due to squeezing the sternum of the lungs, a breathing problem may be observed.
  5. Discomfort in the spine.
  6. Women suffer from urinary incontinence and painful menstruation.
  7. In men, this condition can even lead to impotence.

Scoliosis and kyphotic posture

Outwardly, two diseases have similar features, but nevertheless, kyphosis and scoliosis are fundamentally different:

  1. Scoliosis characterizes the deviation of the spine to the right or left.
  2. With the posture of the kyphotic type, the vertebrae bend forward or backward.

Despite the pathological condition, these phenomena cannot be called a disease. In the initial stages, they do not manifest themselves in any way (even externally) and do not disrupt the work of internal organs. Complications can begin in the exceptional neglect of kyphosis or on the background of a back injury.

Deviation Diagnosis

kyphotic posture

To make a diagnosis, you must consult a surgeon. He will prescribe a number of diagnostic measures, which are based on two methods:

  1. Visual inspection, most often it is carried out in the early stages of kyphosis.
  2. An x-ray of the lateral projection of the spine, which determines the degree of change in the vertebral bones. Most often, after this examination, surgery is prescribed.

In the advanced stages, other diagnostic measures are also used:

  1. MRI of the back.
  2. Ultrasound of the intervertebral disc to detect the presence of a hernia.
  3. Multispiral computed tomography (MSCT).
  4. Myelography is an X-ray of the pathways along which cerebrospinal fluid circulates, using a contrast medium.

Treatment methods

kyphotic posture

Therapy will be selected depending on the stage of kyphosis. The initial stage can be successfully treated with conservative methods. Massage and manual therapy will be effective. Not in the last place are exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

You can do it at home, strengthening your back muscles. Stretching and relaxing exercises are also done with kyphotic posture. Any load increases gradually, as you get used to it.


kyphotic posture in a child

Exercise therapy can correct posture in the initial stage of kyphosis. Such exercises correct the spine in adults and children.

Classes can be held at home, but first you should visit several trainings by a professional trainer in order to identify the tactics of the exercises, their sequence, so that the specialist can point out the mistakes and correct them.

If this is not done, then there is a risk of doing the exercises incorrectly, which will not only not help to correct the posture, but also add complications.

When is surgery necessary?

man with a kyphotic posture

According to doctors, conservative treatment is applicable at the initial stage of kyphosis. Conservative methods do not give a lasting result, they are used mainly to eliminate pain and stiffness in the affected segments.

At stages 3 and 4 of kyphotic posture, an operation called osteosynthesis is indicated. During surgery, a fixative metal structure is installed that permanently eliminates the mobility of certain bone structures. If the operation was successful and the patient complied with a certain established regimen, then remission can last 7-11 years.

Features of prevention in adults and children

kyphotic disturbance of posture

Kyphotic posture in rare cases is a congenital condition. If you adhere to preventive measures, you can avoid many diseases associated with the back and joints, and maintain an even posture at any age. Such measures include:

  1. You should always monitor the position of the head, shoulders and back. Especially in a sitting position and while walking.
  2. The chair and table must be selected for your own height or based on the age of the child.
  3. Be sure to include calcium and phosphorus foods in your diet.
  4. Do exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back.

Subject to preventive rules, the kyphotic type of posture can be gradually corrected, even if it was present in the initial stages. The task of parents is to monitor the position of the child’s body, respond to the slightest deformation in the back, and seek medical help in a timely manner.

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