Perhaps cherry jam is the most beloved for many of us since childhood. Fragrant, with whole berries, it can be eaten simply with tea, and made from it homemade fruit drinks or jelly, as well as used for filling pies. How to cook cherry jam with pits? The recipe for its preparation is exactly the one that our grandmothers used, and you will find several of its variations in our article. You just have to prepare the ingredients and get down to business.
Pitted Cherry Jam : A classic winter berry recipe
You will need these ingredients:
- 1 kilogram of fresh pitted cherries;
- 800 g of granulated sugar;
- 2 cups plain filtered water.
Wash and peel the berries from the stalks, for better cooking, you need to chop each with a match or a toothpick in several places. After they need to be blanched in hot (heated to 80-90 degrees) water for 4-5 minutes. Prepare the syrup from the indicated amount of sugar and water, dip the cherries into it for a few minutes, let stand, and then boil on the stove until cooked. It is very simple to check: take a drop of jam with a spoon and pour it on a plate, if it spreads, you need to cook a little more, if not, it's done. Pour into jars and put in a dark place for storage.
Pitted Cherry Jam: Cooking Recipe Without Water
This method is similar to the previous one, but when making jam you do not need to add water. For 1 kilogram of berries you will need the same amount of granulated sugar. In the evening, wash the cherries, dry them and put them in the cookware, then add sugar, mix and leave until morning: during this time, juice forms. After, place the dishes with berries on the stove and boil for 10 minutes, let stand for 5-6 hours (this method involves making jam in several stages), and after the indicated time, bring it to readiness. How to check it is described in the previous recipe. Pour into jars and store until winter.
Pitted Cherry Jam: A Quick and Unusual Recipe
What housewives will not come up with in order to reduce the cooking time of various dishes. So we will tell you how to make jam in ... a frying pan! If you use this recipe, your workpiece will be thick and fragrant. Take prepared berries and
granulated sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, put in a frying pan, stir and bring to a boil, in this case you do not need to add water. As soon as the berries let the juice boil, reduce the heat and fry for 25 minutes, stirring and removing the foam. Done. Can be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with lids. The only thing - remember that cherry jam should not be stored for more than a year, because the bones produce
hydrocyanic acid, which is extremely dangerous for health. The same applies, for example, to the storage of supplies from plums with pits. By the way, the taste and aroma of our workpiece is repeatedly mentioned in literature and songs, for example: “And century after century is dissolved in the cycle of fuss. And you are terribly busy - you eat cherry jam ...” (author Mikhail Shcherbakov, “Cherry jam”). That's how dessert can become an object of creativity, it was not for nothing that we mentioned that this is one of the most beloved delicacies of adults and children. Try to cook it in the winter with a fragrant cake with filling, it can be proudly put on the festive table, especially on a children's holiday or birthday. Now you know how to cook cherry jam with pits, and you can understand that cooking it is no more difficult than jam or jam from other berries.