Honey Sponge Cake Recipe: Delicious and Fast

A honey biscuit recipe is good to use for making all kinds of cakes and pastries. It should be noted that with proper mixing of the base, such a cake turns out to be very magnificent and tasty.

honey biscuit recipe

Honey sponge cake: a recipe with a photo of a finished dessert

Required Components:

  • large chicken eggs - 4-5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - a full glass;
  • flower or any other honey - 6 large spoons;
  • table soda - dessert spoon;
  • sunflower oil - for greasing dishes;
  • apple cider vinegar for quenching soda - a dessert spoon;
  • sifted white flour - 2.2 cups.

Cooking basics

The honey biscuit recipe includes only simple and affordable products. Thinking of baking such a fragrant cake, you should knead the dough well. To do this, put floral honey in a bowl and heat it over a fire so that it becomes as liquid as possible. Next, to the sweet melted component, pour sugar and completely dissolve it. After the ingredients have cooled slightly, they should lay heavily beaten chicken eggs, slaked table soda and white sifted flour. As a result of mixing all the products you should form a viscous and semi-liquid base.

sponge cake honey recipe with photo

Dish formation

The honey biscuit recipe recommends using a special mold with split sides for baking such a cake. It should be slightly heated over a fire, and then greased with oil. This procedure will prevent further adherence of the cake to the bottom of the dishes. Next, the dough, which was previously kneaded, must be completely poured into a hot mold.

Baking a pie

After the honey base is placed in a separable dish, it should be put in an oven preheated to 185 degrees. This dish is baked for about 65 minutes. But before you get the dessert out of the oven, you must pierce it with a match or a toothpick. If the base does not stick to a wooden object, then it can be safely removed from the mold.

It should be noted that such a pie can be baked not only with the oven. After all, a honey sponge cake in a slow cooker turns out no worse. In this case, the bowl of the kitchen device also needs to be greased with sunflower oil, and then put it in baking mode for the same amount of time (for 1 hour).

multicooker honey sponge cake

The final stage in the preparation of dessert

After the honey sponge cake is completely ready, it must be removed from the dishes with a spatula, and then placed on a cutting board and cool. If you used a honey biscuit recipe to create a delicious and magnificent holiday cake, then the cooled cake must be cut in half lengthwise so that in the end you get two (maybe three) thin cakes. They should be well greased with cream, and sprinkled with beautiful pastry decorations on top.

How to serve honey dessert to the table

A honey biscuit cake or regular cake should be served chilled with strong and hot tea (coffee, cocoa). With this dessert, you can pamper not only your family, but also invited guests at any holiday event.

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