Meat jellied

Jellied meat is a traditional cold dish on any holiday table for many years.

It is decorated in a variety of ways: green peas, roses made from vegetables, sliced ​​lime, boiled eggs, sprigs of greens, lemon, etc. You can, of course, do without decorating, but the decorated and appetizingly decorated jellied meat on the table looks much more solemn .

So, we offer you such a jellied meat recipe.

You need:

Veal or beef - half a kilo,

parsley greens;

parsley and celery roots - 40 g each;

vegetable oil;


2 boiled chicken eggs;

To prepare meat jelly, take: 1 kilogram of beef bones, one onion, one carrot, 40 g of gelatin, 2 bay leaves, 2 buds of cloves, 10 peas of allspice, salt.

So, we begin to make aspic from meat.

Cut the flesh of veal or beef into rather large pieces and slightly add salt. Then fry it with half the norm of the roots in a frying pan in oil or in some other fat. Then we put the pan with meat (you can also shift it into a special one in the form) in a hot oven, pour it on top with the oil in which the meat was fried. In the oven, bring the meat to full readiness.

In order to cook jelly, you need to cook in a pan a broth of beef bones, whole onions, carrots and the rest of the roots of celery and parsley roots. To make the broth transparent, do not close the lid tightly.

Then we soak the gelatin in cold boiled water and leave it for a while to swell, as indicated on the package.

After this, the ready-made broth is slightly cooled and the already swollen gelatin is poured there. Mix everything thoroughly, put peppercorns, β€œlavrushka”, clove buds, salt to taste and bring to a boil again.

Cool and filter the broth through a fine sieve. We take out the finished beef from the oven, cut into equal thin slices. We lay out the prepared meat slices on portioned plates or in one roomy dish. Around we put slices of boiled chicken in a steep egg, parsley leaves, circles of boiled carrots. Pour prepared jelly. We remove the ready-made aspic from the meat for freezing in the refrigerator. Serve this dish to the table is one of the first dishes, when the filler is still solid and has not melted.

If you want to cook something original, then we will tell you how to cook aspic from meat in an egg shell.

To prepare eggs, it is required to make small holes on the egg from the sharp end with a spoon or knife through which to pour the contents of the egg, which can be used for baking or for scrambled eggs. The remaining shell must be washed well under running cold water and then dried. For 30 shells you will need 500 g of meat, 300 g of cooked sausage, 60 g of gelatin, one sweet red pepper, greens.

Boil the meat, and strain the resulting broth thoroughly. Gelatin is recommended to soak in half a glass of water. The meat needs to be cut into small pieces, you can also cut it into fibers. Cooked sausage should be cut into small cubes. Pepper also needs to be cut into small cubes. Rinse greens, dry a little and cut into twigs. In pre-prepared eggshells , carefully place the pepper, small sprigs of herbs, sausage and meat.

Dissolve already swollen gelatin in strained boiling broth. Pour the prepared eggshells with hot broth with dissolved gelatin. Put in the refrigerator for freezing overnight. In the morning, peel the aspic from the meat like ordinary boiled eggs.

Serve directly from the refrigerator, because the eggs may melt. We can say that this dish may well decorate any holiday table.

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